The Continued Islamization of America............

wellendowed1911's Avatar
So your standard is if hyenas do it it must be ok for humans?

I take it all back. You've convinced me. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Do you want a ceremony and some flowers sprinkled around the animals before they are slaughtered??? Or do you want the animals to be given a peaceful lethal injection to put the to sleep and than the can be slaughtered?
Take your grief up with God- if you are some conservative "Christian" with so much compassion and values- than ask God why he gave Moses those standards as they were put in the Old Testament.
By the way remember Jesus was a practicing Jew so more than likely he used the same customs when he consumed meat- and back in the days it was having the animal alive and than cutting his throat to maximize the most blood to be drained- again if you like the traditions pray to your "conservative" God and blame him for giving Moses those dietary rules- again the islamic tradition is nearly identical to the Judeo tradition. Are better yet would it been better if we just put a bullet into the animals dome??? You are for gun rights aren't you?
joe bloe's Avatar
Do you want a ceremony and some flowers sprinkled around the animals before they are slaughtered??? Or do you want the animals to be given a peaceful lethal injection to put the to sleep and than the can be slaughtered?
Take your grief up with God- if you are some conservative "Christian" with so much compassion and values- than ask God why he gave Moses those standards as they were put in the Old Testament.
By the way remember Jesus was a practicing Jew so more than likely he used the same customs when he consumed meat- and back in the days it was having the animal alive and than cutting his throat to maximize the most blood to be drained- again if you like the traditions pray to your "conservative" God and blame him for giving Moses those dietary rules- again the islamic tradition is nearly identical to the Judeo tradition. Are better yet would it been better if we just put a bullet into the animals dome??? You are for gun rights aren't you? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The current method of American slaughterhouses is using a bolt gun on the animal's skull. It fires a bolt into the brain, which results in instantaneous death. It is very similar to "putting a bullet in the animal's dome" as you suggested.

My only desire is that the animal's suffering be minimized; I don't think that's unreasonable.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So your standard is if hyenas do it it must be ok for humans?

I take it all back. You've convinced me. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe Bloe you just opened up a can of worms- so your point was that it's an inhumane way to kill an animal correct? So are you for banning assault rifles and high powered weapons? Because let's face it there are some high powered weapons-trust me i know because I own some that can literally put a hole the size of a grapefruit in a person correct? There are some weapons that can literally blow a person's head off too correct? But according to your logic owning a gun of that magnitude should be wrong because blowing a person's head literally off or putting a hole the size of a grapefruit is such an inhumane way for a person to die isn't it? I mean just like those poor animals having their throat slit and bleeding to death is just awful so I assume a compassionate conservative like you with all your "christian" values sees no pint in me owning a gun that can literally blow another mans head off because that is inhumane right?
What side of the fence do you want to stand on?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The current method of American slaughterhouses is using a bolt gun on the animal's skull. It fires a bolt into the brain, which results in instantaneous death. It is very similar to "putting a bullet in the animal's dome" as you suggested.

My only desire is that the animal's suffering be minimized; I don't think that's unreasonable. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So again is what your Conservative God put in the Bible wrong? Because you do understand that during Moses and Jesus days there were no "bolt" guns correct? You do realize that Jewish tradition from the days of Moses to Abraham to Jesus the way they slaughtered animals was exactly the way shown in the video they cut the animals jugular- also in case you wanted to know the tradition in both Judaism and Islam states that you must kill with one slit- again the purpose is too remove as much blood as possible. When Jesus and the disciples ate meat you realize they didn't go to the local butcher store or Krogers to purchase the meet nor did they have a bolt gun- ore than likely they slit the animals throat according to Jewish customs correct? So I take it the "American" way of shooting the animal in the head with a bolt gun goes against Judeo Christian teachings- so whose right God or the conservative compassionate people like you? I stand behind what God wants- but people like you find it so cruel and inhumane and my point of using the Hyena reference is this type of things are even worse happens in nature- so why does it bother you?
Do you think when Lions go on a kill they are concerned if a deer still has a young one to nurse??? Should we demonize hyenas and try to make them extinct because when they kill they start to feast and eat away at the animals even when it's still alive? Grow a backbone joe! Joe you must be a member of PETA????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe Bloe you just opened up a can of worms- so your point was that it's an inhumane way to kill an animal correct? So are you for banning assault rifles and high powered weapons? Because let's face it there are some high powered weapons-trust me i know because I own some that can literally put a hole the size of a grapefruit in a person correct? There are some weapons that can literally blow a person's head off too correct? But according to your logic owning a gun of that magnitude should be wrong because blowing a person's head literally off or putting a hole the size of a grapefruit is such an inhumane way for a person to die isn't it? I mean just like those poor animals having their throat slit and bleeding to death is just awful so I assume a compassionate conservative like you with all your "christian" values sees no pint in me owning a gun that can literally blow another mans head off because that is inhumane right?
What side of the fence do you want to stand on? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Arguing ethical questions is always a slippery slope; it's always a question of where do you draw the line.

I have no problem with killing someone in self defense. I have no problem with nuking Hiroshima or fire bombing Dresden.

If someone is trying to kill me or my family, I'm perfectly fine with blowing his head off. Having said that, cows and sheep are not trying to kill me (except maybe by clogging my arteries). Its not a matter of kill or be killed.

Some people say that hunting is inhumane; I don't. If you don't hunt deer, they overpopulate and starve to death. So it's arguable that hunting is actually more humane than not hunting.

