Socials - Why don't you come?

harkontume's Avatar
This board is about as far above the Radar I want to fly.
blenderhead's Avatar
I like to fly under the radar as well. I've met several guys from the boards privately (not BCD ) and discretely, and I think that's as far as I'll take it. At least for now. Some of the girls that go to the socials have tried to convince me to come, but I don't know.

I've also never been surrounded by women I've seen BCD. That would be.. hmm.. interesting..
nuglet's Avatar
Avoiding events "organized" by CK can certainly save you grief in more ways than one. Security? HAHAHAHA by CK? even a bigger HAHAHAHAH
At some point there may be a better, safer way, attitude to do socials, but why risk so much on a loosely run basis? Guilt by association is real.
You don't gain much but risk is huge. Just look at the record of how well these events stayed safe in the past. It only takes one screwup and your professional and private life may change forever.
You're right to avoid. And there's the matter of Loose Lips, some know who they are and some don't, but they flap in the slightest breeze.
I just figured yall were all assholes like me or Carl.
Phoenix had a very active social scene. We had a very well attended "toys for tots" Christmas party that dated all the way back to the early 1990's (eventually preempted by TER sadly) as well as a "mens group" (The Boardroom), ladies group and a bunch of events hosted by both indies and agencies.

They were great for a long time until they became to public (mostly tied to DE) and attracted unwanted attention. I'm all for them as long as they are low key and largely under the radar.

As a new kid in town here I'm not well connected but certainly look forward to making the rounds once I am...
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 10-19-2010, 10:23 AM
I just figured yall were all assholes like me or Carl. Originally Posted by Artie Lange
Ouch, that hurts.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-19-2010, 10:25 AM
I just figured yall were all assholes like me or Carl. Originally Posted by Artie Lange
Hey, Artie, aren't you late for your part-time job? Circus-barking the Ginsu knife demonstration at Sam's Club? I love it when you slice through a can of beer and the foam goes spraying all over the crowd and then you calm the angry mob of yokels when show them that you can still slice a ripe tomato into paper thin slices. Right before you call them cocksucking faggots for eating rabbit food and let out a big stinky bratwurst fart.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-19-2010, 10:34 AM
Ouch, that hurts. Originally Posted by 78704
Well, you know what they say about the truth. I, for one, have embraced my inner asshole; long lingering, fully-nude embraces. We give each other handies, do a little snowballin', some canoodlin'. It really takes the edge off and helps quench the road-rage. Why, the judge is so impressed with the results that now he even lets "us" volunteer down at the animal shelter without a court-appointed supervisor. Everybody should try it.
Reincarnated's Avatar
You guys are funny..

The socials I think are run well by the inviting one. Not sure why you think the the security is so bad when the good parties are in a private club in many in which we are the only ones there. Those not attending, your missing a lot of fun and nice people. I love to be able to meet the ladies in person before I go to the florist.
if i was off and invited i would go.
I just figured yall were all assholes like me or Carl. Originally Posted by Artie Lange
that is the way I feel too.....

kidding, they are not for me, I need to keep some mystery about myself..
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-19-2010, 02:06 PM
I'm feeling so much love around here, I'm popping a boner. Does anybody have a Kleenex?
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
The three socials I've been to were fun, however, since my last social, I have decided that I don't want a gentleman to be able to incriminate me as a provider (even if just to his buddies that happen to know me non hobby) unless the gentlemen has incriminated himself as a hobbiest bcd with me. It's all about perception and peace of mind, but perception is reality and peace of mind is priceless, wouldn't you all agree? I would like to go to a social out of town where there's more anonymity.
the viceroy's Avatar
I've been to a couple of socials in Dallas. Nice, for the most part, held at swingers clubs or in reserved rooms at regular restaurants. Great opportunity to meet the ladies to see how the chemistry might work out. And got to meet a couple of porn stars in the flesh. Never went back, however, after a number of anonymous calls were made to hobbyist homes.
socials get raided. if i remember correctly one got raided that was hosted by CK himself, who was a former admin on ASPD and was one of those admins who was very much accused of deleting negative reviews of providers in exchange for free services. i distinctly remember CK running an online protection racket where many girls were protected from negative reviews by him.

also, who in their right mind with a real civilian life wants to attend something where others may recognize you in your professional circles and LE intelligence can get all of your faces, license plates, etc. all in one room and one venue? way too easy to get yourself in trouble.

and why would you want your real identity compromised? socials in my opinion have more disadvantages than advantages. no point in going to one in my opinion.