It’s a sad day in America. North Carolina’s Amendment One has passed

Gotyour6's Avatar
So it’s begun. The retarded Republicans are already making the 2012 election about gay marriage and abortion. I guess they just like losing. Morons!

Who cares? Like I always say, as long as they aren’t making it mandatory, I couldn't care less if people are/want to be gay. Make it a legal union and move on. Though I have no problem with the gay and lesbian community and I abhor the evangelical Christians, the G & L lobby are on the fringe on this one along with their nemesis’s the evangelical Christians.

Not to be a grammar nazi LOL but by capitalizing State (where I bolded it above) means the Nation State not the individual state, thereby making the statement blatantly untrue. A state cannot dictate the laws of the State. It seems a small distinction, but it isn’t. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
There ya go nazi
Af-Freakin's Avatar
so civil unions (as posted) are not legal either? Is that true? How do they define civil union? If I decide to get into contracts with another partner (whoever that is) for whatever reason, how can they make it "illegal". It`s my problem who I put in my will or insurance or house benefits, right? Originally Posted by ninasastri

do u prefer 2 have sex with women or men?
As the New York Times report noted, experts in family law have said the language of Amendment One is worded so poorly, it wouldn't just ban marriages and civil unions for same-sex couples, "it could also apply to the more than 150,000 straight couples in the state who live together but are unmarried. This could invalidate domestic-violence protections, undercut child custody arrangements and jeopardize hospital visiting rights."
North Carolinians, by a wide margin, apparently didn't care.
Or more accurately, most North Carolinians. The Charlotte Observer added that the amendment lost in the state's largest areas, including Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Raleigh, and Durham -- it lost by a four-to-one margin in the famed Research Triangle -- but the results were entirely one-sided just about everywhere else.
Quote: "ST54 - How about the Equal Protection clause?"

Quote: "
Yes indeed, the 14th Amendment:
No State shall... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Since homosexuals are "persons" they cannot be denied equality."


"That's precisely why the amendment passed - the media and the public kept saying, "Ban gay marriage" versus what else it would do such as "ban straight domestic partnerships / commonlaw relationships".
Were it reported about that instead of just "gay marriage", I believe the outcome would have been a bit different."
so civil unions (as posted) are not legal either? Is that true? How do they define civil union? If I decide to get into contracts with another partner (whoever that is) for whatever reason, how can they make it "illegal". It`s my problem who I put in my will or insurance or house benefits, right? Originally Posted by ninasastri
CanIPlayToo’s right, it is the law in a few states, but alas, we were founded by Puritans and it still shows unfortunately.

Hence the old saying about our "two party system", one's evil, the others stupid.

I got tired of pointing out their lunacy on a number of "conservative" blogs, though it was funny that some accused me of being a "paid Obama agitator" for my trouble! Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Dogmatics kill me. It's just beyond them to think that there is a vast majority in the middle that can think for themselves and distinguish between party platform and good ideas/legislation.

i aint so sure repubes were makin it an issue. this state wuz the 31st 2 pass a const. amend. seems President Obama & Vice President Biden made it an issue by talking about it b4 tues. election. i wish hed leave it alone. what part of 61% duz he not understand. he gotta b more careful. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
The Republicans always make gay marriage and abortion issues. The Republicans are the party of fear. Not to say the Democrats, the party of the great give away, are any better.

There ya go nazi Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Not sure what you mean here, but I was referring to the author or the article. I would think a professional journalist would know the difference between State and state. So either he cannot write well or they are trying to incite the reader into thinking the reach of the law is more significant than it is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh Olivia I am so disappointed. Didn't you know that the R ward is not longer acceptable and you used it... you now have to apologize and grovel. Not my rules but the new rules of civil debate. Sorry.

You know you can complain all you want, and throw out ridiculous charges (Nazi???) but you will have to admit that the people of any state have a right to pass any law they want. They could pass a constutitional amendment that everyone has to wear a clown nose and it is legal as long as EVERYONE is subject to the law equally and doesn't go against anyone's religious beliefs. The people have spoken in this state and so many others. Gay marriage does not win if the people have a say. It is not hatred, it is standards.
Learn perspective.

