aspd off line again

Bob Soldios's Avatar
ASPD is handing out HTTP error 400s.

This means the server thinks the HTTP request (what you send asking to open the page) isn't valid. This is usually a problem with over-tightening the "validity checks" that the web server does. They probably were trying to put some better security into place to avoid another problem and just made it a bit too picky. Hope to see it back up soon.

Although I like the formatting over here.
SL55's Avatar
  • SL55
  • 04-11-2009, 04:59 PM
We all try to leave the "drama" out of the hobby! ASPD being up or down is getting old. If a provider or hobbiest was as unreliable as ASPD, you would not put up with it.

Their excuses & lack of reliability is getting old a month or two ago! Sorry, just needed to vent! Should do it on ASPD site, but can't ever catch it up & running.

Thanks for ECCIE for giving us a drama-free playground!!

We all try to leave the "drama" out of the hobby! ASPD being up or down is getting old. If a provider or hobbiest was as unreliable as ASPD, you would not put up with it.

Their excuses & lack of reliability is getting old a month or two ago! Sorry, just needed to vent! Should do it on ASPD site, but can't ever catch it up & running.

Thanks for ECCIE for giving us a drama-free playground!!

SL55 Originally Posted by SL55
Vent on! Even staff at the "Mother Ship" are getting frustrated, so true if aspd were a provider we'd cross her off the list or make her plan B or C.
I can't get on ASPD right now.
Maybe we should move this thread to "Comedy Central"? LOL!

Thank god ECCIE is here so I can be the post whore that I am.
aspd is what it is. I have yet to be compensated for my PAID BCD access that I was robbed of when it went down. That woman made all that money and treats her customers like third class citizens. I liked that board and I have posted there recently but as time progresses my feelings are that nobody cares too much over there. I think this board has a huge amount of potential and is very user friendly.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I totally agree...

Great reviews...

Intelligent discussions...

No drama (yet)...

No heavy handed hobby police moderators...

ECCIE rocks!!!
TrulySummer's Avatar
Nice to see alot of the core group of hobbyists and like someone said, hope more of the providers will catch on.

I will try to start posting more over here...
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 04-13-2009, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the kind words about Eccie. We are working hard to make this a home for anyone that would like a 1ST OR 2ND place to call home. We understand many people are faithful to ASPD. The staff and I hope when things are NOT up and running there this will be your other choice. We will always try and do the right thing here. Keep a atmosphere that is conductive to the purpose for which ECCIE exists. Offer clients a safer environment to seek out reliable providers whose company they enjoy. While also protecting providers from seeing bad clients.
Thanks Again to all our members!
Becky Originally Posted by The Original Becky
As always, truly a lady, and a gracious host. Your attitude will win you as many friends in the "board" business as it has in the escort business. I appreicate you and T stepping up, and you have my full support and I will be glad to help in any way I can.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 04-13-2009, 12:28 PM
I totally agree...

Great reviews...

Intelligent discussions...

No drama (yet)...

No heavy handed hobby police moderators...

ECCIE rocks!!! Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
That's what this place is about does rock!

And Thank You Fox, your being here is support enough..always the gentleman my friend!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
That's what this place is about does rock! Originally Posted by TBONE
Watch it now, with All the FWOG's! There are Adults present!
Can't take him Anywhere....

Oooh wait! I see what you were sayin now!
My bad....Sorry.

~Kelly TNT
T.O.B.'s Avatar
I again want to THANK everyone for the support of ECCIE! We truely care here and over time will PROVE it!!!!!!!! Thanks FOX! Yes, I plan to treat this board the way I have treated my business. I am truely sorry to see ASPD is down again. So 'till it comes back I hope many will post here! Also Thanks Summer I hope you can talk some of the women into coming this way while ASPD is down. I know how well respected you are. Your kind words mean allot!
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
ASPD is still down...didn't they just take several weeks to upgrade their operating system and software? Did they buy a Beta version of some software and now just trying to work the kinks out, while paying customers aren't getting the service they paid for?
Back up.
T.O.B.'s Avatar
Thanks FatManHobbist!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-13-2009, 08:26 PM
it is good to see you here............

Great reviews...

Intelligent discussions...

No drama (yet)...

No heavy handed hobby police moderators...

ECCIE rocks!!!

and youre right fortwortholdguy I totally agree with you ...except on the one (no drama (yet)....
i really dont believe we will have any drama......and if we do it will be dealt with quickly............

any i dont think there will be any drama here.....