"Believing Rights Come From God, not Government, Unites Christians." Says MSNBC Guest.

HoHound's Avatar
Churches and Governments are both corrupt. God is flawless, the divine. I support separation of church and state as well. There's a simple reason why "inalienable rights" are better. Inalienable rights refer to fundamental rights that are not transferable and are impossible to take away, because they are bestowed by a higher power. Government granted rights can be taken away at any time, and always have been taken away eventually according to human history. Look at countries like China and North Korea as examples. The United States is the only country that has inalienable rights. This was a gift from our founders to us and should be cherished. Inalienable rights trump overreaching, tyrannical, power hungry governments. These rights bestowed upon us by a higher power should be supported regardless of your religious on non-religious ideology. It is naive to believe that your government would never suspend any of your rights. Governments despise inalienable rights because they can't take them away from you. If your government despises inalienable rights, then you should be grateful to have them.
ICU 812's Avatar
I find it ironic - again - that people who refuse to trust government out of the belief it only wishes to control the masses will look to God to keep them in check.

There's never been a more scheme to control the masses than organized religion.

Not even close. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
In the United States in the 18th Century and now in the 21st, one is free to believe, or disbelieve in any way one thinks is best. I whole heartedly support that.

All subjects of the English monarchs were forced to contribute to The Church of England (Anglican) . The Catholic Church and about any other sect were suppressed by the government. Any other non-Christian form of worship was even more strictly forbidden.

These sorts of suppression and persecution of religious practice by the government lead directly to both New World settlements, with the Pilgrims at at Plymouth and the Puritans at Boston in the early 1600s.

In the 20th Century, that is what lead my father to leve is family and homeland in
Eastern Europe and come to America in 1935.

[That sort of oppression is what the few words in the First Amendment were meant to address.
Churches and Governments are both corrupt. God is flawless, the divine. I support separation of church and state as well. There's a simple reason why "inalienable rights" are better. Inalienable rights refer to fundamental rights that are not transferable and are impossible to take away, because they are bestowed by a higher power. Government granted rights can be taken away at any time, and always have been taken away eventually according to human history. Look at countries like China and North Korea as examples. The United States is the only country that has inalienable rights. This was a gift from our founders to us and should be cherished. Inalienable rights trump overreaching, tyrannical, power hungry governments. These rights bestowed upon us by a higher power should be supported regardless of your religious on non-religious ideology. It is naive to believe that your government would never suspend any of your rights. Governments despise inalienable rights because they can't take them away from you. If your government despises inalienable rights, then you should be grateful to have them. Originally Posted by HoHound
That's very true. You did a good job with this post.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I find it ironic - again - that people who refuse to trust government out of the belief it only wishes to control the masses... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Seems you have a shortage of phalanges to count up all of the first 10 Amendments, plus the 85 Federalist papers, to see that trusting a Federal government was exactly what they were most concerned about.
DNinja69's Avatar
God. Government. Grey Poupon.

I don't care where you believe our rights originated so long as the idea is that everyone shares the same rights.

Freedom does not mean dictating others personal choices or persecuting them for a difference of opinion.
I like the gop and religion. That's where all the sexual scandals come from
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Yep. This is ultimately what separates them (whoever "us" is) from intelligent people. BELIEVING SILLY FAIRY TALE BULLSHIT (god) Originally Posted by TechPapi
Bet ya a buck that it says - In God We Trust - on the back of that buck.
Wanna try a twenty? How 'bout a Hundo?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bet ya a buck that it says - In God We Trust - on the back of that buck.
Wanna try a twenty? How 'bout a Hundo? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So are you trying to say “Money Talks?”

What’s the point? That America is a Juedo-Christian theocracy because our currency mentions God?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What’s the point? .. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
On this planet, in our country, the phrase likely originates from the Star Spangled Banner:
...The motto “In God we trust” was inspired by the fourth verse of America’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The line reads: “Then conquer we must, when our cause is just, and this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.'”...
Other than that and so much more, it is also our National Motto in this here country on this here planet. Ipso facto; you should know that from elementary school civics class if you are from this planet. What planet are you from bruh?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I agree. Organized religion is and has been ripe with corruption throughout history. Originally Posted by Jackie S
While the framers found it prudent to cover it in the very First amendment, they went on to produce some 85 Federalist papers warning about the dangers of a centralized, over-reaching and tyrannical Federal government. Go figure.
txdot-guy's Avatar
While the framers found it prudent to cover it in the very First amendment, they went on to produce some 85 Federalist papers warning about the dangers of a centralized, over-reaching and tyrannical Federal government. Go figure. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Compared to all the other tyrannical centralized governments out there we’re way down at the bottom of the list. If you want to start complaining about tyranny why don’t you start with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan or any number of countries in south asia and africa.

We’re certainly not perfect but at least we get some say in electing the people who represent us. It’s not pretty but at least if everyone plays by the same rules and standards and just as important agrees with the results our system works.
DNinja69's Avatar
Sorry but I don't live or pay taxes to any of those other nations and generally do not embrace the word TYRANNY to describe America but when you think about the lack of say we get in who represents us it does apply on some level.

We are divided to such a degree that neither God nor Government can change the course of events to come. Money and power will continue to work against individuals and favor those who make decisions about who will be on the ballot long before any of us have a chance to cast a vote for or against them.

Trump was once a beacon of light to see beyond the old boys club turns out he just wanted to sit at the head of the table.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Sorry but I don't live or pay taxes to any of those other nations and generally do not embrace the word TYRANNY to describe America but when you think about the lack of say we get in who represents us it does apply on some level.

We are divided to such a degree that neither God nor Government can change the course of events to come. Money and power will continue to work against individuals and favor those who make decisions about who will be on the ballot long before any of us have a chance to cast a vote for or against them.

Trump was once a beacon of light to see beyond the old boys club turns out he just wanted to sit at the head of the table. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Until we produce a better version of democracy let’s try not to blow up the system we’ve got.

Our system is not perfect but it’s better than most.
Until we produce a better version of democracy let’s try not to blow up the system we’ve got.

Our system is not perfect but it’s better than most. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
... Agreed, mate. ...

### Salty
TechPapi's Avatar
Until we produce a better version of democracy let’s try not to blow up the system we’ve got.

Our system is not perfect but it’s better than most. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
... Agreed, mate. ...
### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

This is some great agreement! Maybe Salty should go try getting that better version down underneath or wherever they talk fake pirate!