Color brings a painting to life

Whispers's Avatar
An interesting post--thanks for starting it. I agree that "color" does make for interesting reads, but I do not equate colorful with necessarilly abrasive. Different opinions can be held, even loudly and passionately, but hopefully minus hostility. Even there, this is texas and gunfights do happen--even if verbal ones. When it is occasional I expect it can be accepted better than when someone is consistently picking fights. Originally Posted by Old-T
The opposite of abrasive are the pussy whipped WK Pat Me on the Head posters that feel the need to argue every post from the whore's point of view as if they were incapable of speaking for themselves. I don't think one exists without the other.
Adding "color" is one thing. Constantly attacking and insulting people, spewing negativity, being rude and disrespectful for the sole purpose of getting attention, trying to validate self worth and proving and reproving again and again a text book case of extreme narcism is another thing all together.

You don't have to be a dick to add creative commentary to a subject. Unless, of course, you are one.

Adding "color" is one thing. Constantly attacking and insulting people, spewing negativity, being rude and disrespectful for the sole purpose of getting attention, trying to validate self worth and proving and reproving again and again a text book case of extreme narcism is another thing all together.

You don't have to be a dick to add creative commentary to a subject. Unless, of course, you are one.

FG Originally Posted by FGarvin
I've noticed a pattern where every time he post you follow with YOUR negativity, can only assume its for attention.
Seems to be your only reason to post, how sad.
Hopefully you look in a mirror and follow your own advice?
Two dicks don't equal right. ijs
The opposite of abrasive are the pussy whipped WK Pat Me on the Head posters that feel the need to argue every post from the whore's point of view as if they were incapable of speaking for themselves. I don't think one exists without the other. Originally Posted by Whispers
Thanks for abrasively weighing in...
Thanks for abrasively weighing in... Originally Posted by Observing
It wouldn't be Whispers if it wasn't abrasive, unless it was his faux Christmas-Ebay fund raiser.
I've noticed a pattern where every time he post you follow with YOUR negativity, can only assume its for attention.
Seems to be your only reason to post, how sad.
Hopefully you look in a mirror and follow your own advice?
Two dicks don't equal right. ijs Originally Posted by submarineracer
That's a fair observation. Although, I'd question motive in both cases. I don't care about attention. I post a response to point out the obvious. I despise bullying and people being mean and rotten for no other reason than to be mean and rotten. I'm here to do research on who I'd like to spend my time with. Not to beat my chest to try to impress you or any other hobbyist. I prefer not to post at all really but occasionally do.

I've gotten dozens of PM's from other hobbyists and providers that detest the atmosphere these posts promote and have had untold conversations with wonderful people, both hobbyists and providers, that simply don't participate here because of the negative environment and, the hobbying minority being so horrible to each other.

This hobby is supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be enjoyable. Why are some of you intent on making it anything but that?

You're very sad.
Why are some of you intent on making it anything but that? Originally Posted by FGarvin
You cannot fight negativity with negativity, you merely perpetuate more negativity.
Look to your own post history and tell us all how posting negative memes after every one of his post battles negativity?
You are very much a part of the problem you detest.
You can make excuses for the way you behave, just as those who post negatively do, but in the end you are the same.
Just delusional to think you are fighting for the side of right.
You cannot fight negativity with negativity, you merely perpetuate more negativity.
Look to your own post history and tell us all how posting negative memes after every one of his post battles negativity?
You are very much a part of the problem you detest.
You can make excuses for the way you behave, just as those who post negatively do, but in the end you are the same.
Just delusional to think you are fighting for the side of right. Originally Posted by submarineracer
I see your point and agree. I am being negative and I'm not arguing with you.

You fail to understand my point however, which is a big part of the ongoing problem.

You have a super duper day!

I see your point and agree. I am being negative and I'm not arguing with you.

You fail to understand my point however, which is a big part of the ongoing problem.

You have a super duper day!