When civil rights were taking off the jim crow laws came in as a political suckup to scared bigots. These anti-gay laws are the same short lived bs that always happens about a decade before there's official acceptance and about 2 decades before there's common cultural acceptance.

Cultural evolution isn't about learning new ways to think, it's about waiting for old people with old thoughts to DIE. (or at least not be in charge of anything)

They don't like gay people. They have control of a large voting block, so politicians make laws to restrict gay people to get voter support. That's how it works. Think in terms of the sex industry. Exact same shit, except that there's not a segment of human trafficking smearing the gay lifestyle.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
They don't like gay people. They have control of a large voting block, so politicians make laws to restrict gay people to get voter support. That's how it works. Think in terms of the sex industry. Exact same shit, except that there's not a segment of human trafficking smearing the gay lifestyle. Originally Posted by jackbeingbad

marriage is guvmint regulation ov a personal relationship. how can not wanting the guvmint 2 regulate gays b hate? in the sex industry we want less regulation not more. seems hateful 2 me 2 want 2 regulate gay relationships. there exists no benefits in marriage that u cant set up outside marriage. why do u think so few gays get married in states dat permit it.

its OK wit us that u luv 2 butt-fuck dudes, thats ur preference. ur welcome here even though ura faggot. no hate here even tho we dont hava section 4 male escorts.
The G&L community could get "civil union" legislation passed in most states within a year. Polls show a civil union bill would have passed overwhelmingly in North Carolina.

But the intent of the G&L community leadership is to destroy the nature of marriage as being between a man and woman.
boardman's Avatar
Good for NC. They are exercising the freedom to choose as a state what they want their state to be. That's the reason for the 10th amendment.. If the people of the state want to define marriage as being a union between a man and a woman then that is their right. If someone in NC is opposed to that they are free to move to MA, get married and live out the rest of their lives in peace among people who believe as they do.
There are at least 38 states that have passed some form of law against gay marriage or for heterosexual marriage. If a Constitutional Convention were opened tomorrow there would be enough states to pass an amendment that would define marriage as being one man one woman.

The sad day will come when the Federal Gov't does something to try to nullify the individual state laws that have passed.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-09-2012, 12:38 PM
Good for NC. They are exercising the freedom to choose as a state what they want their state to be. That's the reason for the 10th amendment.. If the people of the state want to define marriage as being a union between a man and a woman then that is their right. If someone in NC is opposed to that they are free to move to MA, get married and live out the rest of their lives in peace among people who believe as they do.
There are at least 38 states that have passed some form of law against gay marriage or for heterosexual marriage. If a Constitutional Convention were opened tomorrow there would be enough states to pass an amendment that would define marriage as being one man one woman.

The sad day will come when the Federal Gov't does something to try to nullify the individual state laws that have passed. Originally Posted by boardman
I can't wait 'till they make it illegal for different races to marry. Which state do you think will be the first to take us back to the good ole days boardman? Mississppi or Texas?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course the Jim Crow laws were passed by democrats. Lets not forget their history.
I can't wait 'till they make it illegal for different races to marry. Which state do you think will be the first to take us back to the good ole days boardman? Mississppi or Texas? Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I can't wait 'till they make it illegal for different races to marry. Which state do you think will be the first to take us back to the good ole days boardman? Mississppi or Texas? Originally Posted by WTF
Tried that. It didn't work. Still, marriage was invented to make the transfer of property from generation to generation easier. There must be a better way. I'd like to see the state out of the marriage business. Leave that to the church. If a church wants to celebrate gay marriage, go ahead. If not, fine.

pyramider's Avatar
Why don't homosexuals get to be miserable as the heterosexuals?

I know the family law attorneys want the homosexuals to be allowed to marry. The first couple in VT already got divorced.