Drama? / Entertainment? / Information? / Controversy? / Silent Majority? / Vocal Minority? / Just what drives Board Traffic?

knotty man's Avatar
woohoo! look at me . im finally under sophie. sorry girl, just had to do it. you know you made to tempting not to
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 09-30-2010, 07:23 PM

If I had it my way, mods would ban members for excessive use of emoticons, for capitalizing common nouns, for using all-caps for more than a single sentence (and preferably only for the sake of irony), for abusing the exclamation point and for using up posting space to excitedly proclaim that so-and-so has posted underneath and/or on top of their post. That shit drives me bananas. Fortunately for the community, this is not a place that caters to the opinions and desires of a single individual.
Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
Back in the old ASPD days I was twice asked on separate occasions for separate forums if I would consider being a mod. I declined, replying that if I took the job they wouldn't be happy because I'd hand out points like they were Halloween candy.
Mmmmmm.....candy, lol
I just cant see puttin' in the time to read the damn post. Originally Posted by Smokin Joe

For real Joe! I'm with you there. If I have to hit the little scroll thingy in the middle of my mouse more then once, I'm not reading the rest of your post.

I had to hit scroll 6 times just to get to the next comment!
wow. Gotta go WORK now! Be back around midnight!
levibob56's Avatar
I read every post but the first one, that was fun. Going to bed early, I'm going camping this weekend. That means know computer for 3 days. Hell yes!
Your right about one thing! This isn't the only place to advertise, LADIES! There is much money to be had in other markets! Try it you will rarely look back. That's why I don't even advertise here that much.

However, I think if a sane guy (newbie) came on this site at this point of social discord, in search of respectable morale he would be totally turned off by all of this mayhem. I don't don't even have one, but if I did my dick would be soft after reading all of this back and forth. Providers and Hobbyists alike.
I'm out!
I've always been told, it's not what you say, but how you say it.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Snoopdogg started a thread that is hitting the 40 hour mark claiming there are far more in his "Silent Majority" that care about what is being Posted.

I contend that if they "cared" they would participate or at least read the thread.

A few posters....are not the Majority

But after 40 Hours the thread has garnered a whopping 41 Posts and only 1090 Views.

AS Compared to Karma's Thread that lasted 35 Hours before being locked, had 126 Posts and 5883 Views

Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

and my thread contending it should not have been locked which has been up for 36 hours, has 103 Posts and 3258 Views.

3600 Views and a 126 replies in less than 40 hours and you lock a thread because the OP isn't getting things her way and requests it?

it seems to me that Drama/Entertainment/Controversy/Information and what are being referred to as the "Vocal Minority" or "Attack Pack" Threads tend to generate more participation, more traffic, more information and get read more often than what the let's feel good about ourselves", "Flirtatious", "threAD" type threads that the "Silent Majority" contends is what people really want.

Some of you are so totally clueless about what this place is really about.

It is about the free flow of information.

It is about entertainment.

It is a place for men to review their exploits of women and seek out the guidance and experience of other men in order to save money and spend what they do wisely.

It is a place where a tremendous amount of information about the different factions of the Adult Community is brought together and presented in one easy to read and navigate site.

As such it is a place that brings together the target market that women in this business seek to advertise to.

It is a site that allows women and other adult businesses to buy ads and market to that Target Audience.

It is a site that makes tools available to you those marketers to use and share amongst themselves...

So long as this site continues to increase the size of the Male Population and the amount of information available to them it will represent one of the most important marketing opportunities that Adult Businesses have available to them.

And those businesses WILL advertise.

There is a small segment of the community that looks to flirt, chat, kill time etc on line.... Men that can get no attention elsewhere as well as women that have too many holes in their schedule and need to do something to keep themselves noticed outside of the ads they are allowed.

The site supports this obviously.

But not at the expense of growing the Male Population and supporting the members that generate content, write reviews, provide entertainment value, etc....

It amazes me that some of you simply do not "get that".

That you can't comprehend that it is Business First, feel good site after, but never at the expense of business.

It shows in some of the Ladies Posts.

It shows in some of the guys Posts.

But what some of you are refusing to see is that ECCIE allowed this community to change as well as for certain posting styles to be developed for a reason.

