aRandyOne's Avatar
I am a fan of sacral dimples and natural body hair. Once a provider took a vacation from providing because she had her kids all summer. They went camping and she just quit shaving anything because of a healthy active outdoor life. She PMed me before she started back to work and let me know that everything (and I mean everything) was all natural and asked if I'd like to see her before the Gillette Mach 3 got her. It was a memorable session.

Oh yeah, sacral dimples usually don't show up on skinny girls.
bigtom62's Avatar
I too love the corporate look. A hot lady in a business suit does it for me...hell, even a NON-Hot lady dressed that way still does something for me. The short hair makes it even better. Also shapely legs... NOT skinny but well turned drives me up the wall.
While I don't care for "daddy" although I am old enough to be the father of 90% of the ladies around ... papi gets me going. Go figure
LazurusLong's Avatar
I am a fan of sacral dimples and natural body hair.
Oh yeah, sacral dimples usually don't show up on skinny girls. Originally Posted by aRandyOne

"A sacral dimple is an indentation, present at birth, in the skin on the lower back. It's usually located just above the crease between the buttocks. Also called pilonidal dimples, most sacral dimples are small and shallow. Sometimes, a sacral dimple may be accompanied by increased hair growth in this area.

Most of the time, sacral dimples are harmless and don't require you or your child to receive treatment. Rarely, a sacral dimple may indicate a serious underlying abnormality of the spine or spinal cord.

To rule out an abnormality, your doctor may recommend an imaging test. If an abnormality is discovered, treatment depends on the underlying cause"

Hmm, I like dimples but not if they might indicate spinal bifida or other major health issues....
Papacorn's Avatar
The menu of interests is varied -

Wild hair - not messy, just a whole lot going on (but no colors, too 1984)
Professional look - love that office fantasy, even for a minute!

Above all, is confidence - love a woman who knows what she wants and has no interest taking anyone else's bullshit.

Wondering if I will regret admitting the last one....
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Then what if I whisper, ever so softly in your ear, "neutrino", and "quark", and "muons", and then top it off with "CERN"...

Originally Posted by Nebekenezer
I was listening to some late night radio bafflegab the other night on Coast to Coast. There are people around who maintain that there are visitors from the future that are sabotaging the CERN supercollider in order to prevent us from discovering them.
  • OFF
  • 10-21-2009, 07:35 PM
I was listening to some late night radio bafflegab the other night on Coast to Coast. There are people around who maintain that there are visitors from the future that are sabotaging the CERN supercollider in order to prevent us from discovering them. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
They will never take me ALIVE!

OFF :-)
aRandyOne's Avatar

"A sacral dimple is an indentation, present at birth, in the skin on the lower back. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
OK, what I was referring to is in fact a BACK DIMPLE - viz.
Kelly TNT's Avatar

I Love the more obscure answers! Thaaaaaaaaaat's what I'm talking about!

It just made me start thinking Hmmmm.....I wonder how many guys had a crush on me when I had to wear braces?!

I love the back dimples! That's a good one!!

I did think of another one....

Girls with freckles on their knees! I ALWAYS wished I had freckles on my knees! Hahaahaaa! I have no idea why I think that's hot! But, I do!! They're awesome!!

~Kelly TNT

Originally Posted by Dharma
Hmmm, more like particle physics with collisions and all that energy being released and but I like where you're going with this.
Then what if I whisper, ever so softly in your ear, "neutrino", and "quark", and "muons", and then top it off with "CERN"...
Nebekenezer, are you saying you want to play with my fundamental particles?

Kelly, I have freckles on my knees and I gotta say, noone's ever hit on me over them...

Coast to coast is awesome! They had a group on one night that swore they were real vampires. It takes all kinds.
otis's Avatar
  • otis
  • 10-21-2009, 11:25 PM
Hello, just joined as I might be moving to the DFW area and was looking for a little intel.

As to the discussion, two biggies stand out:

1. Freckled cleavage (drives me nutty).
2. Blonde peach fuzz on a natural blonde, especially right between those sacral dimples......

Hope I make the move as the ladies in DFW look amazing. Someone told me that for hobbyists its a real candy store......

Looking forward to future conversations!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
small of the back...
back of the neck...
the little space behind her ears..

not very strange, but they are mine.

KMBA1's Avatar
  • KMBA1
  • 10-22-2009, 07:48 AM
A big brain. When he starts talking physics or Unix, my knees get rubbery and I find it very hard to stay focused. I have a huge, nerdy crush on Michio Kaku. Originally Posted by Dharma
010001000110111101100101011100 110010000001110100011010000110 100101110011001000000111010001 110101011100100110111000100000 011110010110111101110101001000 000110111101101110001111110010 000001010000010011010010000001 0011010110010100101110
010001000110111101100101011100 110010000001110100011010000110 100101110011001000000111010001 110101011100100110111000100000 011110010110111101110101001000 000110111101101110001111110010 000001010000010011010010000001 0011010110010100101110 Originally Posted by KMBA1
44 6f 65 73 20 6d 79 20 6c 61 63 6b 20 6f 66 20 7a 65 72 6f 73 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65 72 76 6f 75 73
KMBA1's Avatar
  • KMBA1
  • 10-22-2009, 09:40 AM
44 6f 65 73 20 6d 79 20 6c 61 63 6b 20 6f 66 20 7a 65 72 6f 73 20 6d 61 6b 65 20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65 72 76 6f 75 73 Originally Posted by Dharma
59 6f 75 20 68 61 64 20 6d 65 20 61 74 20 27 34 32 27
Aw, KMBA1, that's so sweet! eW91IGhhdmUgbXkgbnVtYmVy
Sorry for the deviation, folks. (I know, all puns are bad)