A letter from the Verified Providers

silverfox's Avatar
It's a shame that this even had to be posted. I would like to flip the coin a bit and say to the providers:

1) Be ready at the scheduled time. I don't need you drying your hair on my chest.

2) Don't schedule appts too close together. I don't want to see some anxious guy waiting in his car when I leave your front door, nor do I want to see some guy leaving while I'm approaching your front door.

3) Don't assume that I want you to dominate me, or push into into positions you like. I'm the one shelling out the bread.

4) Don't assume that you have to treat a grandfather like myself like I'm going to die on you. I lived this long for a reason. I might teach you a few things.

5) Don't ask me to strip to see if I'm carrying a wire or some other device. If you deal with guys that are that bad, then I'm probably not going to visit you again. I was asked that once...and I did not go back.

6) If you give an email address, check it once in a while. If you don't prefer using email, don't post an email address.

7) If somebody leaves a message on your phone...try to reply back in a reasonable amount of time. We are all busy people. Things happen...but don't leave somebody hanging too long. Having said that, I would not call a gal expecting her to give me an appt the same day. I like to plan ahead, but I want a reply sooner rather than later so that I can set my schedule.
brutusbluto's Avatar
kidding?! Are you sure...I know that with my rack it does sometimes end up being a shelf for my lunch. lol. Football, how could i forget. So basically u guys want a free ride to not shave all year. When do we get some time off? Originally Posted by Crystalaries
I am an expert at rack cleaning, just in case anyone wanted to know...lol
Well put. My only thing is some of us girls with long thick hair take hours for it to dry. Blow drying is not always an option. I understand where u are coming from but at least u know that we are clean.
Jymie, Do they teach that in school? come see me and we will see how well u have been taught. lol
Nataleelovesyou's Avatar
Please read again if you did not get it the first time. As a long time provider, I hope you get it and understand the following! Xoxo
A letter from the Verified Providers
First a Thank You:

A very special note to the true gentlemen on this board, (whether you post or not) we ladies really appreciate your business. You show up on time, pay upfront, are very courteous and, leave when your time is up. You do not haggle or negotiate with us. You are mindful of your personal hygiene. You Mr. Gentleman are a complete joy to spend time with.

This is a collective statement of our thoughts, addressing how some providers here at ECCIE feel about how we are being treated lately. It has been tough on us guys and, we need your help to turn things around.

This is not "man bashing". It is a "primer" intended to help all of us. We want to be able to enjoy ourselves interacting with you once again. We are making every effort not to get sucked in to the negativity because no one benefits from it. And we miss some of the guys (and girls!) who used to participate and hope you will come back--let's have some fun again!

We hope this information will help you understand how to best schedule a visit with us, and provide answers to some other general hobby questions for both before and after a visit. There are also some notes from us regarding general contact information and other issues. (If you read between the lines, you might even get a chuckle thinking of what we deal with on a daily basis!)

We are members of ECCIE because we are quality providers who want to provide YOU with a quality experience, and to be welcomed as such when we participate as members. To those gentlemen who understand our message and can accept it in the spirit intended, we thank you and we appreciate you.

To those who for some unfortunate reason may reject the very concept of the providers having and using their voices to share honest, constructive information, we only ask that any interaction regarding this letter be handled respectfully and in an adult manner. We have no wish to belittle or flame anyone and have a desire to be treated equally in return.

Thank you for reading our missive.

With Love,
The Providers

1.) Please read our ads and websites in their entirety, there is valuable information there that you need before our first contact and/or session. We create ads, WebPages, and showcases, etc, so the gentlemen will have knowledge of us and our services beforehand, it will make our eventual visit so much better. We expect to be respected in all of our dealings with a potential client. Don’t be angry, call us names or put us down on the boards because we have tight screening measures. It is after all, for all of our safety- provider and hobbyist alike! If you read everything, know what to expect and provide your reference’s you will have a smoother time booking. For those of you who do not follow this practice, it becomes very difficult to book a visit and you end up feeling like it “takes too long” or is “too difficult” to see a lady. Please, DO NOT ask for exceptions to any of our rules. If a lady requires p411 and/or 2 provider references, don't email and ask for an appt and say you have no p411 or references.

2.) Don't take it personally if you get denied for an appointment because we have chosen not to see you for some reason. Please understand that as you have the right to choose who you see, we do as well. We will not ask you the reason you won’t see us, please respect our right to do the same without explanation. (Some of the ladies here have a policy against seeing men who frequent SW and/or have proven (through a review or thread by self-outing, etc) to have received BBFS from anyone.)

