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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2011, 01:55 PM
My friend, you should back off a little. I guess you missed the "LOL". Originally Posted by Naomi4u
OK, back to talking about the price of ass ladies and gents!

Iaintliein's Avatar
What lame ass, ass you been poking Iaintlien?
Originally Posted by WTF
Just thinking about some local drama going on in Big D. But it is my honest opinion, since the range of prices in monetary terms is so wide I don't think there is an upper limit for what someone will pay.

The math on the Paul McCartney
Heather Mills divorce was as follows:
After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.
Assuming he had sex with her every night during their 5 year relationship it ended up with him purchasing her @ $26,849 per time.

This is Heather...

On the other hand, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's favourite hooker, Kristen, who is an absolute stunner charged $4,000 per night.

This is Kristen...

opps, photos didn't come over, oh well, take my word for it Spitzer may be an idiot, but in this regard he's a hell of alot smarter than Sir Paul.
OK, PJ suggested this thread, but wasn't brave enough to start it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I said as long as we were throwing gas on the fire, why not NPOA too.

Chuck, it wasn't that I wasn't brave enough to start this thread, it was that I had enough sense not to.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, actually, I really didn't put this in terms of CAISH, but, rather, something more either intangible or task (challenge) related as to what one wouldn't do for a slice of good ol' pink stuff. After all, I know CT and PJ would have no part in starting some sort of shee-yit over pricing, of all things.
Nina: In this context it is only referring to hiring an escort. Originally Posted by discreetgent
well, the words are not really stylish, but OTOH hiring an escort is a way to simplify relationships that would otherwise be (without a paid context) having a variety of intricacies. So - if someone wants to refer to escorts not being worth the effort, its ok , becuase that is what they actually pay for. Piece of ass - well that is a rather derogatory term but so is crazy and it all depends. Its all in the eyes of the beholder. ANd i think its a term that is reducing things to its minimum and physical attributions. Just my interpretation. Its just a matter how far you want to reduce the interaction between client /provider. If it comes down to being "just a piece of ass" - its between two (or more) consenting adults.

I consider the term "just sex" also derogatroy and people use it plenty. Oh it was "just sex". As if you ever could reduce an interaction to "just" that. Or if the "just" in front of the "sex" is meant to reduce and humiliate sexual interactions per se as unworthy.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nina, You're so right!

dp Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, I've seen this before. What does DP mean? Double penetration?
Nina, You're so right!

Nina, I've seen this before. What does DP mean? Double penetration? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
yes i think so. I feel i need that today. you`re in?
Naomi4u's Avatar
yes i think so. I feel i need that today. you`re in? Originally Posted by ninasastri
discreetgent's Avatar
The term NPOA is not meant to be stylish.
The term NPOA is not meant to be stylish. Originally Posted by discreetgent
no? how come? are you really certain with that evaluation? I think we should really post a poll on this one, right?
I B Hankering's Avatar
dp Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, You're so right!

Nina, I've seen this before. What does DP mean? Double penetration? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
yes i think so. I feel i need that today. you`re in? Originally Posted by ninasastri
Hypothesis: Then this must be a gang-bang??!!
dppp Originally Posted by ninasastri
Errr …. where do I sign up?
discreetgent's Avatar
re: not stylish - was a lucky guess
There aren't many women that are thrilled with being considered just a "piece of ass" - it's that whole "I'm a human being" thing. As PJ noted, it's not wise, and as others noted, it's derogatory.

However, every gentlemen has a price point he can't justify, and personality he wouldn't be willing to put up with. Everyone has a line in the sand, women do as well.

On the female side I guess it's "No Price of Admission":

NPOA is worth having to spend time with a man that expects you to grovel, having to put up with terrible sex, watch his poor manners (especially to service staff like waiters), or listening to sexist/racist/homophobic rants, or insulting comments about sex workers.

The most memorable Not Worth It moment happened halfway through our date. We had played and were showering before grabbing a bite to eat. We showered together and somehow a local provider who had been murdered came up. He said, "It's sad, but how can anyone really mourn. I mean, she put herself out there..."

I abruptly climbed out of the shower and left. I don't even think I bothered to towel off, just threw my clothes on. No interest in talking to, or taking money from, a man who couldn't be bothered to mourn my violent death because I have an Eros Ad.