I'm just saying that trying to be kind to animals is a legimate issue and we should try to be compassionate.
joe bloe's Avatar
IT'S A DAMN TURKEY! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your avatar is an ironic choice given your clear lack of concern for the suffering of turkeys
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First they came for the turkeys, but I did not speak up because I was not a turkey. Then they came for the chickens, and I did not speak up because I was not a chicken. Then they came for the cows, but I did not speak up because I was not a cow. Then they came for me, and by this time I was pretty hungry.
joe bloe's Avatar
Actually 1401 years, since 610 AD. We've been fighting these bastards for a long time. Muslims ruled over Spain for seven hundred years before they were finally overturned.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Arguing ethical questions is always a slippery slope; it's always a question of where do you draw the line.

I have no problem with killing someone in self defense. I have no problem with nuking Hiroshima or fire bombing Dresden.

If someone is trying to kill me or my family, I'm perfectly fine with blowing his head off. Having said that, cows and sheep are not trying to kill me (except maybe by clogging my arteries). Its not a matter of kill or be killed.

Some people say that hunting is inhumane; I don't. If you don't hunt deer, they overpopulate and starve to death. So it's arguable that hunting is actually more humane than not hunting.

I'm just saying that trying to be kind to animals is a legimate issue and we should try to be compassionate. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Nice way too try to wiggle out- overpopulation of deers are going to cause them to starve? Really? So are you saying the deers won't have enough shrub and grass to eat? So is killing them the only solution? how about adding more predators to the area where they are overpopulated or how about placing them in different areas where they are not over populated? And since you opened a can of worms- rodents nor roaches are not trying to kill you either but I am pretty sure you have used pesticide before have you not? And both rodents and roaches have been on this planet longer than we have? Have you gone fishing before- they are not bothering you or they? And don't give me this bullshit that you go fishing because if you didn't you would starve.

I see you dodge the question on whether in your Conservative Bible does it say to cut an animals throat before you eat it?

You didn't answer the question on whether or not Jesus and his disciples used a bolt gun or whether they cut the animals throat according to Jewish traditions?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, How does the "American" way of turkey slaughter differ from the Muslim way, and why is our way better?
joe bloe's Avatar
Ok, How does the "American" way of turkey slaughter differ from the Muslim way, and why is our way better? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have no idea how we kill turkeys. I'm probably totally hypocritcal in my view's concerning animal cruelty.

I'm less concerned with the suffering of animals of lower intelligence than I am with the suffering of more intelligent animals. It's all completely arbitrary.

We Americans are shocked when we discover that dogs and cats are commonly considered to be a perfectly acceptable food source all over the world.

Why are pigs, sheep and cows (and for that matter turkeys) any less deserving of our compassion than dogs and cats. I think we feel obligated to show kindness to those species that are the most cute and cuddly.

I'm convinced that a big part of our fondness for dolphins is due to the fact that they appear to have a perpetual smile; if they were cursed with an apparent frown we'd probably hate them.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I have no idea how we kill turkeys. I'm probably totally hypocritcal in my view's concerning animal cruelty.

I'm less concerned with the suffering of animals of lower intelligence than I am with the suffering of more intelligent animals. It's all completely arbitrary.

We Americans are shocked when we discover that dogs and cats are commonly considered to be a perfectly acceptable food source all over the world.

Why are pigs, sheep and cows (and for that matter turkeys) any less deserving of our compassion than dogs and cats. I think we feel obligated to show kindness to those species that are the most cute and cuddly.

I'm convinced that a big part of our fondness for dolphins is due to the fact that they appear to have a perpetual smile; if they were cursed with an apparent frown we'd probably hate them. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Isn't cutting their throat(jugular) a quick and painless death WTF are you talking about? Again that was the reason why I was showing you the Hyena video they were eating the animal alive- literally eating the animals guts out while the animal was in a state of shock- most predatory animals like lions, tigers, cheetahs chase the prey down grab on to the neck until the animal suffocates- once they are dead they consume the animal- hyenas- crocs and alligators play by different rules- it's nature. Compassion for animals- what do you think happens when insects comes in contact with insecticides???
How do you think Drug manufacturers know when their drug has serious side effects- you do know their are "innocent" animals that gets exposed to the drugs first. Chemical warfare weapons you do realize they expose it to animals first?? The more you the more I will conclude you belong to PETA- what a shame!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Killing an animal for something other than food or protection is a serious matter, and indicates a propensity toward violence that could be perpetrated on humans. However, slaughtering an animal for food is a different matter. It is going to be cruel no matter what. But there was nothing in that video that I didn't see when I visited the Excel plant in Dodge City. And I still love steak.

I just don't know what difference it makes if the animal is slaughtered in accordance with Muslim law. Unless it is unnecessarily more cruel, or more expensive, I don't really care.

Islamization is a serious issue. You people are turning it into a cartoon by including turkey slaughtering as part of the conspiracy.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I have no idea how we kill turkeys. I'm probably totally hypocritcal in my view's concerning animal cruelty.

I'm less concerned with the suffering of animals of lower intelligence than I am with the suffering of more intelligent animals. It's all completely arbitrary.

We Americans are shocked when we discover that dogs and cats are commonly considered to be a perfectly acceptable food source all over the world.

Why are pigs, sheep and cows (and for that matter turkeys) any less deserving of our compassion than dogs and cats. I think we feel obligated to show kindness to those species that are the most cute and cuddly.

I'm convinced that a big part of our fondness for dolphins is due to the fact that they appear to have a perpetual smile; if they were cursed with an apparent frown we'd probably hate them. Originally Posted by joe bloe
by the way Joe Bloe you mention you are less concerned about animals of lesser intelligence than animals of higher intelligence- I hope you know that Cows are one of the dumbest animals on the planet and actually cockroaches and ants have a higher intelligence than cows. Pigs on the other hand very smart.