Ladies: Whats a fair overnite rate for your time?

It's definitely gonna be a YMMV situation. I've booked with a provider for a $1k overnight rate, and then at a later date only wanted 4 hours...where we agreed on $700 but she decided to spend the night with me. Same provider...I booked a one hour session at her standard rate and she invited me to stay the night. Damn shame she's no longer in Texas.

I mean, if you click and you're a regular some discount should be expected but you're not always gonna get a super discount...and sometimes you just get lucky and get invited to stay longer than planned.

@Olivia, when I have overnight sessions, there's no agenda or plan...I just let things go however they may. I recall one session that I really enjoyed where I showed up, we had a little foreplay before dinner and after dinner we just decided to go to bed. Of course, I was woken up the "proper way" and we had a little fun that went a little longer than the agreed upon 12 hours. It was a great session. I like overnighters because they allow you to move at your own pace and nothing is rushed, and you can enjoy each other's company beyond simply the physical.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
A lot of providers are gonna have a problem with a guy expecting a discount for whatever reason....
@Addict, I suppose that is true. Smart math (time and $ budgeting) and good marketing dictate discounts in certain situations... but that may be rocket science?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I got what you were saying and what you said above.....

Do you think that being a regular entitles you to a discount?
Entitles? No. Would I hope so? Yes.

It makes so much more sense for a provider to give a regular discounts for extended sessions as their ultimate "hourly" goes way up.

You don't have to screen. You save time showering, doing make-up, cleaning up the incall. You already feel more comfortable and secure. You don't spend hours sitting on your butt waiting for you next appt that might end up being a no-show. I mean you schedule 3 one hour appts in one day at $200 per hour . . . when you figure in all the behind the scenes work and the waiting, you just made $600 for the day, right? Or maybe a little less than $100 per hour for the day... whereas you book with a regular for the whole day, say 8 hours @ $1000. You still work around the same number of hours overall, less risk of no-show, less deadtime, make more money and probably get 2 meals out of it . . .

And, at least in my case, won't be in the bedroom the whole overnighters have included dinner, drinks, movies, shopping, and other non-BCD activities
A lot of providers are gonna have a problem with a guy expecting a discount for whatever reason.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I got what you were saying and what you said above.....

Do you think that being a regular entitles you to a discount? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Entitles? No. Would I hope so? Yes.

It makes so much more sense for a provider to give a regular discounts for extended sessions as their ultimate "hourly" goes way up.

You don't have to screen. You save time showering, doing make-up, cleaning up the incall. You already feel more comfortable and secure. You don't spend hours sitting on your butt waiting for you next appt that might end up being a no-show. I mean you schedule 3 one hour appts in one day at $200 per hour . . . when you figure in all the behind the scenes work and the waiting, you just made $600 for the day, right? Or maybe a little less than $100 per hour for the day... whereas you book with a regular for the whole day, say 8 hours @ $1000. You still work around the same number of hours overall, less risk of no-show, less deadtime, make more money and probably get 2 meals out of it . . .

And, at least in my case, won't be in the bedroom the whole overnighters have included dinner, drinks, movies, shopping, and other non-BCD activities Originally Posted by bashful1
You are assuming a lot by calculating what you think women make escorting, or what they do in between appointments, Your Quote: "You don't spend hours sitting on your butt waiting for you next appt that might end up being a no-show."

What makes you think there is less risk just because it is a regular? Regulars have been known to get to comfortable over a period of time and push boundaries with a lady, or even take advantage of her, some have even been known to get violent unexpectedly. Familiarity breeds contempt. A regular client does not always guarantee safety.

How do you know what kind of downtime a lady has, or even what they need to do for preparation of appointments?
There are quite a few ladies who have regular "civie" jobs and moonlight as escorts. So they may only see a few clients per week. Most of the women I know in this business have very busy lives, and don't have time to sit in front of a computer all day.

There is overhead in this business. No way around that. Advertising costs, website costs, gas expenditure for traveling, hotel/notell expenditure, costs related to maintaining a certain look, and a certain wardrobe. The list goes on. It adds up very quickly.

Speaking for myself regulars are not always so regular. I have known gentleman to book weekly appointments, monthly, and sometimes only book once every 6 months over the course of several years. (Not all gentleman have the discretionary income to see ladies on a weekly/ monthly basis). I have also known gentleman in the past to come to me asking for a discount if they become a regular, only to have them see me once every 8 months. In my book that is not a regular. There is no way for a lady to know if this is someone trying to take advantage or not. It becomes far too complicated to offer such discounts to some hoping that they become regulars and stick to only one lady. It is unrealistic and impractical to expect a lady to offer such discounts. Far better for a lady to list her rates for her times, and be consistent with each and every client.

A ladies prices go up with the economy and her expenses, and if she has to raise her rate slightly to reflect this she might grandfather a gentleman or two in at her old rates for a period of time. But remember grandfathered rates only last so long and are not indefinite.

So in answer to the OP's question the fair rate for an over night appointment with a lady is whatever rate she has listed for over night stays. If she has nothing listed for an over night stay, then assume it will be her current listed hourly rate.
simpleton's Avatar
Just be a big baller and pay the lady $5000. She will think your the best. All the ladies will hear about you and your high roller ways. Life will never be same for you.
10-12 hrs...depending on how much of that is actual "sleep" time (if any)...for me between 1,500-2,500 GBP, so between 2,400-4,000 USD.
10-12 hrs...depending on how much of that is actual "sleep" time (if any)...for me between 1,500-2,500 GBP, so between 2,400-4,000 USD. Originally Posted by Valerie
Reason why I live in Texas and not GB.

