FBI Secret Society, Is this true?

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
The "Masons" are a decently quiet group and maintain a low profile while engaged in plotting and scheming to advance their own. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you've never sat in lodge with an apron on, you may want to rethink your conspiracy theories. Yea, there's plotting and planning going on, it's how to make more children well in the Crippled Children's Hospital without charging the parents and how to treat the kids for free. There's also plotting and planning on how to improve the Shriner's Burn Institute to better care for those with burns. There's plotting and planning to never turn away a patient no matter where they're from or no matter their financial situation.

Like any organization there's some bad guys, however for the most part, they're honorable church going family men. Mainly, a local lodge opens up around 9am and sets up a giant coffee pot, then a bunch of retirees hang out and just talk like any normal men till around noon when they do chores or whatever. Did some guys have an 'in' to get a promotion because they were 'the ring', yes, however where I worked if your ring said Texas A & M, you had a job, no matter what.

Besides what secrets are there when most anything can be found on the internet.
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  • WTF
  • 02-01-2018, 01:34 PM
Why are you asking us? Strzok was the person who texted it. Dumbass. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Do you understand the context of the text? Obviously not.

Next, the Senator said he had a mole in the Secret Society. He was either lying or being lied to. Why would you not want to know why the GOP was trying to smear the FBI with this lie?

Is it because you are fine with throwing the FBI under the bus to save Trump. that is a rhetorical question
  • grean
  • 02-01-2018, 01:37 PM
Damn it! People...

Fight Club rules. Jesus fuckin' Christ!

LexusLover's Avatar

Like any organization there's some bad guys, .....

Besides what secrets are there when most anything can be found on the internet. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Promoting one's own group is not being a "bad guy," and there is no doubt the FBI has done some "good work" over the years of its existence, which is one reason the current events are hard for the loyal agents to swallow (those still working and those retired!).

I doubt they actually "took out" an "insurance policy" either, but those kinds of references and phrases are often used among close associates to be intentionally vague, but portray a meaning ... such as our "secret society"!
Calling it a "secret society" is probably a little rich, but keeping it off premises and away from prying eyes is probably a good thing for them. The "Masons" are a decently quiet group and maintain a low profile while engaged in plotting and scheming to advance their own. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe a Clique would be a better term. This sort of thing exists all over Government not just the FBI. Secret groups probably even exist on the State and Local Levels too.

I do not think there is some type of clandestine group meeting in an unknown location, thinking up ways to subvert American Democracy.

What I do believe is there are multitudes of career FBI and Justice department personnel who have a vested interest in keeping the Washington Swamp intact and functioning.

Hillary would have served their purpose quite well. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Where as I do feel there could (COULD, operative word there) be a secret cabal.. Much like the masons, or skull & bones or some such, that's got people all through out the FBI and DOJ who just don't WANT trump in office..

... you don't? If you will notice I removed "American Democracy."

I believe there is a "group" of persons (FBI and otherwise) who have "colluded" at least in an informal manner to SUBVERT the Trump Presidency. They are still doing it. The petty, nonsensical garbage being spewed on these pages is symptomatic of the effort ... because 95% of the petty, nonsensical garbage being spewed here is from the MEDIA and other politicians.

The clandestine nature of such collusion would be necessary to avoid the inhouse monitoring of activities and discussions within the various agencies or offices involved particularly since there have been some efforts on the part of the current administration to track down the "leakers" and the "hackers" who have been focused on disrupting the Trump post election transition team and the current Trump administrative team.

The current events and attitudes of the current Bureau reeks of the stench of the Hoover days for which many of the policies and oversight sight practices were installed and enforced until the last few years.

The frenzy to thwart Trump's efforts and run him out of town is purely for the purpose of protecting "their turf" and "their jobs" until they can walk out of there themselves with their million dollar + pension with "Cadillac" insurance coverage for the rest of their lives and avoid spending any part of it in prison. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hence why i keep wondering WHAT IS trump waiting for? He should IMO have PURGED the upper leadership of the FBI day one of his term..
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe a Clique would be a better term. This sort of thing exists all over Government not just the FBI. Secret groups probably even exist on the State and Local Levels too.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Formally and informally .... in the nongovernment part of our society .... but the real issue is the purpose, focus, and function of the "group" ....

