Trump will win in 2020 and it will be a landslide!

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Of course Trump will win.
That's been made in:
Just wanna make sure everybody saw this!! Whoohoo. And if you don't like where the article is from - for whatever reason - just google it and there are lots more! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I hope you are right but Trump getting reelected is no sure thing. As Americans patriotic to the former America we must all vote to make sure the leftists don't continue their path of dividing America into controllable ethnic nationalists who hate whitey.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-22-2019, 06:36 AM
I hope you are right but Trump getting reelected is no sure thing. As Americans patriotic to the former America we must all vote to make sure the leftists don't continue their path of dividing America into controllable ethnic nationalists who hate whitey. Originally Posted by friendly fred

ff you want to get these guys out to vote again for Trump.

  • oeb11
  • 10-22-2019, 08:37 AM
What DPST's still cannot comprehend, or tolerate, and never will, is that the Vote of a "Deplorable" counts just as much as a privileged Marxist DPST adherent.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ couldn't agree more , and people are just tried of the idiots ,socialists DPST They don't get that people see thru the BS