
badhusband's Avatar
Seems that where you're from, the labor rate for 'handyman services' is very low. Labor must be cheap where you're from. 12:1? My rate, and I get it, is considerably higher! Just as there a lot of quality girls whose rates are considerably lower than yours! It's all about perception and if you can get your asking price.

It's also not exactly a fair calculation... i.e., an escort's hourly rate is significantly higher than a handyman's. Let's say I need handyman services...and for the sake of the argument, I'll consider bartering...

How resentful is my poor handyman going to feel when he's obligated to work 12 hours to barter for 1 hour of mine? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Seems that where you're from, the labor rate for 'handyman services' is very low. Labor must be cheap where you're from. 12:1? My rate, and I get it, is considerably higher! Just as there a lot of quality girls whose rates are considerably lower than yours! It's all about perception and if you can get your asking price. Originally Posted by badhusband
I've used several handyman services during the past couple of months. The average that I've paid here in Arkansas is $20-25/hour. As for the hobby, I definitely prefer low volume... I've never had an issue commanding my hourly rate while maintaining the amount of clients that best suits me.
TechOne's Avatar
Alexis, you know that I would gladly help you with anything you need, but moving a household of furniture and boxes is not a job for one guy and a small trailer. I moved dozens of my friends back in the 80s but had lots of others to direct and we usually rented a Uhaul. I only have one friend that I can call on, but he has a bum shoulder...with all that said, you know what equipment I have, so if you find someone else to help, count me in as an extra pair of hands. PM me if want, we can talk about what you need.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-18-2010, 08:21 AM
I have to go with Lily on this one!!

I'll gladly trade $$$ for !#$%-ing , ^&*(-ing , and #$!*-ing!!!

Hobby is like algebra problem. Simplest problem one in which lines intersect at one point only. More points of intersect produce more complex problem. Own experience has been, if offered choice simplest problem with simple solution always best course of action. Chinese proverb say: one who have sex with housepainter wind up with mess on both ends.
andy1628's Avatar
Chinese proverb say: one who have sex with housepainter wind up with mess on both ends. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
This is a new one to me. That is why I call myslef "Chinese Hillbilly" and you must be a "Hillbilly Chinese" Mr. Chan. Haha.

By the way, any provider want to exchange your service with my Chinese language lessons? And I may add in some Ancient Chinese Sex Techiques.
Sonoman's Avatar
Chinese proverb say: one who have sex with housepainter wind up with mess on both ends. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Wow....Even if one uses a high quality "China Bristle Brush"?
Found in fortune cookie.

This is a new one to me. That is why I call myslef "Chinese Hillbilly" and you must be a "Hillbilly Chinese" Mr. Chan. Haha.

By the way, any provider want to exchange your service with my Chinese language lessons? And I may add in some Ancient Chinese Sex Techiques. Originally Posted by andy1628
andy1628's Avatar
Found in fortune cookie. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
FYI there is no fortune cookie in China. They all make in America but I do like them myslef and I do read those American Fortune sayings inside the cookie. They are really fun to read some time!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
This is a new one to me. That is why I call myslef "Chinese Hillbilly" and you must be a "Hillbilly Chinese" Mr. Chan. Haha.

By the way, any provider want to exchange your service with my Chinese language lessons? And I may add in some Ancient Chinese Sex Techiques. Originally Posted by andy1628

So that's what thats called " ancient chinese sex techniques" I wondered where you learned all that ________!!!

I'll trade for a boob job... just a cute B or very small C. ill trade till they are paid, better yet ill meet you half way & trade the rest ANY TAKERS??-- you can pm me!
andy1628's Avatar
So that's what thats called " ancient chinese sex techniques" I wondered where you learned all that ________!!!

Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
Sydney, with all these people you should know a little! Remeber when we met, I never cum unless I want to, that is one of Ancient Chinese Sex Techniques that I have show you! Well,come back to the threaed. Sydney are you interest in Trad/Barter with my ACS?
TechOne's Avatar
I'll trade for a boob job... just a cute B or very small C. ill trade every other day till they are paid, better yet ill meet you half way, ANY TAKERS?? Originally Posted by MissDreams
What's a good boob job cost these days?
5,400... ill do the 2,400 if someone can get the rest i got u on those dreams.
thank u for the help and now i need help again i need a handy man and yes i will trad my services and yes at a fair trade he and i will work it out between the two of us i also need an auto mechanic for my moms car so any taker i will glkaddy latch on and oh dreams idea btw i could use stomach etching 1600 dollars any takers there? :-)