Trump vs Trump?

bambino's Avatar
Trump is going to lose in a landslide. His words and actions during the protests have inspired young people to get out and vote. That is a problem for the Republican Party. Their ace up the sleeve in elections has always been that young people and minorities simply do not have the kind of voter turnout that old white people do. That is out the window this time around.

The Covid-19 surgee is also a huge problem for him. The guy wants to end federal funding for testing centers the same week that Texas and Florida have more new cases than ever before. Even Cruz and Coryn could not understand or explain away the nonsense. The right wing media has tried to paint corona as a hoax and make refusing to wear a mask a badge of honor for Republicans. Numbers do not lie no matter how you spin them. Texas and Florida were two of the fastest to re-open and look at them now.

The biggest sign that Trump is fucked is that Fox is starting to slip a potential Biden win into the narrative. Even Trump himself sees it coming because "Some people don't love me maybe"

Funny how he mentions Biden's saying million instead of thousand yesterday. Biden instantly corrected himself which everyone would have seen if they saw the 10 second clip instead of the 4 second clip. Regardless, Biden will never be as sharp on the mic as Trump. Edits are fun.

When Linsdey Graham publicly acknowledges the tide you know the ship is sinking. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Were these gems takin out of context?

But he’s had more since then!!!! But vote for him.
T R U M P will have a T R E M E N D O U S win
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Were these gems takin out of context?

But he’s had more since then!!!! But vote for him. Originally Posted by bambino

seems Joey Corn Poop has a lying problem too...

The Intercept 193K subscribers

The evidence is in: Joe Biden has a habit of making things up. And it’s not just wrong — it could hurt him in a general election contest against Donald Trump. According to The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan, if you think the guy who made up getting arrested in South Africa, who falsely claimed to have marched in the civil rights movement, is the “safe” candidate against Trump, then you’re lying to yourself.

matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 06-26-2020, 08:04 PM
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Today's 538 Trump approval rating dropped to -15.5%. the lowest it's been since Feb. 2, 2019. 56.1% disapprove of his performance, the most since Dec. 31, 2017.

The odds for a Biden landslide (375 EVs) are very low. But so was a Trump victory in 2016.

Joe Biden is far, far from an ideal candidate but he is seemingly killing Trump in every poll. What does that say about Trump? And the polls do question likely voters too.

There are 3 debates planned prior to election day. Most Trump supporters think Trump will destroy Biden in a one-on-one. Certainly debating is not Biden's strong point, but Trump will be forced to defend his failures while in office. This could be the only remaining opportunity for Trump to shine prior to the election.

Even Trump supporters acknowledge many of his character flaws. This alone will cost him many millions of votes. Then we can argue ad infinitum about his "successes" as POTUS. If the coronavirus and the George Floyd killing had not occurred, Trump would be in a much stronger position to win in November His handling of both situations was not good in the eyes of most voters.

Barely over 4 months until decision day.
  • oeb11
  • 06-27-2020, 08:57 AM
Meanwhile , the DemLibs are encouraging and enabling their pet terrorist in rioting, looting, arson, assault - and pulling down every bit of history they can - because all History is racist and must be remade in the New marxist image of Hannah-Jones!!
bambino's Avatar
Today's 538 Trump approval rating dropped to -15.5%. the lowest it's been since Feb. 2, 2019. 56.1% disapprove of his performance, the most since Dec. 31, 2017.

The odds for a Biden landslide (375 EVs) are very low. But so was a Trump victory in 2016.

Joe Biden is far, far from an ideal candidate but he is seemingly killing Trump in every poll. What does that say about Trump? And the polls do question likely voters too.

There are 3 debates planned prior to election day. Most Trump supporters think Trump will destroy Biden in a one-on-one. Certainly debating is not Biden's strong point, but Trump will be forced to defend his failures while in office. This could be the only remaining opportunity for Trump to shine prior to the election.

Even Trump supporters acknowledge many of his character flaws. This alone will cost him many millions of votes. Then we can argue ad infinitum about his "successes" as POTUS. If the coronavirus and the George Floyd killing had not occurred, Trump would be in a much stronger position to win in November His handling of both situations was not good in the eyes of most voters.

