Bella has severe pneumonia:(

Lexxxy's Avatar
From the bottom of my heart thank you everyone. She was taken out of icu today and will hopefully be home tomorrow or the next day. Her parents get here from down south tomorrow to help take care of her and her pets. I've been pulling my hair out trying to take care of her salt water tanks, 3 cats, 4 kittens, and dog. I had no clue salt water tanks were so touchy and hands on thank god for google.
Needless to say she wont be going to rochester with me but I will be making the trip since she's doing better and has family coming to help.
Bella says thank you all for the support and good vibes.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Hoping for a speedy recovery for her Lexy.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Be well, soup, ice cream, movies...sleep!..maybe some water too
The Drummer's Avatar
Be well, soup, ice cream, movies...sleep!..maybe some water too Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Also, Jello and half a glass of orange juice topped off with ginger ale. The liquids are good for you plus the ginger ale mixed with the orange juice cuts down on the acidity. So, this way, after you poop you won't have to put an ice pack in your ass!

Another lesson with

Frankie Fine's Avatar
Eeek! that's where you've been. Missed you too! xo

Hope your friend is improving Lexxxy
sunfish's Avatar
good to see people care