The Black Guy's Guide to effective hobbying

Lea Madisson's Avatar
Lea, was I bashing or adding drama? Didn't mean to. It's a touchy subject yes, but it's a valid thread. Like you, I didn't take Clark's intent as drama related but as a light hearted attempt to address a real issue. (It's a real issue in my "market")

If it's inappropriate here, let's move it to MS where Big C can stand over us with his big "stick" and make sure we all play nice. (He likes to do that anyways) Originally Posted by babee
Heck no, Babee... you and I are on the same page! Just some of the other comments sounded like they were taking Clark a bit too serious. And it is a topic that has been discussed over and over again with drama, so I saw where they were coming from too.

I just wanted people to know that Clark is really a sweetheart! I am sure you will have a chance to meet him when you come back down to Mississippi!!

Speaking of... I would love to see you again too, girl!!


  • npita
  • 01-12-2010, 01:16 PM
I fail to see why this issue is such a hobby hot button though,... Originally Posted by wynterstark
I don't think the issue is the problem. The problem is that the issue is usually presented in a way that is antagonistic, and the person posting it has no real interest in the replies. (See the Dallas thread mentioned above.)
I see, thank you npita. That right there is what I call a 1d10t error; in my experience they're absolutely impossible to fix and the only solution is to stop any and all interface with that particular damaged unit. I suppose the thing to remember is that they can't antagonize you if you won't engage... They get bored arguing with themselves... eventually...
I don't think the issue is the problem. The problem is that the issue is usually presented in a way that is antagonistic, and the person posting it has no real interest in the replies. (See the Dallas thread mentioned above.) Originally Posted by npita

The men who start these threads usually do so in a condemning, confrontational and accusatory manner. They start with negativity and end by being shut down by the mods b/c they quickly devolve into finger-pointing, trolling, and all around ignorant behaviour (usually by the very AA men trying to "prove" their cases. So counterproductive).

As a frequenter or 4chan, I'm so used to trolls and flamewars that they no longer bother me. I don't like these types of threads (yet I always seem to comment on them) for completely different reasons. Namely because every time this is brought up, the AA men usually just come across as whiny and entitled... like brats: traits which women don't find particularly attractive. The ones who have an NBA policy just end up looking to those threads as "proof" that they made the right decision.

I hope that maybe this thread, which started off with a more neutral and a less antagonistic spin to it can stay this way and maybe be stickied somewhere so that next time it's brought up (in 3 weeks... you can set your watch by it!), someone can just post a link to this thread LOL.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I don't think the issue is the problem. The problem is that the issue is usually presented in a way that is antagonistic, and the person posting it has no real interest in the replies. (See the Dallas thread mentioned above.) Originally Posted by npita
I so agree with you on the Dallas thread.. even the title of that thread was antagonistic!!


BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-12-2010, 01:31 PM
If it's inappropriate here, let's move it to MS where Big C can stand over us with his big "stick" and make sure we all play nice. (He likes to do that anyways) Originally Posted by babee
Hey, how did I get brought into this thread???.....just kidding.

I know this topic has been discussed about a gazillion times on ASPD and usually somewhere down the line it gets dragged down into the gutters with people doing nothing but trading barbs and jabs at each other.....Personally, I've always felt that if someone doesn't want to see black men then there's generally not going to be anything you can say or do that will change that person's mind and the best thing to do is just move on as I know that there are many ladies who won't restrict a client based simply on his race, creed, ethnicity, or national origin.....If I contact a lady and she doesn't want to see me, I never ask her for any reason why (although I have gotten some real dooseys), I just simply thank her and move on.....It's really as simple as that.....
Big C, may I suggest that we start printing these out and pass them around on various threads?
My only advice is to find the women that WILL see you and enjoy them. Why dwell on the ones that won't...complete waste of time and energy. For every lady that advertises that they won't see AA clients there is another lady, myself included, that will excitedly see you. Do your research and ask fellow hobbyist that you know are AA..or start a thread that says "What ladies will see AA clients?" as opposed to, "Why won't you ladies see AA clients?"
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Hey, how did I get brought into this thread???.....just kidding. Originally Posted by BIG C

hey, for once... I not the one who brought you into the middle of something!! LOL I am also not the one who is trying to reveal your big stick!!! LOL

It's Babee... over there in the corner hiding... she did it!!!! She did it!! (Lea now driving the bus.... that just ran over Babee!!)

So, if you are feeling the need to spank someone... it's all her fault!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Big C, may I suggest that we start printing these out and passing them around on various threads? Originally Posted by wynterstark
OMG, Wynter, that is too cool... BUTTHURT Report!!



Lea, so few realize that Butthurt is a serious condition. My professional opinion is that the butthurt is so often caused by Cranial Rectal Inversion. Usually, the only treatement is to remove the patients head from their anus. Please, let's all pull together and work as a team to cure this horrific malady. It CAN be stopped!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Lea, so few realize that Butthurt is a serious condition. My professional opinion is that the butthurt is so often caused by Cranial Rectal Inversion. Usually, the only treatement is to remove the patients head from their anus. Please, let's all pull together and work as a team to cure this horrific malady. It CAN be stopped! Originally Posted by wynterstark
I'm in!!


ibechill's Avatar
It is good to have a list. Some girls don't post they are NBA. It keeps both from wasting their time. Nothing worse than wasting your time to see someone only for them to slam a door in your face.
It is my experience that most AA clients will state their ethnicity in their e-mail and leave it up to you to respond beyond that point or not. It would seem that this would work well for all concerned, no? The ladies who aren't interested either will not respond or answer with a polite "No thank you, I am booked at this time." and the gentleman in question is free to search for companionship elsewhere. Unless there is something here that I'm missing? To my mind a list would seem crass and would set some ladies up for harassment from one side or the other. I'm against having *any* laundry list of what I will and won't do during a session, for obvious reasons of course.
Off topic: Wynter, your avatar is awesome!