NY Attorney General lawsuit seeks to dissolve National Rifle Association

I predict a new president come November.

BAHAHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
NRA has elections in November too...
Holy fuk me zhit ob1. Can you possibly post and cut more stupid zhit in all your free time? You need to be raiding those gun stores and driving up prices. You know Biden is gonna take all your guns away like Obama did Dumbazz. If you don't believe me ask the nra again and again...the nra is your friend if you buy more of their guns n ammo Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Where is the NRA guns and ammo store??
Lapdog's Avatar
Where is the NRA guns and ammo store?? Originally Posted by bb1961

Where's my wall?
can't even count to Q Originally Posted by Tsmokies
That shit is priceless
Where's my wall? Originally Posted by Lapdog
You need to piss humpdog...find a tree
The nra member gun stores are on nearly every corner in Texas. I think we now have more gun stores than dry cleaners smh. Ignorant racist rednecks don't need clean clothes. They need more lead to sniff.

Oh ya lapdog. I forgot about the Mexico paid for wall. Maybe bone spur will try that again lol. Real Americans can't be that stupid again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I guess I sold pretty much all of my guns just in time.

As long as I have my Henry and my Glock, I'm good and then some.

I don't care about any of this shit. You fuck with me. I'll fuck with you worse. It's that simple to me. I plan on never using either weapon against anyone unless I have no deadly choice. But if you are stupid enough to fuck with me, you get what you get and I won't apologize for it.
Lapdog's Avatar
You need to piss humpdog...find a tree Originally Posted by bb1961

I'll piss in your shoe, junior.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I guess I sold pretty much all of my guns just in time.

As long as I have my Henry and my Glock, I'm good and then some.

I don't care about any of this shit. You fuck with me. I'll fuck with you worse. It's that simple to me. I plan on never using either weapon against anyone unless I have no deadly choice. But if you are stupid enough to fuck with me, you get what you get and I won't apologize for it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Heh.. this.

Had a dinner party once.. and a neighbor commented on my collection with "But I thought you were a Democrat!".

This is part of what is wrong with modern politics... everyone thinks in terms of absolutes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'll piss in your shoe, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog

and then you'll chew it.

  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 06:02 PM
Gun Store sales are skyrocketing - toward the levels of the Obama and h... elections.
Gun stocks will be good - and we will see in Nov.

Biden gets elected - goodbye to the First and Second Amendment.
Exception - DPST pets OBLM and AntiFa - will be armed to the teeth and have free reign to control political and other discourse.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Where's my wall? Originally Posted by Lapdog

200 miles were built
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This is part of what is wrong with modern politics... everyone thinks in terms of absolutes. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
People try to put you in a box when you don't fit their narrative. Some you can, but most you can't. I'm an open minded guy. I don't put anyone in a box unless they jump in the fucking box and that's where they want to be.

I don't care for Trump so I'm considered a liberal. I'm not a liberal. I'm also not a conservative. But because of the fact that I think that Trump is an idiot, I'm considered a liberal now. That makes no fucking sense to me but whatever. He's an embarrassment to this great country. That neither makes me a liberal nor a conservative. It simply makes me objective and wanting a change in leadership.

I'll miss the tax breaks, but it's time for him to go.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
People try to put you in a box when you don't fit their narrative. Some you can, but most you can't. I'm an open minded guy. I don't put anyone in a box unless they jump in the fucking box and that's where they want to be.

I don't care for Trump so I'm considered a liberal. I'm not a liberal. I'm also not a conservative. But because of the fact that I think that Trump is an idiot, I'm considered a liberal now. That makes no fucking sense to me but whatever. He's an embarrassment to this great country. That neither makes me a liberal nor a conservative. It simply makes me objective and wanting a change in leadership.

I'll miss the tax breaks, but it's time for him to go. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

this is leadership?

if you say so
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like the NRA foundation needs to de-corporate NYC and re-incorporate somewhere else.

the NRA headquarters is in virginia.

btw, isn't what the NY state and NYC doing is vote suppression???? its very similar to the IRS tactic on suppressing 501c tea party spending.