an APOLOGY, EXPLANATION, A confession a THANKS and A need For CHANGE..Retirement? or Exclusive till Transitioned- AFTER 15 years...

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Just curious. Do you really think it's a good idea to have enough information in your original post to determine the name and employer of the person whose email you shared?
marisaofdallas's Avatar
The so called employer is my landlord, and the person that wrote me that letter is his secretary

All are aware of the situation and the fact that I am asking for help and they are VERY AWARE of what I do for a living..

with their permission, they were available for questions regarding my account and rent and were doing so incase someone wanted to verify the facts of the situation and the amount I needed etc....

They truly have been supportive and know my history has never seen anything like the inability to pay I have had recently

Let me know if you figure out the identity- of course, if youre in my fan group, you know the identity already...

Love your avatar

AGAIN to everyone, I APOLOGIZE for anything I have not lived up to being in your eyes, PLEASE take a second chance at getting to know me

There are very real reasons, not excuses for how I got here

ALL of my problems are pretty recent and my ability to recognize and admit my wrongs and put my most personal feelings on the table are to help me

I am in a serious emotional and physical state that has paralyzed me, I feel unable to process things and to perform...

I was alwasy someone that could take any negative situation and let it roll off my back, I could conquer all my fears and anxieties, I was always someone that could take a bad day and turn it around...

I never got depressed and I was always able to adjust my attitude and come up with solutions and MOVE ON

IM PISSED right now that I am feeling and experienceing things that are prohibiting me from succeeding and being a productive memeber of society and my community

Its foreign to me, and IM so angry that I am not moving on... I am trying like hell everyday to make changes and eliminate stress and bad decisions

I really do hope that as a community you wont give up on me

I want to see myself happy..

and succesful and independent and I want to see all this behind me

whether thats being a provider

or not

I am in a serious financial need

Please dont judge the need to ask for help, what I am experiencing I see as temporary

and I view myself as a person worth helping , I dont see me or my family losing our home to be a step in the right direction..

I apologize and humbly ask that you let me ask if anyone here would be willing to help me start a new life...

I then will never have to grace this board with my presence, and you will never have to hear from me again

Sounds like a win-win situation
marisaofdallas's Avatar
WELL Fucking water I dont know < is that like distilled water? LOL

That is TWO months of a water bill, 6 people living in my home ( including kids)-, and my and tons of laundry and water being used to bathe and the sprinkler system to water the 200 ft long bushes- lets not forget my aniimals too...


Seriously I am writing about how sad I am and you guys are making fun of having high TXU and water bills?

Ilive in a historic home built in 1920, a 2300 sq ft home iun Turtle Creek

My electric bill summertime is an average of 500

My electric bill wintertime is about 120

My water bill summertime ( because I have more peopLE living with me) ABOUT 120 MONTH


Ok so let me explain also, that during the summer I have live in childcare

The kids are off school and

This prohibits me from working, so I either have to pay for extra child care

or this summer, I had a couple ( my so called friends) come from Killen to help care for my kiddos

SO THATS why I had so many people here...

anything else I can clear up?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I am not going to jump on you because I don't think you need that, and I don't see anything good coming from it, but I do think you may want to rethink your posts on this matter, and what information you are posting online.

I never said it was your employer, but said you identified hers. The information you posted made finding the name of the firm easy. On top of that you had enough of her information not blocked to make it easy to identify her full name once you knew her employer. I sincerely doubt she, or her employer, would want to be linked to this thread or this board.

And the mods can verify I did identify her and the law firm she works for. I didn't keep the information because I don't need to know it, but was curious if my hunch that it would be easy to find based on your post was correct. It took less than 30 seconds.
marisaofdallas's Avatar

My landlord, also MY EX EMPLOYER and his assistant are VERY AWARE their info was posted on AN ESCORTS FAN PAGE 2 days ago, and they were contacted by a client to verify info

and they have NO issue with it as far as Ive seen, they are not involved in the hobby, they just happen to be the this escort's real estate legal firm..

They are not involved in any part of this hobby

BUT THEY ARE very aware of who I am, what I do for a living and what I would have to provide to possibly complete strangers, that may be willing to help

Your serious doubt about them wanting to be linked to this thread, is seriously an assumption, that is wrong, I mean, im sure they dont like it, but they are aware and have been kind enough to stand by me and my decisions at this time

THEY are not being accused of anything

They are not participating in the hobby

They are my real estate office

I politely appreciate you watching my back, though..

and not jumping on me
marisaofdallas's Avatar
The other reason that info was included in the original post ( on my group) , was because sometimes people feel more comfortable verifying things without contacting me

and some people feel better about helping anonymously and DIRECTLY

with the time crunch I was under to be locked out, I had very little time

sorry for any confusion
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
Listen guys, please go bully someone else. I know it is easy to do sitting behind a computer, but please go do it to someone else. I do not know Marisa. But, I would like to think that the loss of a child would cause you to have enough compassion to just move on if you have nothing constructive to say.

Marisa, I honestly wish I had a magic answer for you. But there is not one, nor will there ever be one. You have to remember that no one will ever care about your situation more than you. It is hard to depend on people because there are very few that are dependable. You have to pull yourself up, by the bootstraps, and plan on getting things done by yourself.

