PiperPosh's Avatar
Go to one of the Male Clinics around town and get prescribed the dick injections used by male pornstars, "Tri-Mix". They will give you an in-house trial to figure out how strong to make your prescription, which you can always adjust...Yes, you do have to 'stick' your dick with the injector (it's easy, do this at the beginning of the session because your dick will be ROCK HARD within 5 mins and you don't want to inject early and have to walk around with a 2 hr boner beforehand, that can be embarrassing, trust me) and you may have to use the antidote if a quick retreat is needed...lol

The shit is expensive but AMAZING and the only thing that works for me when I need a boost from time to time or I want a 4 hour hard on, which is quite often, I like overnights...Lmao Originally Posted by ManSlut
Um, no way am I doing an overnight with you...lol...
You might want to warn providers beforehand that they will likely be sporting an extra wide vagina by the time you're done with them.
Um, no way am I doing an overnight with you...lol...
You might want to warn providers beforehand that they will likely be sporting an extra wide vagina by the time you're done with them. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
Best compliment ever, lol.
Sounds a lot better than I'd have thought. How long is it effective? One thing I like about Cialis is you've got like 24 hours. If I can give myself a shot and still play hours later it may be worth it. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
It doesn't work that way. It isn't recommended (by my urologist) to keep it hard for more than two hours, but I've heard of guys going longer. Once you inject, it becomes hard, stays that way (even after you cum) until it wears off. For me it's about 60-80 minutes.
TheEccie214's Avatar
It doesn't work that way. It isn't recommended (by my urologist) to keep it hard for more than two hours, but I've heard of guys going longer. Once you inject, it becomes hard, stays that way (even after you cum) until it wears off. For me it's about 60-80 minutes. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Thanks for the clarification. Think until I really need it I'll stay with the pills.
I do testosterone injections every week. I give them to myself. My T level was about where yours was. In Dec my T level was 892. An 18 yo's is usually around 1200. I am 62. Then downside is you wanna fuck every woman insight. I think I am close 100 providers in the past 2 1/2 years and that doesn't count the ones I have seen more often. The other benefit is you don't have to worry about rolling out of bed due to the kickstand you will be sporting.
It doesn't work that way. It isn't recommended (by my urologist) to keep it hard for more than two hours, but I've heard of guys going longer. Once you inject, it becomes hard, stays that way (even after you cum) until it wears off. For me it's about 60-80 minutes. Originally Posted by Prolongus

I have a friend who has had to go to the ER twice due to the injection. It would not go down and they had to insert a needle and draw off the blood.
Low T really kills the libido. I do the weekly injections and it really helps. The WD injections really are not as bad as you envision. It really only feels like pinch. Not many nerves at the spot with the skin being thin there. It does take some experimentation to get the dose right.
I have a friend who has had to go to the ER twice due to the injection. It would not go down and they had to insert a needle and draw off the blood. Originally Posted by Knighthawk
Doesn't sound like his dosage was calibrated correctly...? There is also a solution you can inject yourself to make it go down. Sort of a "tire deflator"...
verygood69's Avatar
You know I will be turning 60 in a couple of weeks and I am
Beginning to have the ED thing. However, it is one reason of me pretty much leaving the hobby behind. I'm no paying for pills or injections just to get a hard dick so I can hobby.

Just me.

I have had a blast but the time is just around the corner I'm afraid.
Get your low T took care of and you will be surprised at the changes it will make! It changed my life for sure.
pills will only help in the short term. Laying off the booze, diet and exercise will go a lot further.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

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billw1032's Avatar
upscala's Avatar
Heard great things about it but if comparing never having a boner or sticking a needle in my dick it's celibacy for me. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Prolongus was kind enough to tell me about Trimix and a year later, I was able to recommend it to Kosey Lee. This network does good things beyond just reviews and ads! Better erections than even the teen years, at least when properly mixed.

TE214: Understand your belief that a needle in the dick would be PAINFUL, but amazingly, it isn't. At all.

What WAS painful was a doubles session with two hotties and not being able to stay hard despite their best (and very admirable) efforts. Even with more than my usual level of Cialis. At that point, was more likely to put a pistol to my brain than a needle to my dick. But despite the fear, went to a clinic the next day - totally changed my life!

If pills are still working for you, by all means, stay with those (they did for me until I hit 60) If and when they don't, Trimix is a HELLUVA solution!