I can't be the only one that's wondered about this...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Jules has had a series of lovely avatars lately and this is just one more. Very classic and cute!

I'm completely with the others about just asking for information in a discreet fashion. I have done some experiments, though, with being somewhat crude.

Several months ago, or maybe this summer, I ran an add that basically said that I wanted to be fucked into next week. It really didn't present me with any business although a few guys that know me wrote and joked with me about it. That was fun.

But generally, it seems clueless to just be out there with the request of, "I want someone to suck my cock", when in fact, we know that ALL men like that. They don't need to tell us. Something a little more subtle works just as well and doesn't run the ladies off.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Jules has had a series of lovely avatars lately and this is just one more. Very classic and cute!

I'm completely with the others about just asking for information in a discreet fashion. I have done some experiments, though, with being somewhat crude.

Several months ago, or maybe this summer, I ran an add that basically said that I wanted to be fucked into next week. It really didn't present me with any business although a few guys that know me wrote and joked with me about it. That was fun.

But generally, it seems clueless to just be out there with the request of, "I want someone to suck my cock", when in fact, we know that ALL men like that. They don't need to tell us. Something a little more subtle works just as well and doesn't run the ladies off.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

thank you!! and i agree with everything you said
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I want you to be cautious. I am cautious. Newbies scare me, especially if they're young.
NeedingMore's Avatar
I did a recent post like this. To be honest I was getting frustrated with the run around. I am still new and when I finally thought I was ready to take the plunge, I contacted 2 providers ( I thought that was enough). Apparently it was, until the day of and both were not available, leaving me horny as he'll in a SC.

So I thought perhaps a different approach might help. I guess a little, but now I sound like LE or a douche.

As a newbie I guess it's hard to be UTR and hide all records from the SO. Hobby phones can be suspicious, so I have tried Google voice. However, I have not tried it to the full extent yet to see if it suffices.

I'd rather share the 10 step screening document that my employer used in person at a cafe than have someone call my work. Some us have job that don't allow for any police record.

My 2 cents...
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Yeah, and it's not just the ISO section. I recently received a PM from a newbie (1 post, 0 reviews) asking how to attend a social function. Wow! Set off all sorts of alarms in my head. My ears are still ringing. Leo? I don't know, but I didn't respond. As Elmer Fudd might say, "We must be vewy, vewy caful."
I definitely have given this some thought as well. Just at first glance, I might see something that I offered and had my fingers poised over the keys. THEN I looked to see when said searcher had registered , # of posts, reviews, etc and stepped away from the keyboard.

I think these posts are scary, rude and crude. I mean, the reviews are there, the showcases are there and so on and so on.

I am thinking I would like to see a little more discretion and tact myself...but that's just me.
Sorry to take so long to check this, I've been at work all day and just got home. Bigdog, your ramble was just fine so ramble on, you make sense. Mr. tudball, I hear ya. I read that post too and while my eyebrows went up, my hands stayed off the the keyboard.

I really had begun to think that I was the only one who got nervous reading the ISO's. I'd skim the posts and see the word "massage" but the poster was brand new, something like 10 posts and asking for a massage and an L2. Really? I go right on past it and hope noone tells the poster to call me.

"Discretion" does seem to be the word of the day.
Honestly, I would think LE is more interested in busting the most visible purveyors such as street action or Spa's that advertise and have high traffic. But that's just my conjecture.
BTW ISO a RMT redhead that will let me blast a load on her D's.
Sawyer...CALL ME!!!!