The United Blocks of ANTIFA

Record murders in CHI last week. Nary a peep. The Houston DA let almost all the arrested rioters go. Nary a peep.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly

release all prisioners

the people's tribunal will retry all
eccieuser9500's Avatar
DOJ Cases Brought Over Protests Show No Links To Antifa So Far

DOJ Cases Brought Over Protests Show No Links To Antifa So Far
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
So how does that change avowed Antifa members discussing their demands in the takeover in Seattle.

Or is this simply more denial and deflection on your part.

Do you deny Antifa involvement in the OP?
LexusLover's Avatar
......encouraging the anarchy. It gets viewers. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And advertisers.
HedonistForever's Avatar
To funny for words. What is the first thing the "protesters" did in Seattle? They put up a wall and denied entry to "certain undesirable people" and kicked out any news crews that were not sypathitic to their cause! And guess what, the Democrats are "back to" supporting walls! I'd say you can't make this shit up but apparently you can!

Remember when the idiots at CNN and MSDNC were worried about "White men with long rifles" in the capital of Michigan? Heard any of those same people worried about BLM and ANTIFA walking around in the new state of Chaz in Seattle with AR's? Not a peep.

The hypocrisy birds are really coming home to roost now! It's all so sad and I can't stop LMAO!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So how does that change avowed Antifa members discussing their demands in the takeover in Seattle.

Or is this simply more denial and deflection on your part.

Do you deny Antifa involvement in the OP? Originally Posted by eccielover
It's bullshit. Antifa, antifa, antifa.

This bullshit thread is started by the FOXhole dévote who's been brainwashed by none other than the one who swears Tucker Carlson is legitimate. Puuuhh-leeez!

I do my part. He does his.

Tucker Carlson compares Seattle protesters to conquistadors: 'They planted a flag and they stole' that land

However, the host pointed out that "the people of CHAZ don't have a lot of options for economic development. The entire country extends only six city blocks. It was built on land formerly owned, in part, by the Seattle police department.

"But the founders of CHAZ wanted that land, so they planted a flag and they stole it, just like the conquistadors."

However, Carlson added that the only "natural resources" in the "nation" are those that can be taken from businesses, while the population has "virtually no skills of any kind -- apart from spray painting the f-word on buildings."
However. However. However. Provocateur is losing his impact. Getting desperate at FOX. Cry me a FUCKIN' river.


eccieuser9500's Avatar
To funny for words.

The hypocrisy birds are really coming home to roost now! It's all so sad and I can't stop LMAO! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
winn dixie's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I think this is stupid
LexusLover's Avatar
I think this is stupid.... Originally Posted by winn dixie
9500 knows it is.

Back to the OP .... it is being reported that the mob/terrorists are now demanding that residents in their occupied area pay "protection" fees to keep them from attacking their residences. And the Loonie Democrat elected officials don't mind at all.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
9500 knows it is.

You're right. I did it because HF doesn't like memes.

Back to the OP ....

And the Loonie Democrat elected officials don't mind at all. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And we're supposed to count on The Do-Nothing Republicans in elected office ANYWHERE to stand up to the bully-in-cheif? Sure.

  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2020, 07:26 AM
9500- got One thing correct - Bernie and the DPST's ain't doing squat for the people whose neighborhood and homes have been taken over by AK carrying terrorist demanding tribute.

have u heard One word from Bernie - ur hero_ about the rights of the people whose property and lives have been taken by the radical terrorists.

This is the DPST Rule of Law - they have No respect for the Constitution and anyone not of their radical stipe.
9500- may now post stupid memes which are a total waste of bandwidth

A common thread - The West Coast has dis-armed the folks so they cannot defend themselves against armed terrorists - Bring that Shit Show to Texas - and they will get the Lead welcome they deserve.

And - of coure - 9500 - is just fine with armed terrorist and their "Not Violence" - robbing people of property, homes, freedom - enforced at the business end of an AK - as long as it is not in his little neighborhood - and 9500 bleats about Hypocrisy.

The terrorists want anend to personal property, The Constitution - and police.

U go live there with your dead heros 9500- Move to Seattle - the terrorists might find something for u to do in sweeping their floors up after they massacre against the wall people who disagree with them.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Turn off the electricity. That's U.S.electricity.
Turn off the water. That's U.S. water.
Turn off the WiFi. That's Chinese WiFi.
Shut off the sewage system. The U.S. does not need their shit.
Have special ops rappel and take the top floors of the buildings.
Surround this new country and process/identify anyone who wants to leave. Compare their faces to videos of the riot. Make arrests on the spot.
  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2020, 07:56 AM
Unfortunately - there are innocent citizens trapped in the neighborhood takeover by anti-fa.

I am reluctant to penalize them any moe than they already are -

homeowner insurance will not likely cover any expenses related to reconstruction of the dmaage done by the terrorists.

LSM is calling thee anarchists and anti-fa types as 'occupiers and protestors" - they are violent, armed terrorists - committing crimes against people and property - and deserve to be taken out forcibly.

Give a warning and dealine - then move in the military to remove them

Shoot any who refuse to surrender.

But - since private property will no longeer exist under the "New Order" f DPSAT's - the ruling elite of Seattle don't care - as long as it is not "Nomenklatura property"!

Or 9500's house. The usual DPST hypocrisy!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I am reluctant to penalize them any moe than they already are ... Originally Posted by oeb11

Maybe they need to show their previous voting record to qualify for rescue as my fuzzy recollection is that Seattle has been Demonicrat controlled for some time now. All they really did was add a wall around a piece of it and require ID to enter. Otherwise, what else has changed from before?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think this is stupid Originally Posted by winn dixie
Which is why I

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