Being upsold

This is why pimps aren't all the way bad, they take out the other trash.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
This is why pimps aren't all the way bad, they take out the other trash. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
And the pimps are trash throwing out the other trash!!!!

that's like pork is the other white meat!
The circle of lifeeeee. *in my Elton John voice
^^^ that's funny.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
The circle of lifeeeee. *in my Elton John voice Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
LMAO, wait I am not on facebook
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
So many things I'd rather say but I'll just agree with all that's been said.

And only add WTF kind of man feels the need to go to hotel staff when he's at the hotel for what the girl is offering?

With all due respect "that's what I call a h*% a$$ %%$&*
rotffl with all due respect and all.

But men like this are more common than we'd like to think. Glad you revealed yourself. That in itself means a lot lol not really. But at least we know what kind of games you play. Your thoughts are mind boggling.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Well, since that's decided (BAD IDEA) what else is on your mind, cloud s?

You can answer with the new handle if you want.
cloud s's Avatar
def some over reactions here

Like I said; I took my lumps, stayed respectful, and walked out of there in one piece

Was just a thought, not something i would ever do. but at the same time, what she's doing is just a step down from robbing somebody. and there's no consequences for what she's doing. seems wrong

in all reality, you'd have to be kinda crazy to try anything other than walking away. engaging management ("hey, i was about to bone this hooker, and she ripped me off") confronting her, or potentially her pimp, would be even worse (i did ask for my money back once, it doesnt go well)

do appreciate the comments, concurring the sane path. as for others over reacting, prob why i never post here

ps. I've seen ladies from here. I dont review them because they usually have plenty of good reviews already . Tend to review the questionables or toftt , since i still feel the need to look out for other good hobbying peoples

You thought it was hard to find a diamond in BP. You've just made it hard to find any Indy here on ECCIE to see you. You're a snitch.

Sorry, misspelled that, you're a bitch for thinking that.

You thought it was hard to find a diamond in BP. You've just made it hard to find any Indy here on ECCIE to see you. You're a snitch.

Sorry, misspelled that, you're a bitch for thinking that. Originally Posted by Space Cowboy
You have way to much faith in their screening processes.
You have way to much faith in their screening processes. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
Ha. True that homey.
I Agree.

My honest advice is to politely leave with a "no thank you." Its not right to jeopardize the safety of the provider because your upset with her. We all know calling management leads to cops & is it really worth it? Originally Posted by KaitlynDior
boardman's Avatar
You could just piss on the curtains, or take a big dump and wipe your ass on the bed spread. That would show her.
There is no honor in the hobby, screw her. I would call hotel mgmt in a heart beat. Screw me over and you will get yours.
But men like this are more common than we'd like to think. Glad you revealed yourself. That in itself means a lot lol not really. But at least we know what kind of games you play. Your thoughts are mind boggling. Originally Posted by Karrine_Kream
Just the fact that the majority of his reviews are NO is reason enough not to see him. But THIS! He's either willing to force a woman into doing something she doesn't want to do or report her?!? You said it, it's great for the ladies that he revealed himself. I see a blog post coming on about choosing who you see wisely.