Constitutioal question

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-06-2021, 10:40 PM
WD, odd how you seem to think you are the ultimate authority on the constitution and on the definition of the American way of life.

You are neither.

You have your opinion on both, but you have no authority to decide that the rest of us agree with you. In fact, the majority does not agree with you. But you seem genetically incapable of understanding that. The US is not, and has never been, the country built in the image and likeness of Good Ol' Boys from the Confederacy. Fortunately.

I am not a proponent of violence, only unlike too many on here I am opposed to it from either Wacko end of the political spectrum. You seem to relish another civil war. Somehow you can't seem to accept that the majority of US citizens do not agree with you, so the only way you have to sooth your ego is to say "fraud" with no proof at all, and call for civil war.

I don't know your military experience, but I have seen too many wars from VN to DS. War IS hell, and civil war is the worst of the hells.

But if it comes to that--and I pray it never does--I hope we raise the specter of Sherman to burn out the still smouldering heart of the antebellum confederacy once and for all. Anyone who preaches for civil war, armed rebellion, or riots to intimidate the government should be arrested and tried for treason. Starting with the POS living in the WH today, and including any on here who mean it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-06-2021, 10:44 PM
I was surprised by McConnell's speech. And thought it was excellent.
I was also somewhat surprised by Pence defying president cheeto by saying this morning he would not overturn the election results.

It's too bad it took them 4 years to finally grow a set. But better late than never.

Part of another post by HF:

This appears to be the main driver of this process to reject electors. Not to over turn the election.

This is not the main reason Trump wanted to try and reject electors. He is attempting to steal the election no matter the cost. And will obviously stop at nothing to attempt to achieve his goal.

January 6, 2021. The day our time honored tradition of peaceful transfer of power died. Bye Bye Miss American Pie. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Agree. McConnell's was excellent
As was Graham's. Many of the Democratic ones were embarrassing. Tonight was the time to reaffirm jointly that there is room for debate and disagreement, but the process works. And mob threats will not.

The time to eviscerate Trump for his roll in today's attack is soon, but not today. The Dems screwed up that part.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
WD, odd how you seem to think you are the ultimate authority on the constitution and on the definition of the American way of life.

You are neither.

You have your opinion on both, but you have no authority to decide that the rest of us agree with you. In fact, the majority does not agree with you. But you seem genetically incapable of understanding that. The US is not, and has never been, the country built in the image and likeness of Good Ol' Boys from the Confederacy. Fortunately.

I am not a proponent of violence, only unlike too many on here I am opposed to it from either Wacko end of the political spectrum. You seem to relish another civil war. Somehow you can't seem to accept that the majority of US citizens do not agree with you, so the only way you have to sooth your ego is to say "fraud" with no proof at all, and call for civil war.

I don't know your military experience, but I have seen too many wars from VN to DS. War IS hell, and civil war is the worst of the hells.

But if it comes to that--and I pray it never does--I hope we raise the specter of Sherman to burn out the still smouldering heart of the antebellum confederacy once and for all. Anyone who preaches for civil war, armed rebellion, or riots to intimidate the government should be arrested and tried for treason. Starting with the POS living in the WH today, and including any on here who mean it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Agree. McConnell's was excellent
As was Graham's. Many of the Democratic ones were embarrassing. Tonight was the time to reaffirm jointly that there is room for debate and disagreement, but the process works. And mob threats will not.

The time to eviscerate Trump for his roll in today's attack is soon, but not today. The Dems screwed up that part. Originally Posted by Old-T