3) Don’t book a single hour appointment and then run up to the last five minutes or even *over* and then ask if we have time for a “second round”. The majority of ladies on here are MSOG providers within a standard appointment (not a “special”) however, that does not mean that if you book an hour of time, you expect to go over just so you can achieve msog. Respect my time the way you want me to respect yours. Most men know their bodies well enough to know if it’s going to take more than an hour to achieve msog. Please have the courtesy to book as much time as you need when we first schedule our visit. Remember, some of the ladies even offer discounts as an incentive to book more than just a single hour. *wink*

4) Please do not ask to meet for coffee first to see if there is a "connection". You are paying for our time, not an activity. Also, please do not make it worse by saying something along the lines of, "Well, I just want to get a good look at you, beforehand". It's insulting.

5) Please do not add us on messenger if you have no intentions on setting an appointment. In addition, it is very annoying when you message out of the blue asking about our "status" when we have never met and you have no intention of scheduling a visit.

6) If you are contacting by phone…When calling say your name, handle & phone number. (Do not rush when saying the number it is the only way we can return your call) please leave a message and then say your name and phone number again.

7) If a lady does not have face pictures up and it is expressed in her online information that she does not provide one, please respect that this is our right. Please do not waste our time by going through the screening process only to say you won’t book with someone who does not provide a face picture. We know and completely understand that some of you will never visit a lady who does not offer a face picture and that is perfectly fine. Please understand it is our right to not offer this and just move on to a lady who does.

8) If a lady posts on her profile, website and/or signature line that she is not available for same day appointments, please don't send multiple P411 requests a week asking "are you available right now?"

Just following these small steps works wonders with the ease of getting the “go” ahead and on to more important stuff like playing!

Punctuality and Visit Duration:
1) Show up to your appointment on time, not 10-15 minutes early and not 10-20 minutes late. If you must be late, please let us know immediately via a phone call. We understand that sometimes a delay can occur due to forces beyond your control.

2) Don't linger around after your time is up, you paid for a certain amount of time, nothing more and nothing less. Please don't call us a clock watcher because we tell you when our visit time is expired.

3) If you must cancel for any reason, please give as much advance notice as possible. We understand that things happen and just want a heads up.

After Our Visit:
1) Do not post personal or other identifying info of a provider (whether you had a great time or bad time with her or NO time) in any public or private forum. If a provider and has a policy that she only shares certain information after screening, then you are agreeing when you schedule a visit with that provider that you will not share such info. In addition to screening and more commonly as a part of screening, many of the ladies here research a client before accepting an appointment. Nothing that the provider wants to be held in confidence should be outed; like personal cell numbers, incall location or really close proximity thereof, photos at her incall, photos obtained in private or even located on another web site. If we did not give it to you, please do not take it upon yourself to share it (them). This also extends to other identifying info such as tattoos, it is okay to say size and general location but please refrain from a description of the content of the tattoo. This goes for birthmarks as well.

2) Please never show up at a lady’s incall uninvited or without an appointment.

3) Please, let’s keep things in perspective and professional insofar as asking us to “date” you. This is a business; we are not here to date our clients.

Regarding References:
1) Most ladies will not give a reference if the visit was more than 6 months in the past. If you are a hobbyist and your references are more than 6 months old, get P411 and begin by seeing a newbie friendly provider.

Regarding Fees:
1) Please do not short a lady and bring a donation amount listed on a special that is not current! If you are unsure, then bring what is listed on the website or showcase. If you are a regular and have been seeing a girl every 2/3 months for a long time, please stop asking us “what is the rate again”? You know what it is; please just offer the regular fee. The time for finding out if there is a “special” rate is before our visit!

2) If a lady you wish to visit has a special rate for a certain week, don't send a PM saying "I won't be free for a couple of weeks. Can you grandfather me in for that special?" The special is for the time period stated and not for future bookings.

Regarding Hygiene:
1) Please be clean shaven if you desire DATY and kissing (if offered).

2) Please be shower fresh or knowing that you are not fresh, automatically ask to shower when you get to the incall. We would rather you shower than have to embarrass you by asking you to shower. Or worse yet, go to get busy and notice an unwashed odor. Sweating is natural; don’t be embarrassed about it, just hop on in the shower. If we have politely suggested a shower 2-3 times...that means you need one. Stop turning it down.

3) If you are already shower fresh, please wash your hands before we begin our play time.

4) If you need to relieve yourself at some point during our play time, please wash before returning to our intimate activities.

Degrading Behavior: (Honestly we hate that this has become a topic we even have to discuss)
1) Please do not tell us "what you think we are worth" by haggling over our fee through email, on the phone or by starting a new thread on what you feel we *should* charge. Our rates are posted so you know before contacting us what is to be expected. It is insulting when you try to haggle with us. If you need to see someone at a lower fee, there are plenty of ladies on this board and one will certainly meet your monetary desire. We completely understand that the gentlemen may have personal price points they wish to stay within.