... the media (and others) have a bad habit of assigning labels to people and groups with a casualness that results in them being misidentified or vilified ... and the labeling is usually chosen these days depending upon the person's (or other group's) agenda.

Employees (and particularly UNIONS) meet away from work and discuss activities and individuals (not present in the discussion) with regard to work .. including their bosses. Their discussions are most often considered "private" ("secret") and they don't want their bosses to know they were being discussed (and many times conspired against!).

The "problem" with the current FBI "Secret Society" is: Agencies involved in investigating criminal or potentially criminal activities have been compelled in this country to refrain from becoming involved in political/partisan activities and are generally prohibited from using the investigative tools at their disposal to pursue personal political agendas. That's been the case since almost early 1900's as a general policy and was intensified in the Federal agencies after Hoover left the FBI.

I have to say that the return to politics in LE came with the early HABIT of Obaminable (a political figure) sticking his ignorant nose into LE activities and making any involving HIS RACE an issue BEFORE HE EVEN KNEW THE FACTS! Then he used the DOJ to enforce his perceptions. So that environment created the current atmosphere in which upper management in the DOJ and FBI believed they had a green light to use their resources to further the agenda of their "leader" .... to assure their "leader's" pick would win the 2016 election. Here's where it started:

StandinStraight's Avatar
... you don't? If you will notice I removed "American Democracy."

I believe there is a "group" of persons (FBI and otherwise) who have "colluded" at least in an informal manner to SUBVERT the Trump Presidency. They are still doing it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My guess is you also believe in the Easter Bunny and spend your weekends hunting Bigfoot. Your one of those nuts that peeks out his windows all day because he thinks someone is watching him. The only thing worse than a deplorable from Texas is a paranoid deplorable from Texas. You need to read or do yoga to fight your paranoia.
Do you understand the context of the text? Obviously not.

Next, the Senator said he had a mole in the Secret Society. He was either lying or being lied to. Why would you not want to know why the GOP was trying to smear the FBI with this lie?

Is it because you are fine with throwing the FBI under the bus to save Trump. that is a rhetorical question Originally Posted by WTF
You obviously don't understand the context: A high FBI official texted it!

The same FBI that was stupid enough to pay for a DNC propaganda piece, acted up it and used it in FISA court and tried to hide it!

In any context, you're an idiot! What this Senator has or doesn't have may not be material to people wanting the FBI thrown under the bus. Obama, Hillary, Comey and a few other top level FBI/DOJ officials already put the organization and themselves at risk...to save HILLARY and OBAMA.

Did you puff out your chest when you typed your response?

StandinStraight's Avatar
You obviously don't understand the context: A high FBI official texted it!

The same FBI that was stupid enough to pay for a DNC propaganda piece, acted up it and used it in FISA court and tried to hide it!

In any context, you're an idiot! What this Senator has or doesn't have may not be material to people wanting the FBI thrown under the bus. Obama, Hillary, Comey and a few other top level FBI/DOJ officials already put the organization and themselves at risk...to save HILLARY and OBAMA.

Did you puff out your chest when you typed your response?

Dumbass. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The problem with your post is that none of it is true.
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  • WTF
  • 02-02-2018, 07:38 AM
The problem with your post is that none of it is true. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Gnad is a partot, he has no idea if what he posts is true or not.

He just repeats Sean Hannity.

LexusLover's Avatar

Hence why i keep wondering WHAT IS trump waiting for? He should IMO have PURGED the upper leadership of the FBI day one of his term.. Originally Posted by garhkal
You mean like Hitler or Stalin?
LexusLover's Avatar
My guess ... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
... that's all you have! And quite wrong at that!

What you would know about Texas?
LexusLover's Avatar
You obviously don't understand the context: A high FBI official texted it!


Dumbass. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He truly is! But he relies on the "experts" spoon feeding him the news for his "factual data base"! He then verified it with StandingInShit!
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  • WTF
  • 02-02-2018, 09:06 AM
You obviously don't understand the context: A high FBI official texted it!
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes it was a joke texted to the person they were fucking.

That is the context.

The lying Senator said he had a mole in the Secret Society....which was a lie.