Depression & Suicide

Very sorry for your loss, you will be in my thoughts. It appears you and your friends are dealing with your losses as healthy as possible though. Good luck and Stay Strong!!
Thanks guys. If you know anyone who is depressed, please reach out to them. It's the ones that you least expect. In my experience, those in my life who have taken their own lives, never mentioned they were feeling that way. But there are signs to watch out for. I think everyone should research it so they know what to look for.
So sorry to hear that Jillian. You are obviously a really strong person for being able to talk about it openly and honestly. I think you're doing a great thing for a great cause, and I'm sure your loved ones would appreciate everything you're doing to bring awareness to this issue. Keep your head up girl!
planojim's Avatar
Sincere condolences regarding your losses Jillian! Being open about this, and offering alternate solutions to others, shows what a great lady you really are!
Thank you. I really hope that I can make people think twice before they decide to do something so permanent.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Sorry to hear this Jillian. My sincere condolences.
Thanks Luke. <3
Thank you JP....I lost an Uncle to this who lived next door to his daughter , my cousin is talking crazy and in the same direction. Keep your head up!
Keep an eye on them and remind them of how much you love them. Every day. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help Eva. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
Ray007's Avatar
Very sorry for the loss of your friend JP. Not a doctor but have been around family and friends who suffer from depression. There are different types and names but it is all the same. Biplar Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), PTSD. Symptoms: Anxiety, difficulty in sleeping, low energy and fatigue, low self-esteem, irritability, spending large amounts of money,tremendous energy,hyperactivity,outbursts of anger, increased sexual activity. Just thought I'd share some pointers. It really is a serious disease and there is help.
Thank you so much for sharing!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 07-21-2014, 05:10 PM
I've dealt with many suicides and attempted suicides in the last 4 years. Two of which were military buddies of mine. Loss is never easy. *hugs*

I usually make donations to Suicide Prevention and awareness organizations.
I'm sorry ~Ze~!! I worry about my friends in the military as well. Unfortunately PTSD can lead to suicide. There's not much we can do, as it is in that persons hands, not yours, except raise awareness and let people know how much you care for them. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to that has similar experiences.
I have posted about this once before in one of the national forums. Almost 20yrs ago when i was a teenager my mother shot and killed herself in the next room from me. She suffered from deprssion for many years before it was more socially accepted and discussed openly like this. That was a life changing event in many ways, some obvious and some not so obvious.

Besides learning to cope with the initial trauma and shock and the lingering moments of anxiety when I hear loud popping noises (the 4th of July has never been the same), I learned that I could survive anything. Most importantly, I learned that no amount of love, support or affection can save anyone who is truly disturbed by the demons that take over a depressed person's mind. They need extensive professional help and even that does not guarantee success.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the body just like diabetes is. Without the proper exchange of chemicals the brain will start to malfunction even on a minor level and possibly snowball into much bigger issues. Yes it's important to support those you care for who are feeling hopeless, but the best thing you can do for them is convince them to get help for their depression. Tell them to get professional help and direct them to a CRISIS COUNSELOR or the nearest emergency room.

I am a strong proponent of temporary medication to treat depression. A short regiment of an anti-depressant can help to lift the spirits of a severely depressed person enough to help them start changing their depressive behaviors and habits amd eventually live without the chemical stabilizers, just like a type 2 diabetic can change their diet and lifestyle to avoid insulin dependence. Some depressed people need a permanent chemical stabilizer but, again, some diabetics also need a permanent chemical stabilizer. Its the exact same concept.

Sorry to ramble, I have had very intense dealings with suicide in the last 20yrs both personally and professionally. Yes, love a and support are very important of course but a suicidal person HAS to get the proper professional treatment from qualified specialists over a long period of time in order to stay hopeful about their life and their future. Just my two cents.

To Jillian, stay strong and rememeber the good times. As crazy as it sounds, everything DOES happen for a reason. You may not know that reason for years and years to come but someday you will see it.

Chin up, grasshopper.
Thank you for sharing that. You're right though, no matter how much you tell someone you love them, they need professional help. And I know I am not qualified to provide that.