Alan Dershowitz says....on November 9th. What say you LyingLover

LexusLover's Avatar

I had to check to see what he actually said: This is the quote:

"So I think this case in the end certainly the assault against this man would have to be thrown out because the prosecution's main witness admitted that the firing of the shot came only after he was pointing a gun at this guy so this weakens the prosecution's case enormously and it seems like it's heading toward an acquittal," Dershowitz said. "Remember two, there's a presumption of innocence. We have to always presume the innocence, he's a young man, so I think there was a good day for the defense."
Apparently, since WTFdoIknow uses football to predict verdicts in criminal jury cases (he's never even prepared for trial or participated in the preparation) ..... in football .... according to WTFdoIknow ...


Did the Harvard Law Professor PREDICT A "NOT GUILTY" VERDICT???

For anyone who doesn't KNOW the posting history of WTFdoIknow this is a classic thread and post of his .... cut and paste and tag, but since the Harvard Law Professor ....

LexusLover's Avatar
Since I am gainfully active in hourly employment, my absence from posting responses to an idiot's bullshit should not be erroneously construed as reluctance to waste time pointing out their idiotic and false accusations.

I will point out to the administration WTF's outing posts. He never learns.
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2021, 05:45 AM
That's misleading Levianon. True, they weren't "vaccinated", they were inoculated or variolated, by scratching the arm and wiping a small amount of the puss from smallpox sores into the scratch. The actual vaccine, based on the cowpox virus, came along later.

I don't know if this is true, but read that about 4% of people variolated for smallpox died from the inoculation, versus 40% of people who contracted the disease naturally. That's a good reward/risk ratio if an epidemic is raging and you believe most people will be infected. But nowhere near as good as what we've got with the COVID 19 vaccines and boosters. Originally Posted by Tiny

for tiny and L-17:

This is how, on 14 May 1796, he (Edward Jenner) came to take fluid from a cowpox blister on Nelmes’s hand and scratch it onto the skin of James Phipps, who had previously had neither cowpox nor smallpox. As expected, Phipps contracted cowpox and, once his fever subsided, Jenner then attempted to inoculate him using live smallpox.
This technique, also known as variolation, involved deliberately infecting a patient with a mild dose of smallpox in the expectation that it would provide protection from a more severe infection. It had long been practised in China, India, the Ottoman Empire, parts of Africa, and even Pembrokeshire, and had gained popularity in Western medicine after 1721, when it was championed by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Lady Mary had arranged for her children to be variolated after witnessing the practice in Turkey, and soon persuaded Caroline, Princess of Wales, to have her own children inoculated.

Elizabeth Fenn, author of Pox Americana, notes that artists tend to flatter their subjects. This is certainly true of the portraits we are familiar with of George Washington, our first President and the hero of the American Revolution. The reality that is overlooked in these portraits are the scars George Washington had from a bout of smallpox he survived as a young man of 19. In 1751, he set out with his half-brother, Lawrence, to the island of Barbados in the hopes that Lawrence’s consumption (tuberculosis) would improve in more favorable conditions. Unfortunately, this did not work and Lawrence would die of his malady the following July in 1752.
During his visit to Barbados, George contracted smallpox and was bedridden for a month combatting the high fevers, sores, rashes, and body aches that come with the dreaded virus whose technical name is Variola. This episode in young George Washington’s life would have a profound impact on history. It made Washington immune to the disease that would later devastate the North American Continent. In July of 1775, just three months into the conflict with England that would become known as the American Revolution, George Washington took command of the patriot army. He faced not only the greatest military power in the world, but also the scourge of Variola. He had a difficult decision to make: Should he inoculate the army?
George Washington was a firm believer in smallpox inoculation, perhaps because of his history with the disease. But unlike many vaccines today, early forms of inoculation would give people a less severe form of the disease in order to create immunity. Even a minor bout with smallpox could leave a person incapacitated and Washington could not afford to have a large portion of his under-trained and inexperienced soldiers out of commission for any significant period of time.
Washington decided the best course of action was to have new soldiers inoculated upon recruitment. This decision was met with controversy and concern. Though it could (and did) save the bulk of his army, there was a 1% mortality rate due to the primitive form of inoculation used at the time. Furthermore, inoculation was not yet accepted by society and Washington faced a great deal of criticism for introducing it to the patriot army. The idea of intentionally giving someone a mild version of a disease seemed immoral to many colonists. Failing to require inoculation would have clearly had more devastating results, negatively impacting the fight for American Independence.

One may parse words as to the meaning of vaccine/vaccination. There is historical evidence that Washington did order his troops vaccinated/ inoculated against variola ( smallpox).

- links above.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2021, 05:50 AM
and it seems like it's heading toward an acquittal," Dershowitz said

Did the Harvard Law Professor PREDICT A "NOT GUILTY" VERDICT???

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you read your own cut n paste

He predicted an acquittal! Please tell us what you definition of an acquittal is.

