What Jewish Lawyer is leaving out is that over in Israel there are no signs of respect and no real popular notions of politeness and courtesy. In shops, most Israelis shout and shove people aside to cut their place in line. Yes they are basically rude people. No one who lives in Israel thinks otherwise. No one who has ever met an Israeli seems to think otherwise.
There are people on this board who of a variety of religions and beliefs and sexual orientation but NO ONE wears it on their sleeve the way you do about being Jewish. You sir are a crashing bore and only re-enforce many stereotypes.
In closing let me just say that I'm always glad to have the opportunity to speak openly, without fear of Jewish Lawyer twisting my words in an addlepated attempt to insist that our society be infested with frotteurism, deconstructionism, solipsism, and an impressive swarm of other "isms". To get immediately to the point, he is greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others. An obvious parallel from a different context is that if Jewish Lawyer is going to make an emotional appeal then he should also include a rational argument. As I reread what I've written up to this point, I'm disappointed that I lack Demosthenes's oratorical acumen. Nevertheless, I hope that somehow I still managed to convince you that Jewish Lawyer never fails to offer up irrefutable proof that his fingerprints are all over the dagger that has been implanted to the hilt in our collective back.