Dorian Gray's Avatar
Not sure you can stretch it out to call him an "American Hero", but he did show clearly who the"American Villains" are...... Originally Posted by nwarounder

-Recording your calls, saving your text, & tracking you web history since 1994.
-Recording your calls, saving your text, & tracking you web history since 1994. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Not sure where you are coming from, but none of those companies volunteered to give their data to the feds, they are forced to by law. To be fair, it started with Bush and a nation of pussies who fear Muslims above all, and then continued under Obama.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-27-2013, 02:42 PM
Not sure where you are coming from, but none of those companies volunteered to give their data to the feds, they are forced to by law. To be fair, it started with Bush and a nation of pussies who fear Muslims above all, and then continued under Obama. Originally Posted by nwarounder

handing over classified intelligence to anyone other than the people that have clearance to that intelligence is treason ...

All I see is a self righteous punk who has a great Leavenworth.

There is a correct way to do things. He chose wrong. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Exactly right.

Heroes and patriots don't defect while delivering a treasure trove of sensitive information to the likes of China and Russia. Sentient individuals should consider claims to the contrary shamefully embarrassing.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-27-2013, 03:00 PM
Benedict Arnold was a general in the Revolutionary War. At the Battles of Ticonderoga and Saratoga Arnold was wounded and kept fighting. Though the credit goes to General Gates it was Arnold who was recognized at the main factor behind the victories. Why is this important? Why do we remember Benedict Arnold? Do we remember him for his great victories or his patriotism or the fact that he was one of the first to take an oath supporting the new United States of American? No, we remember Arnold for selling out his friends and country by giving the plans of West Point to the British.
Snowden may have done a community service by revealing the specific information of spying on Americans but if, IF, he gave sensitive information to any of our enemies or allowed the information to be published (and getting to our enemies) then his name is blackened forever. Knowing the Chinese and Russians they just don't help someone for nothing. We already have the punishment. Snowden himself went online a couple of years ago complaining about leaks appearing in the pages of the New York Times. Snowden said that whoever leaked information should be shot in the balls.. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
heres how fucked you really are JD .....

you piss and moan about Clinton selling super computers to China, Snowden turns over classified government intelligence to China and you think he has done a community service ..???

time for you to STFU and go sit in the broom closet and take your coloring book with you.
handing over classified intelligence to anyone other than the people that have clearance to that intelligence is treason ...

Originally Posted by CJ7
Can't argue that point. Although, just because they made a law, I wouldn't consider what Bush or Obama has done as heroic to the American people either.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2013, 04:56 PM
If i were President.....and i were ultimately responsible for making sure another 9/11 didn't occur....and i was shown something that was even just marginally effective....and that something caused no real tangible harm to anyone....i'd have a hard time convincing myself not to use it.

Especially if i were dealing with a bunch of idiots who go bat-shit crazy when an embassy thousands of miles away gets attacked.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-27-2013, 07:46 PM

Especially if i were dealing with a bunch of idiots who go bat-shit crazy when an embassy thousands of miles away gets attacked. Originally Posted by Doove
Snowden main crime is embarrassing the Obama Adminstration.
Not to put too fine a point on it but the traitorous motherfucker isn't in jail just yet COG. Hopefully, you can post your chant for him soon though. Mark my words...he's going to spend a considerable amount of the rest of his life in prison. I guess he can console himself by reminding his family that he is your hero.
If i were President.....and i were ultimately responsible for making sure another 9/11 didn't occur....and i was shown something that was even just marginally effective....and that something caused no real tangible harm to anyone....i'd have a hard time convincing myself not to use it.

Especially if i were dealing with a bunch of idiots who go bat-shit crazy when an embassy thousands of miles away gets attacked. Originally Posted by Doove
If those measures did not stop muslim attacks, would you stop the spying or double down and think of more intrusive ways to be like Russia, North Korea, or China?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-27-2013, 08:33 PM
If those measures did not stop muslim attacks, would you stop the spying or double down and think of more intrusive ways to be like Russia, North Korea, or China? Originally Posted by nwarounder
I'll answer your question if you can tell me how the government's knowing what phone numbers i've dialed has tangibly changed my life from what it was like 20 years ago.
I'll answer your question if you can tell me how the government's knowing what phone numbers i've dialed has tangibly changed my life from what it was like 20 years ago. Originally Posted by Doove
I don't know anything about your life now, twenty years ago, or any time in between so I'm certainly not qualified to answer that question, or would on your behalf. The one thing that is certain is that millions of taxpayers' dollars have been spent on this program and that affects us all in one way or another. It was never a requirement that you answer.
  • Laz
  • 06-27-2013, 09:29 PM
Snowden is a traitor and needs to be thrown in jail. I have not heard anything that indicated the government was actually looking at the data without proper processes being followed. The phone companies, the government and god knows who else has the capability of listening in on calls or monitoring internet activity. We have all known that for years. If Snowden had gone to the government or the press here and shown that the government was doing this illegally he would have a valid case. But just pointing out the government has the data stored in case they need to search for specific items does not justify his actions. Going to those bastions of freedom, China and Russia, does not help him much either.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
snowden is a fucking traitor. Hang him!