Banned FromP411 for posting LE report STL,Wtf

JoanJet's Avatar
[QUOTE=Jannisary;1055407920]Give me a break. In reply to my question in the original thread you stated that it was your P411 ad that they copied. Both Gina and myself pointed out to you how they would have access to your P411 AD. There is a direct link to it on your TER profile. You even admit in the original thread that you went on the call to an area you already knew was HOT without checking the guy out. You never mentioned the guy contacting you through P411 or sending you an appointment request. Just that he called you and talked you into going without checking him out first. That is on you not P411.[/QUOT

I'm so glad your the brain of eccie, get a life.
JoanJet's Avatar
I'm glad you posted the LE alert in your local area. It reminds ladies to screen gents for every occasion. Also, to be on the safe side, it's best to leave off any fictional activities where a rate is posted. Someone might get confused and think a lady is selling her body.

Gina is a communicator. I see she posted on your local thread this morning. Perhaps it is your complaining post here in National that didn't bode well with her. Alert in local area about LE is good but complaining about P411 here before resolution isn't wise. At the very least it is impulsive. Patience isn't one of my best qualities either LOL Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
TY Love ,I'm just a farmer, I do put the blame on myself it seems to be honest in this world will not work no wonder women do not put up alerts.
See what happens when u do loose your sites. Quote from my Aunt " Stop trying to help people nobody gives a dam anymore"
your account was totally compromised and you still want it open??? Originally Posted by FireKitten
Your account is suppose to be shut down if it's been compromised
Jannisary's Avatar
The police printed out my P411 account as evidence against me, Originally Posted by JoanJet
I'll try this again, was it your P411 ACCOUNT or your P411 AD that they printed out?

If it was your account, I highly doubt that a local St. Louis suburb could penetrate P411 from the P411 side of things which means they somehow compromised it from yours.

If it was your account and not your ad that they printed out, then it makes total sense why P411 would suspend that account. It is somehow compromised.

314.215.9430 < Number used by police not that it will help much?? Grrr

I was getting ready to leave and this real nice man called and talked me into coming to Westport to a room to me. between wanting to change hotel and liking the idea of a good dinner and drinks at Hooter's , POW

Very charming police officer talked me into coming there and I had planned a day off and , Hooter's my fun place. Any way they said I had to have a permit or something.
I'm aware of problem's in that area of STL so lets not go there. Just the FYI for all of the ladies. My 360.00 lunch story.

PS some how they got into my P411 account and printed it out. My advice is to remove all the dots on things you do and not do good luck, JJ Originally Posted by JoanJet
Do you mean that they had a copy of your P411 ad page? There is a link to that on your TER profile. Originally Posted by Jannisary
YES.. they printed it out and showed it to me. I'm not in much trouble or anything , I have recently uncheck all my do and don't boxes on that site. I really was not aware LE could en-trap you , with that much effort , into coming into a part of a city? (.)(.) Originally Posted by JoanJet
The above is from your original alert and it sure looks to me like you answered that it was your P411 AD page.

So which is it? Your actual account that only you and P411 should be able to see, or your P411 AD that anybody can see that follows the link?

Let's assume P411 suspended your account because of this. How does that translate into them somehow cooperating with LE, a small local St. Louis suburb LE to boot, which is what you are basically saying? That makes no rational sense. Though rationality and reasoned thought seems to be things that have escaped you.

Please don't take this wrong. I'm glad you posted the Alert. That was the right and noble thing to do. It is unfortunate that you got jammed up while visiting St. Louis. It is your actions after that I find objectionable.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-07-2014, 12:49 AM
I bet she won't sober up long enough to figure this out for herself. Joan is making claims in the other thread that "le is in control of 411".... WTF.

You want me to contact them fokers for suspending my account for telling people the LE is in? Are you foking kidding me. Im sorry but I am from tornado alley I do not fell the same was as you as LE taking over P411. Originally Posted by JoanJet

She didn't screen, went to see a police officer, got a stern talking to, and was showed a print off of her p411 ad which she is clearly mistaking for access to her account. (at least what I am gathering from her incoherent ramblings and rants)... If I missed something, please slap me and show me where.

Gina/P411 is doing the right thing by closing down the account asap until it is all straightened out and they are probably making sure that everything is secure before they let her back on. Which as noted above, she isn't being very cooperative.
JoanJet's Avatar
I bet she won't sober up long enough to figure this out for herself. Joan is making claims in the other thread that "le is in control of 411".... WTF.

She didn't screen, went to see a police officer, got a stern talking to, and was showed a print off of her p411 ad which she is clearly mistaking for access to her account. (at least what I am gathering from her incoherent ramblings and rants)... If I missed something, please slap me and show me where.

Gina/P411 is doing the right thing by closing down the account asap until it is all straightened out and they are probably making sure that everything is secure before they let her back on. Which as noted above, she isn't being very cooperative. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
So my stalker od eccie shows emajin that. Ze your more trouble than the LE. If it wasn't for you we may still of had a decent chat room here.
JoanJet's Avatar
I'm not real sure your getting this. On the P411 pages, it has items to click you do and do not do. They printed out my P411 page and I HAD some of those checked off. Now how do you suppose I can deny all that? I also had a face pic on that site. They printed it out and showed it to me in person 4 real on 6/5. Why don't you just tell me what I'm suppose to tell the judge about that. I have run across many decent men that have told me why they do not belong to web sites , this is an example of why not.