Learn to pronounce
a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged.
"the trial resulted in an acquittal"

For anyone who doesn't KNOW the posting history of WTFdoIknow this is a classic thread and post of his .... cut and paste and tag, but since the Harvard Law Professor ....

.. DIDN'T PREDICT a "NOT GUILTY" VERDICT .... WTF is THE LIAR! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Two are cutting and paste'n while making fun of others doing the same.

Tell us the difference between a not guilty and acquittal.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2021, 05:53 AM

I will point out to the administration WTF's outing posts. He never learns. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please point it out to me while you are at it!

I've called you the shittest lawyer in Harris County. If in fact you are a lawyer (and you post as if you think you are) and you actually have been voted the shittest lawyer in Harris County...then my apologies for outing you.
for tiny and L-17:

This is how, on 14 May 1796, he (Edward Jenner) came to take fluid from a cowpox blister on Nelmes’s hand and scratch it onto the skin of James Phipps, who had previously had neither cowpox nor smallpox. As expected, Phipps contracted cowpox and, once his fever subsided, Jenner then attempted to inoculate him using live smallpox.
This technique, also known as variolation, involved deliberately infecting a patient with a mild dose of smallpox in the expectation that it would provide protection from a more severe infection. It had long been practised in China, India, the Ottoman Empire, parts of Africa, and even Pembrokeshire, and had gained popularity in Western medicine after 1721, when it was championed by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Lady Mary had arranged for her children to be variolated after witnessing the practice in Turkey, and soon persuaded Caroline, Princess of Wales, to have her own children inoculated.

Elizabeth Fenn, author of Pox Americana, notes that artists tend to flatter their subjects. This is certainly true of the portraits we are familiar with of George Washington, our first President and the hero of the American Revolution. The reality that is overlooked in these portraits are the scars George Washington had from a bout of smallpox he survived as a young man of 19. In 1751, he set out with his half-brother, Lawrence, to the island of Barbados in the hopes that Lawrence’s consumption (tuberculosis) would improve in more favorable conditions. Unfortunately, this did not work and Lawrence would die of his malady the following July in 1752.
During his visit to Barbados, George contracted smallpox and was bedridden for a month combatting the high fevers, sores, rashes, and body aches that come with the dreaded virus whose technical name is Variola. This episode in young George Washington’s life would have a profound impact on history. It made Washington immune to the disease that would later devastate the North American Continent. In July of 1775, just three months into the conflict with England that would become known as the American Revolution, George Washington took command of the patriot army. He faced not only the greatest military power in the world, but also the scourge of Variola. He had a difficult decision to make: Should he inoculate the army?
George Washington was a firm believer in smallpox inoculation, perhaps because of his history with the disease. But unlike many vaccines today, early forms of inoculation would give people a less severe form of the disease in order to create immunity. Even a minor bout with smallpox could leave a person incapacitated and Washington could not afford to have a large portion of his under-trained and inexperienced soldiers out of commission for any significant period of time.
Washington decided the best course of action was to have new soldiers inoculated upon recruitment. This decision was met with controversy and concern. Though it could (and did) save the bulk of his army, there was a 1% mortality rate due to the primitive form of inoculation used at the time. Furthermore, inoculation was not yet accepted by society and Washington faced a great deal of criticism for introducing it to the patriot army. The idea of intentionally giving someone a mild version of a disease seemed immoral to many colonists. Failing to require inoculation would have clearly had more devastating results, negatively impacting the fight for American Independence.

One may parse words as to the meaning of vaccine/vaccination. There is historical evidence that Washington did order his troops vaccinated/ inoculated against variola ( smallpox).

- links above. Originally Posted by oeb11
That's nothing new to me. There are several articles out there about the Cowpox, Smallpox connection. Although Vaccines have their place in the prevention of disease Medical Science puts way too much emphasis on Vaccines and Drug therapy to thwart the advance of disease. Nutrition is a major factor in the prevention of disease and a healthy Oral and Gut Biome is where health originates something Doctors seldom if ever talk about.
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  • WTF
  • 11-29-2021, 03:34 PM
That's nothing new to me. There are several articles out there about the Cowpox, Smallpox connection. Although Vaccines have their place in the prevention of disease Medical Science puts way too much emphasis on Vaccines and Drug therapy to thwart the advance of disease. Nutrition is a major factor in the prevention of disease and a healthy Oral and Gut Biome is where health originates something Doctors seldom if ever talk about. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What about antibodies, you against those to?
What about antibodies, you against those to? Originally Posted by WTF
No, Antibodies are a natural part of the Immune System. Do you think the only way the body acquires antibodies is through a Vaccine? You probably do, lol.
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  • WTF
  • 11-29-2021, 09:56 PM
No, Antibodies are a natural part of the Immune System. Do you think the only way the body acquires antibodies is through a Vaccine? You probably do, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No but vaccines are a way to introduce the body to a new virus to build up the antibodies response to it.

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to help fight off infection from harmful bacteria or viruses. When a disease-causing agent, such as virus or bacteria, invades your body, your immune system recognises it as harmful and will trigger a response to destroy it.

