
docdavid49's Avatar
good things we providers don't charge taxes????
{just} Originally Posted by DallasRain

Just wait... sooner or later they are going to need even more money than the typical working stiff (pun intended) can provide and they will may you all legal and require 50% of your earnings as taxes.

Mark my words...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe then we can itemize our visits as medicinal or psychotherapeutic recreation?
Jaun2fork you need to wake up! Taxes will increase for you and everyone else, it has too. Look at the spending in the last 5 years. It's insane to think anything else.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
However, my taxes are lower than they were last year, because the POTUS some of you love to hate did cut taxes for the middle class. Originally Posted by juan2fork

yeah, right tax cut my ass! its a shell game for these people. If they're calling a tax cut in one area, chances are pretty good that theres at tax increase in another area.

They, Dems, don't believe in tax cuts.

oh, btw, I had to pay some taxes (I used to get intrest free refunds back from the govt.). thanx juan!

its stupid for the govt to require everyone to fill out a tax form. At some point, the income tax system that we have will be come so impractical to implement even with computer technology. IRS has problems programming all the tax laws Congress passes.
I personally feel that this is an unwarranted invasion of privacy.