Providers: When the Time Comes, Will You Say Goodbye?

mtabsw's Avatar
Just hope they don't decide, four years after, to call your wife and get your number.

Like one did to me TODAY!!!

Another great reason I'm glad I outed myself...
TrulySummer's Avatar
LMAO Boltfan, I think your thread was more of a farse and you saying you was just going on vacation.

Now you scarring Dannie to almost having to retire is a totally different issue and thread. Thank god a great man helped and saved her from what could have been a very tragic moment in her life...
Hahaa! I always say goodbye when I retire
TrulySummer's Avatar
Dannie,I love you, but you know what I am about to say. NEVER SAY NEVER. When a retirement post is made, you might as well say see you later down the line or sometime in the near future.

I once was guilty of the offense long long ago and ended up returning not once but twice. The first time was for someone very special who was and is now my best friend and much, much more to me. Most of Dallas knows who I am referring to. It is not a big secret or anything.

The second time I just left and then popped back up about 3 years later, 3 times my original size and with 2 surprises I said I would never have.

And here I am 4 years later, alot older and wiser and would not change one moment of it all...
ForumPoster's Avatar
I had given it a lot of thought actually. If I got involved in mutually exclusive relationship, I would post something on my website and close it down after few months.

If I left due to other responsibilities taking too much time, I would not fully retire but rather have very limited availability and increase minimum appointment time to dinner dates only.

I would defintley say my goodbyes. I have made way to many good frineds in this hobby that I hope I would never ever loose.
Boltfan's Avatar
LMAO Boltfan, I think your thread was more of a farse and you saying you was just going on vacation. Originally Posted by TrulySummer
Yes it was a joke but obviously a good one. After Jack accidentally bumped it someone else posted as well before I thought I should have it locked.

Hell I am never going to retire.

As Doc Holliday says - I'm in my Prime!