Originally Posted by FGarvin
You get the lecture on "negativity" and nary a peep in Whispers direction.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-25-2016, 05:53 PM
You cannot fight negativity with negativity, you merely perpetuate more negativity.
Look to your own post history and tell us all how posting negative memes after every one of his post battles negativity?
You are very much a part of the problem you detest.
You can make excuses for the way you behave, just as those who post negatively do, but in the end you are the same.
Just delusional to think you are fighting for the side of right. Originally Posted by submarineracer

I guess I scratch my head and wonder what your approach to bullying and intimidation on boards should be? If posters who initiate aggressive, belligerent, consistently negative comments are not to be resisted in kind, then how? Sadly a few posters have demonstrated that they are both capable and willing to write long diatribes attacking the same people over and over--starting threads with little or no other purpose. You seem to advocate conceding the forum to them, which I do not believe is a sane and rational policy. You seem to not distinguish between the initiator and the responder--essentially arguing against the right of self defense or police response to crime.

So while I understand your posts, I agree with Observing that you seem one-sided in your criticism (and IF you were to single out only one side, you seem to have singled out the illogical one). But to be fair, I will state my question again: what would you like to see as the response to a bullying initial post?
Whispers's Avatar
You get the lecture on "negativity" and nary a peep in Whispers direction.
Originally Posted by Observing
After 16 years on the boards there are a few people that have come to realize that not much can be said about me personally that will affect my posting. Nor will attacks on me that do not deal with subject matter.

You can ignore me or shout into the wind.

Or calmly present an argument on the subject in which case you will receive the same type of response.

At least he's a guy posting his opinion and not a Mandle....

FGarvin is like a puppy wetting himself every time I post. It gives him a feeling of purpose. There are a few others like him.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-25-2016, 06:05 PM
The opposite of abrasive are the pussy whipped WK Pat Me on the Head posters that feel the need to argue every post from the whore's point of view as if they were incapable of speaking for themselves. I don't think one exists without the other. Originally Posted by Whispers
Since you quoted me, I have to assume your comments are directed at me. Not a shock. But again you seem to be slipping.

--Given the fact that you have 10,000 more posts than I do, I obviously don't reply to every post you make.

--Many of the ladies, when they respond to attack dog posts, get immediately trashed in volume by the usual suspects. Rightly or wrongly, the massive trashing DOES affect their business. As a result some choose to keep quiet as the lesser of evils in an inequitable virtual world. Because I truly don't care if I ever meet most the guys on here--and I certainly don't depend upon them for my income--I have no such reticence to post. But you already knew all that, you are just playing dumb.

--But to your main point: the real opposite of abrasive is respectful. And respect is generally earned or forfeited.

["Patted on the head"? Really? Am I supposed to get all flustered and embarrassed by that comment?]
After 16 years on the boards there are a few people that have come to realize that not much can be said about me personally that will affect my posting. Nor will attacks on me that do not deal with subject matter.

You can ignore me or shout into the wind.

Or calmly present an argument on the subject in which case you will receive the same type of response.

At least he's a guy posting his opinion and not a Mandle....

FGarvin is like a puppy wetting himself every time I post. It gives him a feeling of purpose. There are a few others like him. Originally Posted by Whispers
That lame "Mandle" tripe again?
Whispers's Avatar
That lame "Mandle" tripe again?
Originally Posted by Observing
Yes m'amm.
Whispers's Avatar
--Many of the ladies, when they respond to attack dog posts, get immediately trashed in volume by the usual suspects. Rightly or wrongly, the massive trashing DOES affect their business. As a result some choose to keep quiet Originally Posted by Old-T
So what you're saying is that the whores that feel the need to get involved end up losing business as a result and the whores that keep quiet and ignore the bullshit in CoEd a
coed conduct business as normal correct?

I'm sure you do not want to consider it but another reason why men choose not to see horsesome whores at times has to with the kind of controversy that surrounds them in the form of other men that feel the need to get involved in anything involving that particular whore. A do-gooder in constant defense of one of them, can at times lead to a lost opportunity or 2 or 3 or 10 or 12