Some times you just have to do, what you have to do. One thing you have to do is stop posting in this thread. People will just want to knock you down because you are coming across as a victim. Now here comes the tough talk. Look at all the time you have wasted posting in this thread. At least 6 hrs, just for the initial post. I know you are in a sad place. But you are going to have to find a happy place, for at least an hour each day, and service some customers. But don't just service them, fuck them like it was your first time with a new RL Boyfriend. Under promise and over deliver is your new rule. Trust me if you put a smile on the man's face, it will rub off on you. Make them want to see you again. Feeling wanted will make you feel better and it is always cheaper to keep a current customer than it is to find a new one. Now again, people suck. So in order to average one appt each day, you probably have to schedule two appts each day. At $225/hr, you just paid your rent in one week.

Life is one big shit sandwich and sometimes you have to take a bite. Unfortunately, it is your turn. How long you have to eat it is totally 100% up to you. I wish you all the best.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Very well said - TAH

Marisa, good luck to you and save TAH's post. That's prolly the best help for you.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
I absolutely LOVED your reponse !!! Thank you Angry Hobbyist and Clouddancer ( and pm delites asgain)

I agree, I know what I need to do, and a swift kick in the ass, in a different way, was exactly what I know I need, a boot camp/drill sargeant/cheerleader of sorts, would be nice if I had someone here with me in my home to keep me out of my own head

I wanna rise out of my ashes like a Phoenix

and I wanna live out the last years of being a provider as my best- not my worst or most embarrassing

I hope I havent scared anyone away with my rantings and explanations and apologies and( blah blah blah _)

I am not trying to be Debbie Downer

I wanna be the girl you say wonderful things about and I promise to make a commitment to YOU if you can please forgive me for what Ive done wrong and the way Ive handled my crap

I have been talking to some hobbyists all evening on the phone and Ive actually been laughing- hadnt done that in awhile, IT FELT GOOD- I turned on music and i was contemplating a late night drive ......

I am now wondering what sex will be like- its been so fucking long!!

I actually had a session last week when taking care of those large bills, and it was a long time client, I gave him a full body massage and I brought candles and body oil and all kindsa goodies....

AND THEN , I felt something happen, I actually performed unlike I had seen in years and presented myself as a tigress and after the oral sex that left him drained and smiling, I came home and felt liek a million bucks..

However, the next day, I was back at FEELING BLAH for days ....AND I WAS PISSED

And that is the kinda feelings I am dealing with-

I am going to take a bubble bath and maybe even see if I can make some magic happen for myself...

Goodnight and I am seriously going to put my best foot forward and the plan for a session a day to keep the blues away

sounds perfect...

mucho love and respecto


Thank you for giving me a forum to bounce my thoughts off of

Edited to remove forbidden subject--Torito

I do feel bad for you and I don't doubt your sincerity. However, you need to hold yourself accountable for your actions.
Unfortunately though, your intentions may have been good when posting this but it didn't do you the justice you were hoping for.
Honestly, throw on a wicked *special*, bite the bullet and pick yourself back up.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Marisa, I strongly suggest that you see a psychiatrist. I think that it is likely, and entirely understandable, that you may be suffering from major depression. Depression is a real illness and not caused by mental weakness or lack of character, and there are drug therapies that can help meny who suffer from it. But much of what you are saying, and the mind-numbing paralysis sound like depression related symptoms to me. And that is a subject that I have first hand experience with.
I realize I don't post on the boards mostly because I have little to add to anything being said. I just don't understand how some of these people can be so heartless. No matter what you think of her she is a real person. As such sometimes life just takes a giant shit on you. If you don't want to be kind just have the human decency to leave her alone. More than one person has been pushed to far and killed them selves because of callous assholes online. She is asking for help. That is not an easy thing to do. It is clear that she is trying to scale back her expenses and find her way out of a dark place. Either help or shut up. If you want to continue to be an ass ask your self if you can handle being the cause of another persons death because that is the direction it will go if people continue to attack someone that is already hurting. Shayla said to be responsible for your actions well that goes for everyone.
I realize I don't post on the boards mostly because I have little to add to anything being said. I just don't understand how some of these people can be so heartless. No matter what you think of her she is a real person. As such sometimes life just takes a giant shit on you. If you don't want to be kind just have the human decency to leave her alone. More than one person has been pushed to far and killed them selves because of callous assholes online. She is asking for help. That is not an easy thing to do. It is clear that she is trying to scale back her expenses and find her way out of a dark place. Either help or shut up. If you want to continue to be an ass ask your self if you can handle being the cause of another persons death because that is the direction it will go if people continue to attack someone that is already hurting. Shayla said to be responsible for your actions well that goes for everyone. Originally Posted by dalewayward
You keep being naive, I think that others are simply not as naive as you are. You can keep that altruistic attitude all you want. If you believe everything she says, then send her a check. I wish the OP the best, but repeated personal bad financial history repeats itself for a reason - getting handouts from gullible sucker hobbyists won't fix shit in the long run; which has already been proven by the OP and specifically, by the OTHER monetary requests from this thread from the OP.

To Marisa, I think you insult pretty much everyone on here when you play the victim. Most of us have been through hell, and my guess is that's why many of us are on this site in the 1st place - to find some form of temporary happiness...... If we all shared the sadness in our lives, this site would be anything but what it is today.

I'm very truly sorry if you lost your son, nevertheless, don't try to guilt people into giving you a handout because of such a tragic event in your life. Trust me, many of us have experienced the same type of loss and did not come on here asking for money because we refused or did not want to go back to our chosen profession.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 10-08-2011, 09:07 AM
Why can't people be compassionate and civil. to someone who has lost a lot. Marisa, God bless you.
MArisa i am sending you a big bear hug. I know you got RL issues but do know it will pass. I wish you well