what about FOX news now ?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Do you know the difference between reporting about potential security issues and reporting that in fact the machines are actually casting votes for Biden that were cast for Trump. Originally Posted by WTF
I was going to reply with the same comments.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Your 1st paragraph exactly fits the definition you provided of "whataboutism".

That's all, folks. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Unless you read everything I wrote which addressed the original issue, then it becomes a "comparison" but obviously you are incapable of understanding the difference so I'll ask you again, what is the difference between "whataboutism" and a "comparison" and when is a comparison allowed without being called "whataboutism"? You even admitted with this statement

Fox news have come down to the level of these other organizations..

That the other organizations have done the same thing making a comparison, a valid argument. For what ever reason, this seems to be tough for you to understand.

Give me an answer to that and then we'll call it "that's all".
HedonistForever's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

He'd like it to be "that's all" but until he answers my question as to the difference between the two, it ain't over till the fat lady sings or in this case VM answers a simple question.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2022, 12:34 PM
Do you know the difference between reporting about potential security issues and reporting that in fact the machines are actually casting votes for Biden that were cast for Trump. Originally Posted by WTF
He'd like it to be "that's all" but until he answers my question as to the difference between the two, it ain't over till the fat lady sings or in this case VM answers a simple question. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
And you're not being let off the hook until you answer the above question
VitaMan's Avatar
Unless you read everything I wrote which addressed the original issue, then it becomes a "comparison" but obviously you are incapable of understanding the difference so I'll ask you again, what is the difference between "whataboutism" and a "comparison" and when is a comparison allowed without being called "whataboutism"?
. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

There is a big difference between a "comparison" and "whataboutism". If there was no difference, then both definitions would not be needed. What you have in your previous 1st paragraph is a "whataboutism".......which you frequently do.

You do this a lot also. You write 10 paragraphs unrelated to a topic. Then you add 1 line at the bottom related to the topic. What name should be given to that ?

Always bashing Democrats and promoting Republicans any way you can.
VitaMan's Avatar
He'd like it to be "that's all" but until he answers my question as to the difference between the two, it ain't over till the fat lady sings or in this case VM answers a simple question. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Your typical approach.

"Are you or are you not a communist ? Answer the question ! Answer the question."

Dumb questions don't need a reply.

Just as "if you say so" is a useless post. Or maybe you would like to ask a question about "if you say so."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2022, 02:25 PM
There is a big difference between a "comparison" and "whataboutism". If there was no difference, then both definitions would not be needed. What you have in your previous 1st paragraph is a "whataboutism".......which you frequently do.

You do this a lot also. You write 10 paragraphs unrelated to a topic. Then you add 1 line at the bottom related to the topic. What name should be given to that ?

Always bashing Democrats and promoting Republicans any way you can. Originally Posted by VitaMan

He doesn't know the difference between the two.

One being a question....the other being analysis.
Precious_b's Avatar
So HF, when are these people who supposedly have proof of the rigged ballot machines going to present it?

Had 2+ years to do so. Why would they leave rudy alone to be martyred? It astounds me that they'd have all these mega lawsuits against people and not throw the life raft for them.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So HF, when are these people who supposedly have proof of the rigged ballot machines going to present it?

Had 2+ years to do so. Why would they leave rudy alone to be martyred? It astounds me that they'd have all these mega lawsuits against people and not throw the life raft for them. Originally Posted by Precious_b

When did I ever say there was proof of rigged ballot machines? You're making a strawman argument that I never said or believe. I must have said a dozen times that I accept the rulings of the court. That matter of fraud is done, over as far as I'm concerned

But it might be interesting to see what Kari Lake comes up with in her "fraud allegations" in Arizona. Imagine if she comes up with proof that Trump's lawyers never could.

I supported the right of Trump to bring lawsuits or anybody for that matter but when the SC decides, that is the end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned, right or wrong.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Your typical approach.

"Are you or are you not a communist ? Answer the question ! Answer the question."

Dumb questions don't need a reply.

Just as "if you say so" is a useless post. Or maybe you would like to ask a question about "if you say so." Originally Posted by VitaMan

And yet you made a half ass attempt with this comment.

There is a big difference between a "comparison" and "whataboutism"
But never explained what that difference is which is typical of your answers. Why does such a simple question agitate you so much?

I'll keep making "comparisons" that you don't like while you continue to try and stifle speech you don't like.
VitaMan's Avatar
You don't understand sarcasm.

The difference is explained in their definitions.

Good luck to you. You've been taking a beating lately.
Precious_b's Avatar
So HF, when are these people who supposedly have proof of the rigged ballot machines going to present it?

Had 2+ years to do so. Why would they leave rudy alone to be martyred? It astounds me that they'd have all these mega lawsuits against people and not throw the life raft for them. Originally Posted by Precious_b
When did I ever say there was proof of rigged ballot machines? ... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Can you point out where I included you in "these people"?

Stop hollering and point any other direction than point being made....
Unless you are part of the group claiming to have proof and not stepping forward. If so, you can be the first to put those facts out on our hooker board.

Otherwise, find one of the hotties i've passed in South Beach recently and have a Merry Xmas HF