OK I have had it with Racism in hobbying

There are plenty of fish in the sea, don't let a few pimped out or racist bad ones keep you from fishing. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Please Don't let Some Girls Bring you down, there are many others that are here who can brighten your week

Safire Sweet
Racism sucks. Grow up people...

Happy St. Patty's Day!

There are plenty of people out there with different opinions. Just pick one that has the best for you.

Now lets go drink some green beer.
Plenty of fish in the sea........go fish.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Get over it and move on!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't know what it's like to be rejected because of racial preferences, but, having experienced rejection within and without the hobby for other reasons, I think I'd rather be turned away because of my skin color than because woman thought I was too nice, or too rude, or too much of a doofus, or a loser, or any of a host of other perceived characteristics. I think it'd be a lot easier to deal with the knowledge that she'd fuck anyone but black guys than it would to deal with the thought that she'd fuck anyone but me.

As others ave said, there are plenty of other fish. Throw your line back in the water.
As a middle class white boy that grew up in a totally mixed area, all I can say JB is I'm sorry for your pain! I can't totally relate (what white guy could), I can't do nothing about it, and neither can you unfortunately.

"Chip" to me indicates that the person is proactive and even aggressive in putting meaning into things that are not necessarily there, and/or, purposely bringing those that are just under the surface out and confronting them. I've known quite a few successful middleclass and professional, educated, decent, AA men that did not have a chip on their shoulder, but, did get rather insulted, frustrated and righteously indignant when things like being pulled over for no reason in a "nice" neighborhood, being followed around a store by security while shopping with his kid, or, being turned down by what should be a very available lady, happened to them. I don’t think I’d react any differently.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-17-2011, 12:12 PM
Plenty of fish in the sea........go fish. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302

Do you have a Jack?
JB, I don't know you brother but I'm gonna have to agree with Bloodhound on this one...
Get over it and move on! Originally Posted by Bloodhound

Fuck 'em...well, maybe not
aRandyOne's Avatar
JB, I'll make the offer,too. If you want to go to a SC with a fat old white dude, I'll be your wingman and we'll see what mischief we can get into.
One caveat, I have a boss that is unpredictable with last minute "emergency projects" and I had to cancel on Bushaholic yesterday. Other than that, in the words of Iceman to Maverick, "You can be my wingman anytime. "
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I dunno. I'm of the Caucasian persuasion, and I used to think we were past a lot of this. The older I get, however, the more I doubt that. I agree with JB that there is a particular--maybe peculiar--element among brothers that, while it's pretty much the same as found in any other ethnicity, somehow is never identified with color. I don't blame providers or dancers for trying to be safe or for having the freedom to choose companions. But no denying we've still got a lot of problems. I thought when whites became less of a majority, we'd blend a little better, but JB's experience with non-whites/non-blacks is proof that it ain't just a white problem. What to do about it? I'm sorry; I really don't know.
Im terribly sorry to hear this but as one poster put it...its all about choice. Being a dancer and provider, there are many guys who dont like or want to deal with black women even though im nothing close to the stereotype. I dont get offended, i just look at it like everyone has their choice in who they want to spend their money on and at that time it may not have been me. you wont believe the guys who come in and think im a "tanned" girl. cracks me up.
elgato111's Avatar
JB, I understand your feelings about this in the hobby. It does seem lately that there have been a number of provider ads that state they will not see anyone other than white guys. There have always been some in the past but they seem to be growing for some unknown reason.

I am an older white dude who has run into some problems myself in getting a provider to see me. Wasn't the color of my skin but my age mostly. Seems like most of the under 30 crowd don't want to see someone the same age as their daddy. So mostly I have been seeing girls past 35. They have not had a problem with me at all.

JB, I agree with a lot that has been said on this thread. There are hundreds of fine ladies in this area who don't care about the color of your skin or anything else as long as your are a true gentleman in your dealings with them. So basically my advice to you is don't let the bad experiences get you down, keep searching for those that will appreciate you choosing them over many others. Unfortunately racism is still alive in this old world and probably always will be a factor in everyday life, just not for those of us who know better. Happy hunting my friend.
Maybe you're picking the wrong ladies? I don't know your type, but I've never heard from you, and I see black, yellow, brown, white, tan, pink, blue, etc. I have the same standards of behavior and respect for all gentlemen, regardless of color. As long as you're respectful and seem like a person that would be enjoyable to me, I don't discriminate (except for age and mod status, sue me :P). Maybe you're attracted to very young ladies, or lower-budget-friendly ladies, or something else that is typical of a pimped lady? Maybe try expanding your horizons and trying a different type of lady? Just some ideas. I certainly don't mean to lay blame on you, but perhaps you are your own worst enemy in that your selection is faulty. In no way do I mean any disrespect. Just trying to help.
I think people who are racist are dumb asses. There is no reason for me to hate someone I don't even know. I don't care what their skin color, religion or nationality. Give me a reason to dislike you white, black, yellow purple or green and you have an enemy for life. To stereotype individuals for any reason is ignorant and it shows.

Unfortunately this works both ways. I know a very good provider that is a member of this board who is white and is in love with her black boy friend. Guys on this board refuse to see her because of it. They say he is her pimp. This man has his own successful business and he wants her to quit providing. I KNOW THIS IS TRUE.

This board has so many rumors and BS it is difficult to stomach some times. I can only say to those white people who dislike you because you are black, sure should be glad I was born white because I would not tolerate being discriminated agains by anybody!