It's much worse than a teleprompter mistake. Trump and gang are truly stupid.

  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2019, 04:35 PM
Classic DPST behavior in argument/debate.

Cannot respond with cogent and constructive argument
Devolve to denial, "What about-ism", name-calling - racist , sexist, statist, anti-comunist, etc.

And the so primitive Pee Wee cartoon!
So pathetic and intellectually bankrupt.

Idiots "Outraged" at a speech glitch, and completely denying any other DPST President ever made a mistake. Of course not - not a DPST Hero!
matchingmole's Avatar sounds like it may have some meaning
If Trump and his gang are truly stupid - what does that say about Hillary and her gang who lost to the biggest underdog in history??

Hint: She and her supporters and advisers are a bunch of stupid motherfuckers!!!

Trump beat those brain dead DPST pussies!!

They should all kill themselves to avoid having to live with the shame of their own ineptitude if Trump is truly stupid as they say.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kill themselves? Holy chit, where have I heard that before?


lustylad's Avatar
And of course no one on this site caught it. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It was already mentioned in multiple threads. Try to keep up, k munchy?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
At least you didn't try to explain why trump didn't know what he was talking about.
Pathetic. As expected. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
Even more pathetic.

Think... "Those who live in glass houses... '
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Was the airport comment poetic license?

What about Ft. McHenry?

Construction was started in 1798 and finished in 1800.

Ramming ramparts? Manning the air?

Give me a break.
It's sad that you don't recognize poetic license, such as it is, when you see it.
Although the song was written in 1814, the phrase ' star spangled banner' could also refer to flags from the revolutionary war, a symbolic link that I am sure Francis Scott Key was aware of. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Good point.......for you. It almost makes sense.
All that build up and you couldn't get it in her face or make worth her time...and your money. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Not even a "what-about-ism. You keep believing and saying Obama thinks there are 57 states.

From "ff"

"So you think Trump really believes airports existed in the 18th century?

Wouldn't a reasonable person just laugh it off as minor thing"

No, I don't believe trump believes there were airports back then.

I believe he would lie about it if it suited his purpose though.

Do you really think Obama doesn't know how many states there are? According to "ff", you are unreasonable if you do.

This should probably be filed next to the Presidential candidate who said he visited 57 states...

Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
You really want to continue down this road, do you? Well, at least the President can speak in complete sentences...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nice try....I have to stop saying that. It wasn't a nice try. It is stupid.
By "ff's" reasoning, you are unreasonable.

Where did the other 7 states come from that Obummer campaigned in...this knowledge is elementary school shit teley needed!!
Do you know how many states in the USA since FUCKING 1959...60 YRS!!
Maybe that's what he meant by "fundamentally transforming the USA...ya think??

P.S. He could have just counted the stars on the flag... Originally Posted by bb1961
Seems someone never knew the definition. Or even the word itself.
The word is what-aboutism or whataboutism.

Is that the fox news definition?

Here is the one given by

a conversational tactic in which a person responds to an argument or attack by changing the subject to focus on someone else’s misconduct, implying that all criticism is invalid because no one is completely blameless:
Excusing your mistakes with whataboutism is not the same as defending your record."

Seems someone forgets the definition of what aboutism. The made up phrase used by leftist snowflakes when their hypocrisy is revealed. Obozo also claimed the dead were rising since he noticed "several of the fallen with us today". Your desperate flailing is just getting old now. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What road? Your "boulevard of broken dreams"? You want to go after Obama's spoken mistakes?

Start your own fucking thread.

I posted trump's comments and what was incorrect about them. You can't take that and bring up Obama misspeaking. He misspoke a single number in the example you have posted.

trump was manning air, ramming ramparts, talking about a fort that hadn't been built, and talking about airports.
trump sputters, babbles, and misspeaks on a regular basis. Do you live under a rock?

Fuck a video on facebook. And fuck your road.
You really want to continue down this road, do you? Well, at least the President can speak in complete sentences... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Let me know when you have a real response. Not just an even lamer version of a previous lame non-response.

Start a glass houses thread. Stop living the trump whataboutism lifestyle.

Even more pathetic.

Think... "Those who live in glass houses... ' Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another non-response.
I know it's pointless to ask but without some links, your bullshit is bullshit.

How could I keep up with all the bullshit you post? Why would I try? I got a large portion of your (as in y'all's) shit in a thread I started about trump mangling the facts again.

No comments about the OP or any acknowledgements of trump's comments. Only whataboutisms, claims of lameness, and other trump apologies.

And I see your attempted set-up of an out of context "it" from my post.

You'll respond but won't provide any links to back up your bullshit.

It was already mentioned in multiple threads. Try to keep up, k munchy? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You really want to continue down this road, do you? Well, at least the President can speak in complete sentences...
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Sure he does, at least i hear he does, he doesn’t always, but I’m not for sure. Maybe he could but we’ll have to see.