Little Monster's Avatar
If anyone on this forum is worthy of ignoring, it is Rachelina. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Meh, I can't help but feel sorry for someone who lives with that much hate and rage over nothing. Trump getting his ass beat really did a number on these poor conservatives.
Rachelina's Avatar
Post Office is open...Wallymarts is open also to send your personal "Care Package"..Duh..
Take it out on your so called "second minimum wage job"
Funny you can't survive on one job..LOL.
Little Monster's Avatar
Post Office is open...Wallymarts is open also to send your personal "Care Package"..Duh..
Take it out on your so called "second minimum wage job"
Funny you can't survive on one job..LOL.
Originally Posted by Rachelina
Putting somebody down for working? Yeah you're a conservative alright.
Tell me again how you make your living?
Rachelina's Avatar
Get your free payout "gift" from JOE HIDEN

You don't have to work 2 jobs...DUMBOCRAT..
But I assume you don't have any sense..

BTW..Did you send your "Care Package"?
Little Monster's Avatar
Get your free payout "gift" from JOE HIDEN

You don't have to work 2 jobs...DUMBOCRAT..
But I assume you don't have any sense..

BTW..Did you send your "Care Package"?
Originally Posted by Rachelina
I like gifts. Which gift are you talking about?
Precious_b's Avatar
Man, can someone tell me what happened to R in Texas to get her butt sore?
And to think that I couldn't give away a personally signed check of our former pres. I never heard Rachel say anything about that "free check."
Otherwise, the vetted stats on Covid in FL shows who is ignoring it.
Rachelina's Avatar
Maybe you all live in a City of A-Hole DUMBOCRATS.
Just DEFUND the PD..BUT DON'T CALL 911..Maybe a busy signal..??? DUH

Has ANYONE in LOSTIN send a "Care Package"...or too cheap like some Dummys working two jobs that maybe need three..LOL

Don't worry no more hand outs..What will be in your EMPTY WALLET?
BTW. My butt is never sore, Never into Greek but you maybe after sticking it in yourself with your long fingernails.
Precious_b's Avatar
Did someone move Austin to South Beach?
pussycat's Avatar
In case you didn't know this almost any

staff edit *******SMI

is going to be a felony case, and at least half of any DA's cases are usually d***** related.

When DA Garza took office he pledged to go easy on otherwise offenses (though according to the statutes any possessions are felonies).

And he also pledged not to pursue girls and men active in the hobby.

So you should thank your lucky stars.

After all these years Travis County finally has a reasonable DA, and this is the one thing about Austin that I actually admire.
Precious_b's Avatar
I heard that some places in Texas were going to go easy/ignore. Staff edit *******SMI

since the test they use in the lab were not sensitive enough to determine the stuff they extract from MJ used in oils and such. Think they were trying to come up with better test, idk.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They are ignoring simple possession in Austin.
pussycat's Avatar
In the first six months of 2020, 43% of closed misdemeanor cases and 39% of closed felony cases had been dismissed.

The most significant change occurred in the first six months of 2021, when County Attorney Delia Garza took office. About 77% of misdemeanor cases closed by Garza’s office were dismissed. In the same time frame, newly-elected District Attorney José Garza dismissed 23% of felony cases.

Originally Posted by Rachelina
Austin has always been a laughing stock among other cities in Texas because of the way it's always been mismanaged, and the one factor you've singled out is the least of it's flaws.

Austin's city budget has always been plundered, literally plubdered, by city employees by countless forms of scams. Very few of these every come to light because the local paper is a cheerleader for the city and never investigates these fiefdom scams.

But the obvious shortcomings of gross mismanagement are the almost total lack of highways, no planning for future water needs, vast sums spent on public transport few people use, vast sums spent to create bicycle lanes even the bicyle riders can't stand, and continuing integrity problems with the police that never seems to get better (how many rape kits do they claim to have accidently destroyed?).

In 1881 Austinites voted to be their City Marshall none other than Ben Thompson, the most vicious criminals of that era. He was a notorious killer, thief, and so forth whose only friends were other vicious criminals like King Fisher from Uvalde. As City Marshall he consolodated his control over local rackets.

Then in 1882 he travelled to San Antonio to gamble, and when he was banned from the Vaudeville Dance Hall for threatening other patrons he murdered the establishment's owner, Jack Harris, then took the train back to Austin as though nothing happened.

Thompson had beat the rap on murder cases before by intimidating jurors, and this time his friend King Fisher did the same, and so Thompson was acquitted at trial in San Antonio a year later.

So having enough, a group of San Antonio citizens formed a assassination team and invited Thompson back to San Antonio for peace talks. Thompson showed up with King Fisher by his side for backup, but both of them were gunned down in a hail of rifle fire from the assassination team. Thompson is buried today in the old cemetery east of I-35, and his family in Austin still claims he is a hero.

That was the beginning of Austin's bad reputation among other cities.
winn dixie's Avatar
Austin has always been a laughing stock among other cities in Texas because of the way it's always been mismanaged, and the one factor you've singled out is the least of it's flaws.

Austin's city budget has always been plundered, literally plubdered, by city employees by countless forms of scams. Very few of these every come to light because the local paper is a cheerleader for the city and never investigates these fiefdom scams.

But the obvious shortcomings of gross mismanagement are the almost total lack of highways, no planning for future water needs, vast sums spent on public transport few people use, vast sums spent to create bicycle lanes even the bicyle riders can't stand, and continuing integrity problems with the police that never seems to get better (how many rape kits do they claim to have accidently destroyed?).

In 1881 Austinites voted to be their City Marshall none other than Ben Thompson, the most vicious criminals of that era. He was a notorious killer, thief, and so forth whose only friends were other vicious criminals like King Fisher from Uvalde. As City Marshall he consolodated his control over local rackets.

Then in 1882 he travelled to San Antonio to gamble, and when he was banned from the Vaudeville Dance Hall for threatening other patrons he murdered the establishment's owner, Jack Harris, then took the train back to Austin as though nothing happened.

Thompson had beat the rap on murder cases before by intimidating jurors, and this time his friend King Fisher did the same, and so Thompson was acquitted at trial in San Antonio a year later.

So having enough, a group of San Antonio citizens formed a assassination team and invited Thompson back to San Antonio for peace talks. Thompson showed up with King Fisher by his side for backup, but both of them were gunned down in a hail of rifle fire from the assassination team. Thompson is buried today in the old cemetery east of I-35, and his family in Austin still claims he is a hero.

That was the beginning of Austin's bad reputation among other cities.
Originally Posted by pussycat
Mostly correct! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Austins problems can date back to when we were known as Waterloo. But when Texas was formed. It was by shady folks and people looking for new starts. Austin has always been a swamp.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We know someone who was here during that time.
winn dixie's Avatar
We know someone who was here during that time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Almost scared to ask?