Color me naive ...but I just dont know.

same here Vicki... and last time he was over he gave me the step by step on how he does it... even joked he'd give a workshop on it as he thinks we can all do it... lol
Onceler's Avatar
I experienced a provider in Houston who was adept at squirting (the long ago legendary Mia). She usually enjoyed a more rough and wild encounter and could freely squirt. It wasn't urine.. not going to say I know any medical fact on the issue. But it was intense whatever it was.
I did experience it twice with her, so she knew how to.. Ahem.. summon the floods when needed.

Onceler definition of 'rain slicker'...
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Nice!Wrote this thread,went to sleep ..woke up and LOOK at all this help..
you guys rock..knew I could count on you..
keep um coming.(pun-intended)

Im gonna start practicing.Ill be back.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
same here Vicki... and last time he was over he gave me the step by step on how he does it... even joked he'd give a workshop on it as he thinks we can all do it... lol Originally Posted by Dee Licious
Whomever she is referring to needs to contact me.

dont wait.

do it now.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My dude just does what he does....I just know it works and its great damm..I think it was the position always a sort of sideways scissoring type thing
nuglet's Avatar
Hotass: what you didn't ask in your survey is: do the guys like it? Many would say NO!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Everytime I was asked if I did or wanted to learn in the past, I said "no", too, w/ the disclaimer that I'm a neat freak & it's kinda messy. :P This last time was the first time I was willingly letting someone expirement and only because he was very convincing at a time that I was feeling like trying something new. It was a weird feeling when he hit the spot & I think shock was the first sensation. I was soooo glad I had the forethought to put a wetpad on the bed in preparation. lol

The first time I was on the receiving end of a squirter, I wasn't told of the possibility. I was between this hot gals legs at a swingers club when all of a sudden, I had to gulp! I sat back & said "thanks, I needed a drink". Once she quit laughing, she apologized for not warning me ahead of time. Fortunately, it was tasteless, so didn't gross me out cuz I'm a bit squeamish at times.

It's always a good idea to prepare your partner for the possibility of sudden showers. :P
I think everyone can squirt. It's a matter of being really in tune with your body and having a partner that really knows what gets you off-most of the time. I discovered I could squirt by masterbating. It is real and it is real intense.
Unforgivable's Avatar
Hotass: what you didn't ask in your survey is: do the guys like it? Many would say NO! Originally Posted by nuglet

Not this Guy! Squirting I like, Ill drink it up
Hottassamelia's Avatar
oh no...that thought hasnt even occurred to me.Follow up poll now to commence.
Going Vagal's Avatar
Having observed both at very close range - it is not the same.

From what I've read, I get the impression that "squirting" is just golden showers under a different name. One, it tends to be a fairly large volume of liquid. Where was that hiding? I only took one women's health class (it counted for my cultural diversity credit and it was online), but if I recall, there's only one part of the female body capable of holding large amounts of fluid. Two, almost everyone who says they can do it says they need to consume a large volume of liquid beforehand. Again, where do we think that liquid is being stored? Three, if it does come from the bladder, it's piss. To my knowledge (and again, I'm no doctor, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) the bladder only serves one function. Four, wouldn't there be some kind of medically/scientifically documented evidence for this if it weren't just women relieving themselves? I mean, you'd think if women were geysering from an unknown source the presence of a heretofore unknown organ in the female body would be a pretty big deal. I'd like to have part of a woman's body named after me, I'm pretty sure people who dedicate their lives to researching that shit would, too.

I used to think squirting would be really hot because it meant I was a stallion in the sack, but my desire to not be peed on outweighs my desire for outward confirmation of my virility. Originally Posted by txtraveler07
nuglet's Avatar
uh, yep, that's what I was thinking. Every kink has a twist, AND a following, but it's not for everyone. After sex, I like to pee, but I'll take that somewhere else.. LOL
txtraveler07's Avatar
Source of fluid One very practical objection relates to the reported volumes ejaculated since this fluid must be stored somewhere in the pelvis, of which the urinary bladder is the largest source. The actual volume of the para-urethral tissue is quite small. By comparison, male ejaculate varies from 0.2–6.6 mL (0.04–1.3 tsp) (95% confidence interval), with a maximum of 13 mL (2.6 tsp).[75] Therefore claims of larger amounts of ejaculate are likely to contain at least some amount of urine. The eleven specimens analyzed by Goldberg in 1983,[73] ranged from 3–15 mL (0.6–3.0 tsp).[74] One source states that Skene's glands are capable of excreting 30–50 mL (6–10 tsp) in 30–50 seconds,[63] but it is unclear how this was measured and has not been confirmed. One approach is to use a chemical like methylene blue (or drugs like Urised which contain it) so that any urinary component can be detected.[74] Belzer showed that in one woman he studied, the dye was found in her urine, but not her orgasmic expulsion.[40] PAP and PSA have been identified in the para-urethral tissues, using biochemical and immunohistochemical methods, suggesting that the ejaculate likely arises from the ducts in these tissues, in a manner homologous to that in the male.[76][77][78][79][80] Another marker common to the prostate/para-urethral tissue in the both sexes is Human Protein 1.[81] PSA occurs in urine, and is elevated in post-orgasmic samples compared to pre-orgasmic. Simultaneous collection of ejaculate also showed PSA in both urine and ejaculate in all cases.

lol does this help? there is urine in yours (the male) too Originally Posted by Dee Licious
I like to think of myself as, at least, pretty average, and I sure as hell don't jizz enough to soak the bed. So while there may be trace amounts of urine in my semen (hey, they go through the same tube) I'm thinking it's gotta be much higher than trace amounts if sheet soaking is going on.

According to the wikipedia article on female ejaculation, none of the papers cited have been published in a peer reviewed journal, which makes their scientific credibility questionable at best.
Wikipedia? you're joking surely... concede and I'll stop calling you Shirley... tee hee
Where are all the squirter lovers? Anyone? Bueller...? Most of the male posters seem to be disgusted more than intrigued, which is kind of disheartening. I may have tough skin, but it's sad to hear that something I do in bed is so disgusting to some. Imagine if we had a poll about saggy balls being the most disgusting, vile thing around...plenty of boys would feel sad and unsexy.

BUT! A lot of my old clients came to me because of the wet factor, so I know that there are plenty of guys who are fans of the little puddle of wet that accumulates on the lap as well as looking at a spot or two on the bed as sign of a job well done. So although I don't know the real numbers on who is for and who is against, I can assure you girls (and grumpy guys) that there are a whole bunch of fans out there.