To be honest, it brought the Austin community in line with what is seen in other Markets. Welcome to ECCIE!

I was often told over on ASPD to just shut up and accept things the way they were and the Mods and Admin supported that up to the point that it was decided that things had went way too far in the wrong direction.

I didn't singlehandedly bring about the changes in the Austin Communities presence on ECCIE and none of these changes some of you can't accept were done in a vacuum without the full knowledge and support of staff and ownership.

These changes ONLY occurred as the result of the Majority of People either working to bring about change, supporting the people asking for the changes, the owners listening to the voices of the people wanting the changes, the owners effecting change in the Moderators that could/would not be apart of THEIR desire to allow these changes to occur, and the TRULY SMALL NUMBER of you that fight and resist the changes that have happened.

After 9 months if you can't look around and accept what has happened then you simply WILL not find a way to be happy in this community on this site.

But that is OK.

There are other sites and other communities.

From the time frame I I moved into Austin until the turnover of ASPD I had to get what I wanted out in forums in other cities or on other sites.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Ladies, if you think it is too hostile around here for you or you are demeaned too much you do not have to remain. I think you take things too personally and let your businesses suffer as a result.

Guys that think the same and want to champion the ladies can certainly follow them elsewhere as well.

It's OK.

ASPD was successful for many years in most markets and ECCIE has built on that success and will continue to do so because it supports the free flow of information as well as supports the members that truly generates that information.

It is a shame that the ASPd model got perverted and that Austin lost it's way as we wouldn't be having these issues.

So long as reviews get written and information flows ECCIE will remain what it is today, THE #1 Source of Up to the Date Information on the Adult Industry that exists in Texas and will grow across the globe as well.

There is No Greater Source of information available today than what we can find here regarding Austin. Think about that before you leave.

So long as that remains the case Women WILL advertise here. Women WILL participate in Forums. Women will be available to flirt with and Guys will get the attention fix and interchange with women that they desire. Maybe it won't be any of those that are reading these words. But that's OK.

How do we make the Austin Community less hostile to female posters and the guys that care a bit too much about the ladies and can't understand the Business Aspect?

In My Opinion it is time for the "Silent Majority" as some are refer to themselves to do what I was told a few years ago.

I'll quote the ASPD Mod that emailed me when I posted that I was moving to Austin a few years ago.

"Shut the Fuck Up and Accept what it is. Either Participate or don't. No one really cares but Austin is different and we don't give a fuck about the way things used to be or are in other citties."

Even Mods in other cities questioned many a decision regarding what was happening in Austin but it was too well controlled by a few in position to do so.

You've been fighting these changes for 9 months now.

Some of you have refused to adapt to the changing climate and now your businesses are suffering.

Some of you ask for suggestions and immediately shut down any and everything you don't really want to hear.

You are only hurting yourselves and I contend that the guys that support that aspect of your "fight" are also hurting your businesses.

The More the "Austin Adorable s" want to fight the change and new climate the more business traffic they will lose.

To who?

Have you looked around Ladies?

More and more Ladies are entering this business and more and more ladies from other markets are visiting and many are bringing their 'A' Game in from other cities at better prices.

Many, Many of the guys have adapted to the changing market as well as to the fact that many of the Austin Posting Ladies are refusing to adapt.

You don't want to listen to us?

That's OK... We can PM and chat with the ladies that are running their ads and coming to town.

As more and more Craigslist and BackPage Ladies find their way here your ways will fall further and further to the side as those ladies NEVEr participated in forums. They run ads, see guys, make money, run ads, see guys, make money.... repeat for effect.

The Austin Adorables? I remember them.... As I recalled it was a group of ladies with great TCB, a group of supporters that saw and reviewed them and they seemed to get fairly consistent reviews.

What happened to them? As I recall the climate changed and they were not smart enough to adapt their business model to the changes in their Client Base and could no longer corner the market as other ladies with better business plans came in and took their Client base.

Like so many businesses before them they simply withered away saying "But it used to be like"....

That might not really be an accurate reflection but it is certainly possible for the future if you don't accept and adapt.

Like many businesses that worked for years to hide truths, your real ages, doctored photos, mis-stated activities caught up with you with the dawning of a new Information age here in Austin

I can say that all day long as a Hobbyist...." It used to be like..." It's not my business here that needs to be changed.....

