Dear houston: Long alert sheets, sucky provider refs, and ncns appts.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Kinda like writing a no review on a non verified, non member of eccie, backpage girl huh...
Calling out guys with zero posts and no activity is kinda like the "hold me back" guy in a fight. Entertaining read, though. Originally Posted by Chrisrock
Just because they don't review or don't post, THEY ARE NOT ABOVE HAVING AN ALERT ON THEM...ijs!

Edited: responded in pm
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 11-08-2011, 09:35 AM
he just means that it is just a show with no substance, hon.
it has substance to it... to us. I already have a list of NCNSers from here, p411, and BP numbers. The ones from here and p4 I do report. Put DNS by these fuckers names.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No what I mean is we post our experiences with whoever regardless of whether they are a member here or not for all to see, we do it for our fellow hobbyists. These ladies are doing the same for the same reason we do.

They are also doing it to give a reason and proof as to why so many dislike Houston.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I don't understand why some providers think that an Appointment REQUEST means that an appointment is booked. It doesn't mean an appointment is booked, it's only an inquiry, and if the client doesn't get back to you, it means he doesn't want to book an appointment. Definitely don't wait around holding your breath, the client doesn't expect you to, since he didn't book the appointment.

It is not a nc/ns if he doesn't respond.

However, I wouldn't disagree with you using the term "flake", although I wouldn't personally use it in a case like this. In my mind, an inquiry that doesn't follow through just isn't serious enough to get worked up about.

The other f*ckers though, have at em!

Wakeup's Avatar
Have fun...

List all the lurkers names you can find! Hang 'em high! Mods can't do anything to them, they can't be pointed or banned for NC/NS. Hobbyists who want them named can't do anything to them except send them hateful PM's, and that's what people get banned for around here. Ladies can't do anything to them, because we all know that this "list" with two lurker names on it will never be searched by traveling ladies and they'll just come in here complaining some more about how Houston sucks.

End all of it is this. If you don't like Houston, don't come down here. If you have a bad experience, don't come back. It's never going to change, and we could care less about your bitching...
oh well,
name em anyways.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
While I can see where WU is coming from.... I think it is a bit of a narrow view of things...... even if it only moves the needle a little bit, if it deters some from attempting to do so in the future, or exposes a few for what they are then I think that it has a place...... but again it is up to the person who is potentially on the business end of it (providers in this case) to do their due diligence in researching before attempting to book...... and as Gina said, "an inquiry is not a booking" and to assume one is as much lies at the fault of the provider as it would on the hobbyist if he had done the same....

LisaX2..... thank you for being the first one to start a thread like this.... I hope others take your example and feel free to share.....

dearhunter's Avatar
Post the names. It will create a culture where the hooktards feel safe to share more........ijs.
Post the names. It will create a culture where the hooktards feel safe to share more........ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
They may not like the kind of worms that come crawling out of the can
Wakeup's Avatar
Post the names. It will create a culture where the hooktards feel safe to share more........ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter

LisaX2..... thank you for being the first one to start a thread like this.... I hope others take your example and feel free to share.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

Others have, nobody was paying attention. I know I have, at least twice, so has Mila.. but that's neither here nor there.

Post the names. It will create a culture where the hooktards feel safe to share more........ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
thanks DH even though I'm not sure if you mean that or not...
Only a few chicks here have the balls to anyhow, most are too busy playing Sandra Dee here
then calling you a fat trick behind your back.
now is the time to say something real, and address a real issue, and it's crickets.
I want to see a month or two down the line when we get another slew of threads like this.
Patience is a virtue.

They may not like the kind of worms that come crawling out of the can Originally Posted by tbone2u
Kinda sounds like an intimidation not to...

Awww come on, don't you guys share enough already? I mean, this is you holding back? So there will be backlash for exposing bullshitters and NCNSers. Say it ain't so.

Like I once heard somewhere,

pretty chickenshit if you ask me.

at least I know this isn't the mouthpiece end of you speaking. j/k
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
My appologies if I have missed others doing so in the past LD.... kudos to those who have had the balls to do so......

I will be as protective to the rights of the ladies who post NCNS's here as I am to the men who do the same to the ladies...... flames and drama is something that will be avoided and discouraged at all costs...... once again..... this all can be done in a civil and constructive manner in order to avoid BS and drama...... information is key for both sides of the fense....... WU, DH & Tbone2u would all agree to as much and have stated as much in the past........