Barely over 4 months until decision day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And most people know what Biden’s flaws are.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And most people know what Biden’s flaws are. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes they do. And it doesn't seem to be impacting voters who participate in the polls. And everyone knows what Trump's flaws are and they seem to be killing him in the polls.
bambino's Avatar
Yes they do. And it doesn't seem to be impacting voters who participate in the polls. And everyone knows what Trump's flaws are and they seem to be killing him in the polls. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The polls mean nothing right now. Check back in with me after Labor Day when they start polling likely voters. In my view, the election will turn on 3 things:

Law and order

When it comes to that, Trump is the superior candidate.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The polls mean nothing right now. Check back in with me after Labor Day when they start polling likely voters. In my view, the election will turn on 3 things:

Law and order

When it comes to that, Trump is the superior candidate. Originally Posted by bambino

When I look at polls on the subject, Healthcare, the economy, immigration, national security, education, climate change, gun policy, and the deficit tops the list as to what is important to voters. Trump is better on some issues and Biden is better on some issues in my opinion.
For those saying the 2016 polls were inaccurate, the 2018 polls were more accurate, as they predicted the Dems getting the House, and they did get it.

While COVID-19 didn't do him any favors, Trump has made a lot of unforced errors as of late, the latest being the re-tweet of those "dueling protests" at that retirement community. How did he miss that "white power" shout out at the beginning of the vid like that? For as much as I've said that Biden is no longer the man he was mentally in 2008, Trump may be in a bit of a mental decline as well, if he missed such an obvious thing like that.

There is a little over 4 months left before we all vote...less if you count early voting, and if mail-in voting is allowed in the state you live in. I'm not sure Trump can make up all that ground. Then again, we are talking about "the gaffe master" in Biden. If anyone can deep-six his own campaign faster, it's Biden.
When I look at polls on the subject, Healthcare, the economy, immigration, national security, education, climate change, gun policy, and the deficit tops the list as to what is important to voters. Trump is better on some issues and Biden is better on some issues in my opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
As one of those "unforced errors" by Trump, I think trying (again) to get the ACA overturned during the middle of a pandemic is a huge mistake, regardless of your thoughts on it. Healthcare was the #1 topic the Dems were concentrating on before all this chaos broke out. Dems now have another ready-made fear narrative that if you get sick with COVID-19 and the ACA (and coverage for pre-existing conditions) is no more, you will be sh*t out of luck if Trump gets his way.
How did he miss that "white power" shout out at the beginning of the vid like that? Originally Posted by SecretE

So as to prove that he ain't lying about his avowed love of "the poorly educated...."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As one of those "unforced errors" by Trump, I think trying (again) to get the ACA overturned during the middle of a pandemic is a huge mistake, regardless of your thoughts on it. Healthcare was the #1 topic the Dems were concentrating on before all this chaos broke out. Dems now have another ready-made fear narrative that if you get sick with COVID-19 and the ACA (and coverage for pre-existing conditions) is no more, you will be sh*t out of luck if Trump gets his way. Originally Posted by SecretE
I agree. I read somewhere that thousands of people who lost their jobs recently have signed up for Obamacare.

Millions of Americans losing their jobs may still be able to sign up for Obamacare — but Trump officials haven’t been urging people to grab onto that safety net while they can.

People who’ve lost their workplace health insurance during the coronavirus outbreak may qualify for private coverage through Obamacare, along with generous subsidies, despite President Donald Trump’s decision last week not to re-open signups for everyone. Many may also qualify for free or low-cost coverage under Medicaid, especially in the two-thirds of states that joined Obamacare’s expansion of the low-income health care program.

I'm surprised with the timing of Trump trying to do away with Obamacare, especially with absolutely nothing to replace it.

The Trump administration is asking the Supreme Court to wipe out Obamacare, arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law must be struck down with it.

The late-night brief, filed Thursday in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, carries major implications for the presidential election. If the justices agree, it would cost an estimated 20 million Americans their insurance coverage and nullify protections for pre-existing conditions.

The Trump administration's brief comes as the U.S. has recorded more than 120,000 deaths from COVID-19, with nearly 2.5 million confirmed cases. On Wednesday, the nation hit a new record for the highest daily total of new infections reported with more than 45,500.