One of the ways your immune system fights off infection is by creating large proteins known as antibodies. These antibodies act as scouts, hunting down the infectious agent, and marking it for destruction by the immune system. Each antibody is specific to the bacteria or virus that it has detected and will trigger a specific immune response. These specific antibodies will remain in the immune system after the infection has gone. This means that if the same disease is encountered again, your immune system has a ‘memory’ of the disease and is ready to quickly destroy it before you get sick and any symptoms can develop.

Sometimes, however, the immune system doesn’t always win this initial battle against the harmful bacteria or virus and you can become very ill or – in extreme cases – die. Vaccination is the safest and most common way to gain immunity against a bacteria or virus that your body has yet to encounter. Vaccines contain a harmless form of the bacteria or virus that causes the disease you are being immunised against. The bacteria or virus will be killed, greatly weakened, or broken down into small parts before use in the vaccine so that they can trigger an immune response without making you sick. Your immune system will still attack the harmless form of bacteria or virus from the vaccine and will produce antibodies to fight it off. The immune system then keeps a memory of the disease, so if a vaccinated person encounters the disease years later, their immune system is ready to fight it off and prevent an infection from developing
No but vaccines are a way to introduce the body to a new virus to build up the antibodies response to it.

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to help fight off infection from harmful bacteria or viruses. When a disease-causing agent, such as virus or bacteria, invades your body, your immune system recognises it as harmful and will trigger a response to destroy it.

One of the ways your immune system fights off infection is by creating large proteins known as antibodies. These antibodies act as scouts, hunting down the infectious agent, and marking it for destruction by the immune system. Each antibody is specific to the bacteria or virus that it has detected and will trigger a specific immune response. These specific antibodies will remain in the immune system after the infection has gone. This means that if the same disease is encountered again, your immune system has a ‘memory’ of the disease and is ready to quickly destroy it before you get sick and any symptoms can develop.

Sometimes, however, the immune system doesn’t always win this initial battle against the harmful bacteria or virus and you can become very ill or – in extreme cases – die. Vaccination is the safest and most common way to gain immunity against a bacteria or virus that your body has yet to encounter. Vaccines contain a harmless form of the bacteria or virus that causes the disease you are being immunised against. The bacteria or virus will be killed, greatly weakened, or broken down into small parts before use in the vaccine so that they can trigger an immune response without making you sick. Your immune system will still attack the harmless form of bacteria or virus from the vaccine and will produce antibodies to fight it off. The immune system then keeps a memory of the disease, so if a vaccinated person encounters the disease years later, their immune system is ready to fight it off and prevent an infection from developing Originally Posted by WTF
Vaccines play a vital role in Disease Prevention but they can only do so much. There is a lot of different factors that are associated with why one person gets sick and another doesn't. All of us have been exposed to Covid by now. Even without being vaccinated some people will simply not manifest major symptoms others will become sick and die even if vaccinated.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
and the world in panic by disrupting everything at the drop of the next variant. almost sounds like it was planed ... because it was. none of this is happening by accident. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Awesome for me. I hope people continue to panic and keep making my wallet fat as fuck. With the pace this shit is going, I'm going to start wearing t-shirts that say "Made millions from just Moderna alone. Get more shots blouses so I make more money".

I can't wait until the Antartica Covid variant is introduced to the world. That will drive the stock price up even more. So that just means mo money mo money for my greedy ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
No wonder Mucas McCain voted for Bitten & Kumola. He bought stock in their MedicineMan resource ... hopefully he'll cash out before the birth defects begin to develop along with the organ malfunctions from ineffective dosages and mask breathing.
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  • WTF
  • 11-30-2021, 06:11 AM
Vaccines play a vital role in Disease Prevention but they can only do so much. There is a lot of different factors that are associated with why one person gets sick and another doesn't. All of us have been exposed to Covid by now. Even without being vaccinated some people will simply not manifest major symptoms others will become sick and die even if vaccinated. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Correct...but the vaccines were not advertised to eradicate the virus but to keep the hospitals from overflowing, which is why distancing and masking was just as important.

Many of you nuts haven't want to do any of these three things...which would be fine if you weren't clogging up the hospitals.
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  • WTF
  • 11-30-2021, 06:17 AM
No wonder Mucas McCain voted for Bitten & Kumola. He bought stock in their MedicineMan resource ... hopefully he'll cash out before the birth defects begin to develop along with the organ malfunctions from ineffective dosages and mask breathing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please provide a study backing up those claims Chicken Little.

Is that outing you?

Are you Chicken Little?
Correct...but the vaccines were not advertised to eradicate the virus but to keep the hospitals from overflowing, which is why distancing and masking was just as important.

Many of you nuts haven't want to do any of these three things...which would be fine if you weren't clogging up the hospitals. Originally Posted by WTF
The Hospitals aren't being clogged up. Yes there is a disease and people are being Hospitalized. The Pandemic was also highly Politicized and information is being hyped up beyond it's normal scope. Most cases of Covid are quite mild and don't require any Hospitalization.