2) We only offer the services we offer; if that means cbj not bbbj, do not ask for bbbj. If you want a trip to the Greek isles and the provider you want to book with does not offer that service, do not ask for it. Instead book with someone who does offer the services you seek. Both participants will have a better time if you book with someone who accommodates YOUR particular desire. 

3) If you are going to act (on the board or anywhere else) with disrespect towards women and through your posts display a woman-hating sort of attitude, then please expect that you may be placed on our personal DNS list. A person's conduct in public has a lot of bearing on what happens BCD. Please note that if you display a consistently degrading behavior on the boards, we will probably never meet bcd.

4) If you see your fellow hobbyist degrading, embarrassing or threatening a provider, speak up. She does not have to be your ATF, please speak up. The degrading of women on this board is way out of hand. We are providers yes but first and foremost, we are human beings and ladies. We desire to have a board atmosphere that is conducive to participation by both genders. (Several men are beginning to speak up about the degrading of women on this board and for that, we applaud you.) We are not speaking to alerts; we are speaking of the prevailing and very prominent problem of degrading behavior towards providers on this board.

5) There are ladies of all sizes that advertise here, if she is not your preference, there is no need to jump on someone's review and ridicule the provider and the OP. He took the time to share his experience with the group, just respect it. Apparently he had a good time and wished to share it with his fellow hobbyists. Please do not ruin an otherwise good review with unnecessary bad and otherwise hurtful comments.

*Posters Edit: This is letter contributed to many women from across the country; compiled, edited and re-written by one wonderful lady in particular.*

To Cassidy;
Thank you.
Thank you for listening to us
Thank you for encouraging us.
Thank you for being the one to stand up for us.
~ The Ladies ~
"A Night You Won't Forget"en many a breaks based on these simple rules not being adhered to!
Seriously, why any of you guys would waste time an money on these nags is beyond me.

You can find plenty of 40-50 year olds in the grocery store dying for your attention. They'll nag you too, but they won't pick your pocket. Not if you don't stay with them too long.
Some "provider" demanding you give them personal information! That's backwards guys.
MrLuigi, please refrain from using language that insults other members.
Seriously, why any of you guys would waste time an money on these nags is beyond me. Originally Posted by MrLuigi
Frankly you sound like you're on the wrong board. If you intend to post this sort of crap I'd hope the moderators would get in the habit of deleting your posts.
Normal Bob, there's a reason that we all adore you.

And Mr. Luigi, yes, please refrain from using language that insults other members. In fact, why don't you just refrain from using any language at all?
Normal Bob, there's a reason that we all adore you. Originally Posted by China Doll
Oh, CD! You're just trying to get into my pants.
Can you blame me?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Frankly you sound like you're on the wrong board. If you intend to post this sort of crap I'd hope the moderators would get in the habit of deleting your posts. Originally Posted by NormalBob
After reading MrLuigi's other posts. I know only one board that would be a better fit for him. Na make that two CL rant & rave. The other I would give him if he asks in a PM. But the providers are not as nice, and can be found on the street.
I'm not defending Mr Luigi, but I see a double standard in that people seem to be allowed to insult him,with the point of some posts only to insult. Why is that allowed? Certainly some hypocrisy going on here!

Things like this have kept me from being more active or paying for Premium Access. I just don't feel I'd ever be part of the in-crowd on here. I would be extremely surprised if many others don't feel the same way. This board has really been reminding me of highschool lately and I read and contribute less and less each week.
I'm sorry that you feel that way, TommyD, but when a man so blatantly disrespects the providers, I believe that people have a right to let him know that this kind of behavior is not welcome.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You are ok. Went back and read your posts. All are good as I see it. And I would think you would do well if you bacame more active.

To get the thread back on track. I believe almost all that is in the letter from providers. When this was first posted I could not think of a need for it. After reading some other posts(some pointed out to me by providers), I think it was a good idea to post this letter.

To quote silverfox "It's a shame that this even had to be posted".

And if someone has a big problem with what is in it or posted after by many of the providers. Then yes that person is on the wrong board.

If a guy in the hobby dos not want go by a providers rules or price. Just move on to another. There is no need to try and get a provider to do anything she dos not want to do. To many in the sea on both sides to waste time on someone. Its better to keep looking for someone where both will enjoy the time together.
Offshoredrillling, I agree with everything you said, including the suggestion that we get back on track.

One problem with a post like this is that it has the potential to offend everyone. The hobbyists who are truly respectful and kind may be offended because they feel that the letter is directed toward them. Some other hobbyists might be offended because they disagree with the notion that women have certain rights. Luckily, the response has been great!

I especially liked Silverfox's response. In declaring it a shame that such a thing needs to be written and posted, he is utimately saying that men should be thoughtful enough to come to these conclusions on their own. Believe me, most of them do! If I had a nickel for every time I was respected by a man in the hobby, I might be able to afford an hour of my time!