From personal experience the rate changes based on her needs. Before the end of the month 700-1000. 300-500 when payment is due. You are expected to feed her before during and after sex. That is a lot of eating so stock up on snacks and wine.
gimme_that's Avatar

So in answer to the OP's question the fair rate for an over night appointment..........

If she has nothing listed for an over night stay, then assume it will be her current listed hourly rate. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
As a client, assumming her her rate multiplied by whatever you see as her hourly rate is sort of weird to say. I know you will probably get kicked out of the provider sisterhood if you say otherwise, but I beg to differ when no rates are posted.

If I inquired about the possibility of an overnight with a provider....and she simply said "multiply my hourly rate times 12 baby" I wouldn't see much incentive to see her for a larger amount of time...because their no monetary motivation or deviation in her rates for more time. We could skip the dinner date and id book a three or four hour for all that foolishness....

I think for ladies who don't have rates posted usually it work more in the hobbyist favor. Let's be real there are only a small group of hobbyist who book overnights, and usually depending on the lady even a smaller percentage of ladies who actually have done some or have reviews for it.

What id suggest a hobbyist do if he's inquiring and she doesn't have a posted rate is to let her make an offer first rate wise. Some ladies will try to get you to make an offer first or even use your ref (other overnights) as their pricepoint. If her rate is slightly above what you want to pay, ask her what amount of time x amount of dollars can get. You might be surprised how ladies will work with you, especially if you have a tendency to always book multihours. She might just as well ask you what you feel is fair, and what she offers may be far less than what you were willing to pay.

In most cases ladies with posted rates are moreso concrete in their rates, but are willing to work with you in some cases.

They key in both cases is being honest about the type of session you want and expect, versus what she can accommodate.

I think as a courtesy though, depending on her initial hourly rate, looks, menu, rep, and demeanor via phone your offer to a lady with rates 250 or below for a ten to 12 hour should not below 800. The backpage ladies tend to jump at figures moreso around 800 to 1100.....but there seems to be more associated rish with seeing ladies with no rep.

You typical established independent with reviews and a website and such, typically between 800 and 1400 seems to be the window. I'm sure it varies slightly city to city, but in down south cities 1,000 is not a bad start point to negotiate.

For ladies who have rates 350 or above don't even start at anything below 1300...of course if no rateis posted.

The rates ladies post could be for a number of reasons.

1.Could be simply wear and tear of the appointment and the prospect of a larrge portion of time she can see other clients.

2. She could need sufficient rest and preparation before spending a large block of time with someone she's not famaliar.

3. She may incorporate babsitting money if she's a single mom and need to push her schedule around to accommodate it. Might mean slight loss of income with other jobs.

4. Her rates maybe lower than your accustomed because she expects a dinner date. Maybe her rate is more because she would rather not do dinner dates, and would rather stick to "real" less srutinized topics stuff. Maybe a less sexually enthused session than the time seems to motivate, I.e. less work.

But in some instances, ladies I will see BCD for an overnight, I might not feel comfortable going out on a dinner date for discreetness sake. Maybe her look doesn't warrant outside activities (maybe too attractive, or not your particular type in public)

Generally I talk to ladies prior to inquiring about rates of what I expect, what I provide, and figure out if she can accommodate.

I don't consider anything less than ten hours an overnight....definitely in the case of the dinner date. When you break down the eating and socializing(if you can tolerate it), digestion, sleep and/or naps your really only getting the equivalent bcd time of maybe three or four hours.....if for instance her overnight rate was 8 hours.

Ill take getting freaked on an overnight, over getting fed on a dinner date anyday. Doesn't mean its not always an option, just sometimes I'm in the mood for other things. And I book late nights anyway, but drinks and food are availiable.
blowpop's Avatar
In my limited experience with overnights, the only hard and fast rule is YMMV. You might pay her hourly rate x the number of hours. You might pay far less. It depends on many factors, and the particular factors depend on the provider and your chemistry with her.
gimme_that's Avatar
10-12 hrs...depending on how much of that is actual "sleep" time (if any)...for me between 1,500-2,500 GBP, so between 2,400-4,000 USD. Originally Posted by Valerie
What for you distinguishes the price difference between 1500 and 2500. Basically how do you determine the rates you choose between such a huge divot. Just curious, and in keeping with the thread subject curious what you ladies determine is more price raise worthy situations for it.

Basically is their a set of rules or predestined expectations on your end that dictate the rate. I have seen ladies post rates like this before on their rate if she had preset uninterrupted sleep time.....and another rate if it was liberal.

I always took that as a sign that she really couldn't accommodate the later option and didn't prefer it....and might not see it in her best interest to accommodate it. In my instances of seeing ladies the rates were more so a formality....although very close. I guess id rather she would just go with the flow, and be a chameleon service wise if it was warranted, maybe I was wrong to assume?

I hope your respond I'm curious to understand your method behind that.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Union members give discounts......I'm just sayin...They are required - or were required to give a discount at least 5 times a year to keep their membership.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
In my limited experience with overnights, the only hard and fast rule is YMMV. You might pay her hourly rate x the number of hours. You might pay far less. It depends on many factors, and the particular factors depend on the provider and your chemistry with her. Originally Posted by blowpop
Chemistry is a big and potentially dangerous factor in overnighters and rates for such.
blowpop's Avatar
Chemistry is a big and potentially dangerous factor in overnighters and rates for such. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Very true. Be careful what you hope for - sometimes you get it.