None of you can afford to stay hung up on it.

Silent Majority / Ladies that have not got it yet.....

If Karma's post was an accurate reflection of your current state of business and your losing money it's long past time to wake up and try something new.

You might try actually listening to what your Client Base has been saying for a quite a while.

You'll find it in the Highly viewed and participated threads as well as in the Review sections..... Ignore the static and a lot of your clients are daily showing you what they want from you.

Good Luck.

Some of you might get it.

I think some of you won't be around much longer.

And a few of you may still try to fight it.

That's OK too....

I'll be around as well as the "Attack Pack" as you refer to them and an overgrowing male population to help guide you.

After all.... That's Entertainment!

Originally Posted by Whispers

Does it piss anyone else off whenever someone quotes a long-azzed post, or is it just me?

Just wondering...

{{{{{{{Miss Sophie Bella!}}}}}}}}, you make me and my pants very happy.

Whimpers, that was a long-azz post. I didn't read it all but since I just added a number to your view counter, I felt that it was only right to post something 'cuz I didn't want this to be a complete waste of my time. Fortunately, the enchanting Miss Sophie Bella came along and I was able to parlay my post into a flirt. Since you despise those kinds of posts I suppose I owe you an apology...


I'm gonna' just have to owe ya'


knotty man's Avatar
the problem with a perceived insult is that it doesnt matter how it was meant , it only matters how it was received. if you hurt someones feelings or a group of people's feelings .then it should be common courtesy to apologize, especially if you wanna be a wecomed member of that group. telling someone that what you said was not an insult doesnt mean that they shouldnt feel insulted. emotions are just that,emotions!they defy reason or intellect. explaining to them that what you said was not an insult while they feel it was only adds to the resentment that you can say whatever you want as long as YOU say it wasnt an insult. and anyone else who feels it was, is either beneath you for not seeing it, or is of no consequence to you. either way your not gonna apologize. if your not gonna apologize for the insult it would atleast be nice to apologize for your comment being perceived as an insult. i just feel we would get along better if we could treat each other as people rather than text on a screen or pieces of meat used for enjoyment or employment.
Smart's Avatar
  • Smart
  • 09-30-2010, 09:35 PM
I just got done watching Jersey Shore. I'm now in the market for more drama!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 09-30-2010, 09:55 PM
If I had it my way, mods would ban members for excessive use of emoticons, for capitalizing common nouns, for using all-caps for more than a single sentence (and preferably only for the sake of irony), for abusing the exclamation point and for using up posting space to excitedly proclaim that so-and-so has posted underneath and/or on top of their post. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
You are a bad person.

More specifically, you're my kind of bad person; come sit over here, pretty lady, woo hoo!
blenderhead's Avatar
I've always been told, it's not what you say, but how you say it. Originally Posted by Gump42
Is that what yo mama always said?
Budman's Avatar
the problem with a perceived insult is that it doesnt matter how it was meant , it only matters how it was received. if you hurt someones feelings or a group of people's feelings .then it should be common courtesy to apologize, especially if you wanna be a wecomed member of that group. telling someone that what you said was not an insult doesnt mean that they shouldnt feel insulted. emotions are just that,emotions!they defy reason or intellect. explaining to them that what you said was not an insult while they feel it was only adds to the resentment that you can say whatever you want as long as YOU say it wasnt an insult. and anyone else who feels it was, is either beneath you for not seeing it, or is of no consequence to you. either way your not gonna apologize. if your not gonna apologize for the insult it would atleast be nice to apologize for your comment being perceived as an insult. i just feel we would get along better if we could treat each other as people rather than text on a screen or pieces of meat used for enjoyment or employment. Originally Posted by knotty man

Come on. It seems everybody is looking for a way to be insulted. People need to get a thicker skin and not whine and cry that somebody hurt their feelings. There is way to many people that want to play the victim card every fucking chance they get. Get over it and move on.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-01-2010, 07:39 AM
Personally, Whispers should ask the eccie ownership for a commission on all the ad revenue generated by the board traffic.
where its all about young spinners and strippers only? No ladies over a certian age, no ladies that speak their mind, no ladies whose rates are over 180, of course no chubby ladies either cant forget that one. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
this dont sound like such a bad place