Too much information

No need, your face is your avatar.... Originally Posted by ambernhouston
True, but a human would have to search through the 24yo blondes and pick out my face, rather than type the work "Certified" into a database and just pick from the few providers that have that tat. A friend of mine in LE told me they go for the easiest identifications first.
rachet3375's Avatar
Yep. Guys don't seem to care much about being discreet yet DEMAND we protect them. It goes both ways. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I don't like being lumped into a category any more than you ladies do. I always ask if they want a review because it should be their choice unless the session went badly due to their actions (rarely happens btw). If a review is requested then public info is very discreet and any pics that are included are ones they sanctioned. I care as much for their privacy as much as I care for my own. So no generalizations please, there are a lot of good guys here on the board as well as a lot of classy ladies.
Thank you, thank you vury much.
I have seen some posters revealing upcoming sessions on maybe a certain day, lack of some discretion is not limited to just reviews. I know it's hard to back track on some of the rules but they maybe trying.

Somethings are really limiting good participation in threads and reviews.

I like reviews but not so sure I want many here as I once did.
I prefer to not be reviewed further. Because, rarely do things change THAT much. And those things like for example, BDSM services are seldom mentioned ( in my case NEVER mentioned or reviewed). I FEEL this selective reviewing is a huge injustice if you hold to that "this is a info sharing board" that folks in a debate jam always seem to FALL back on. Yeah I get it but there is a demand for OTHER and folks need to know how it goes and where to find it. This is just an example.

I also know of folks who will only review a certain types of ladies. Maybe to maintain a certain reputation. Don't know, don't care. But again isnt this kinda slighted?

There are so many tricks n tips and hidden agendas, I am just not interested in being a part of via reviews.

Too much info? Well the reviewer can never REALLY know what is too much info.
Example: if a reviewer happens to mention something like they made their date into a ice cream Sunday date- but she had to have caramel because she hates chocolate syrup and is allergic to strawberries,butterscotch, oreos, nuts... whatever. This along with the day ,duration, approx local and physical description details , maybe even a pic the lady has up somewhere, on the review...this could be WAY MORE then enough to out said lady if someone who knows her happens to be looking on .

No none of those things are too much. But add it all up, well even add up the NON- BCD and a BOMB somewhere goes BOOM!

You would be surprised what every day people know or pay attention to if they find a lady co-worker or whatever attractive. It's like they store the info in case they see a IN one day,lol.

**What if the lady had a heart shaped birth mark on her upper inner thigh? How long would it be before someone mentioned it? hummm
Guys shouldn't mention your specific tatoos. For example, if you have a butterfly tatoo on your arm, it's best to just say "tatoo on arm" you should leave out anything that will give away a persons identity.
No need, your face is your avatar.... Originally Posted by ambernhouston

But yes I think if you don't want certain things in reviews such as identifiable tats etc. you should make it clear to the guy and he should respect you.