I said this in the STL forum, and I will say it here too.

Is that number you listed in the STL thread the number they called you from?? I hope I am completely misunderstanding that, because a 5 second VERY simple google search of the phone number links straight back to their police department all over google...

Not checking references is one thing, but not googling the number??? You should ALWAYS google the number of the person you are about to see, references or not. Also, a lot of times a number will come up on the facebook search bar but not on google...

I apologize if I am misunderstanding, but if that is the number that called you then hopefully this is a real eye opener and you will start searching the number. Google is your friend...
Your ad is public. Anyone can see it and access it. All it takes is the click of a print button. It does not mean that LE has gotten access to your specific account by going into P411 internally.

I have been on P411 for many, many years and never had an issue. Gina has always been more than helpful. Thank you for sharing the alert but I have to agree that going to an area you knew was an issue plus not screening is what got you in trouble, not P411.

And way not cool insulting Jannisary. He is an awesome guy I have personally met and goes out of his way to help others.
I bet she won't sober up long enough to figure this out for herself. Joan is making claims in the other thread that "le is in control of 411".... WTF.

She didn't screen, went to see a police officer, got a stern talking to, and was showed a print off of her p411 ad which she is clearly mistaking for access to her account. (at least what I am gathering from her incoherent ramblings and rants)... If I missed something, please slap me and show me where.

Gina/P411 is doing the right thing by closing down the account asap until it is all straightened out and they are probably making sure that everything is secure before they let her back on. Which as noted above, she isn't being very cooperative. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

^^ thats exactly what i thought i read too.
JoanJet's Avatar
Ze you don't need to be involved in this your my number one eccie stalker you destroyed the chat room, and always I am so sorry I am not perfect like you.
JoanJet's Avatar
Your ad is public. Anyone can see it and access it. All it takes is the click of a print button. It does not mean that LE has gotten access to your specific account by going into P411 internally.

I have been on P411 for many, many years and never had an issue. Gina has always been more than helpful. Thank you for sharing the alert but I have to agree that going to an area you knew was an issue plus not screening is what got you in trouble, not P411.

And way not cool insulting Jannisary. He is an awesome guy I have personally met and goes out of his way to help others. Originally Posted by MWCompanions

This did not start as a screening or not screening debate everyone always makes the issue as they want it on line. Again I would like to repeat for the ladies , if any thing should ever happen to you and you have a real name they actually got in to my account there and ARE using the ACTS I clicked do and do not against me. I do not know Gina if you scroll up somebody told me that what P411 does when something like this happens. In my case a bit to late. Thanks JJ
This did not start as a screening or not screening debate everyone always makes the issue as they want it on line. Again I would like to repeat for the ladies , if any thing should ever happen to you and you have a real name they actually got in to my account there and ARE using the ACTS I clicked do and do not against me. I do not know Gina if you scroll up somebody told me that what P411 does when something like this happens. In my case a bit to late. Thanks JJ Originally Posted by JoanJet
not to be a bitch... but the fact that you dont screen and you met up with LE and didnt find that a risk... i doubt id see anyone with an okay from you. YOU are a risk... and the fact that your acct is disabled.. makes me feel all the more safer on 411...
I'm really not trying to give you a hard time, but I need to say something.

The way you've described yourself conducting business is a recipe for disaster. Quite frankly, you're lucky that all you got was a stern lecture and a ticket? You're lucky that it was a police office you met up with and not a serial killer.

It doesn't even sound like the police officer was trying to bust you for prostitution. He was trying to give you a wake up call that you should not be conducting this sort of shady business in his jurisdiction, for both your and the community.

I implore you to take a serious look at yourself and your business. I've seen you posting before and I always cringe and worry.

On a side note, I'm no P411 expert, but I do know anyone can view your page from a link. Additionally, the "menu" is not indicative, in itself, of criminal behavior. You need to have a clear nexus between soliciting money in connection to performing those acts.

Regardless, I'm glad you're not in jail or dead. Please be more careful.
In my experience Gina is both amazing with customer service and further still very intelligent about making sure p411 is safe in all avenues. As the account was compromised I would be stuttered to find it anything BUT taken down.

To the OP, you should feel relieved the account was disable and perhaps work WITH Gina and perhaps in the future you could have it re-established.

As lilminx said, simply having certain activities clicked does not indicate you are doing something illegal. These activities simply state that in your personal life you enjoy the indicated variety. No different than a dating site. There are, in fact, many alternate dating sites that have similar interest options to expose to a potential other member. This does note guarantee the reader of said profile the acts or actions simply exposes the personal interest(s). After all, one cannot expect to date another and not desire some form of intimacy eventually. It is human. More human to enjoy the company of another who prefers similar interests both in and out of a bedroom.

P411 has always been and will always be my favored way to screen a potential date. I have had only a singular problem in the years I have enjoyed the privilege of being on the site. and this problem was quickly and efficiently dealt with by Gina herself.