One of the many reasons I like "providers"

LovingKayla read me a story after I told her something my kids did with me over had me in tears, AFTER I was already choked up telling her how touched I was about how moved I was about my kids. Maybe she can come on here and post it. I know it's after Christmas - but it's the sweetest story about what Santa really is...and it has to do with what goes around...

I was told I should take credit for what my kids did - but I can only take so much credit. I just started it. They have to get that feeling on their own. It is contagious.
Last week I witnessed a lady help an elderly person carry some groceries out of the store It was obvious the two did not know each other. The look of appreciation from the elderly woman was priceless. I also recognized the younger lady as a provider, although I've never met her.

Anyway, I started thinking about the ladies I have met and the posts we read here and one thing stands out in my mind. Although this is a business, it seems the majority of providers do have extremely big hearts and performing a simple random act of kindness is completely natural to them.

So, to this lovely lady, she knows who she is, thank you. You reminded me of something I was taught early in life:
"Do something nice for someone everyday of your life, however small, and you'll be a happier person." (Mom)

And to all of you who do make it a practice to perform random acts of kindness - Thank You

Originally Posted by Clouddancer

I have noticed in my years of working that providers especially seem to have a kind heart towards other people and ANIMALS. Maybe it's just me, but I noticed a lot of gals in this business adore animals...cats, dogs, etc, a lot more than other jobs I've had, including my current one as a trainer.

I also think it's because we're in a business that alienates us from society ( fear of being judged, etc, having society's negativity) that might make providers especially open to helping others with kindness because sometimes, we're not shown the same kindness or respect as others in society. But that's just me.
deltadog's Avatar
This thread made my day!!!! I would also like to extend my thanks to the provider!!!!!!!! Thanks for being a great example of what make America so great.