Gabbard is one of the sensible ones on the left that warns of the political implications of impeachment.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
oops.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

did you watch your own video? the "pansy" nailed it. She can't be the only Dem candidate running that doesn't support this farce. Didya see Fredo get buttslammed by a former Intel officer saying the Intel community has no right to be listening to conversations between the President and other foreign leaders?

what if a conservative/republican intel operative had done this to Obama? you'd be screaming for his head on a pike.
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  • 09-27-2019, 02:56 PM
I've also changed my mind on impeachment. . I actually like this chick. Not sure if she is ready to be President but I like her.
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  • 09-27-2019, 02:58 PM

what if a conservative/republican intel operative had done this to Obama? you'd be screaming for his head on a pike. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Chung Tran's Avatar
what if a conservative/republican intel operative had done this to Obama? you'd be screaming for his head on a pike. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
false.. in fact, I wish somebody had moved in on the Bidens in 2014, instead of waiting until 2019 to make it a "crisis", and even then only in retaliation for moves against Trump.
I B Hankering's Avatar
false.. in fact, I wish somebody had moved in on the Bidens in 2014, instead of waiting until 2019 to make it a "crisis", and even then only in retaliation for moves against Trump. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It was Odumbo who didn't move on Quid Pro Quo Joe in 2014. Odumbo also didn't move on hildebeest's pay-4-play operation over the Uranium One deal, etc.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It was Odumbo who didn't move on Quid Pro Quo Joe in 2014. Odumbo also didn't move on hildebeest's pay-4-play operation over the Uranium One deal, etc. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
why didn't "your side" hold Obama accountable? you Bitch when Democrats even ask for info from Trump, yet YOU allowed these scandals to run unchecked. why is that?
I B Hankering's Avatar
why didn't "your side" hold Obama accountable? you Bitch when Democrats even ask for info from Trump, yet YOU allowed these scandals to run unchecked. why is that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That was explained to you yesterday. It must be nice for you to wake up each day as oblivious to yesterday's happenings as a new born babe each day.
Chung Tran's Avatar
That was explained to you yesterday. It must be nice for you to wake up each day as oblivious to yesterday's happenings as a new born babe each day. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I hoped you had a different answer today.. all you said was "we didn't know shit, because nobody told us anything".. get off your ass and observe, hold people accountable.. quit bitching when the Dems hold Trump accountable.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I hoped you had a different answer today.. all you said was "we didn't know shit, because nobody told us anything".. get off your ass and observe, hold people accountable.. quit bitching when the Dems hold Trump accountable. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Odumbo was one of the few in a position to know, AND HE DIDN'T DO SHIT! JUST LIKE IN HE DIDN'T DO SHIT BENGHAZI to stop the murder of an American Ambassador!
She did flip today on the issue. I'm guessing too much pressure from the left at this point. Just another lefty running against Trump. Originally Posted by eccielover
They let her into the next debate, so she now has to be a good little liberal and toe the line.

Guys like her because she is easy on the eyes. She is still a die hard Liberal.
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  • 09-27-2019, 03:32 PM
why didn't "your side" hold Obama accountable? you Bitch when Democrats even ask for info from Trump, yet YOU allowed these scandals to run unchecked. why is that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Because neither are scandals' and they were content with Benghazi. Boy did they love them some Benghazi investigations....right up until the election was over and Trump won. Then....they shut it down.

Chung Tran's Avatar
They let her into the next debate, so she now has to be a good little liberal and toe the line.

Guys like her because she is easy on the eyes. She is still a die hard Liberal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
a few Rightists here have been fooled, because she is easy on the eyes!

Odumbo was one of the few in a position to know, AND HE DIDN'T DO SHIT! JUST LIKE IN HE DIDN'T DO SHIT BENGHAZI to stop the murder of an American Ambassador!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
not saying he did, but why didn't YOU (the Republicans) hold them accountable? instead you complain that Democrats hold Trump accountable, and when asked why your "team" holds the line for Trump, you say "they did it first".. why not hold everyone accountable? start by saying on this Forum that Trump has done wrong, and you are disgusted by it.

and when you post that, I'll make a dinner date with the Tooth Fairy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
a few Rightists here have been fooled, because she is easy on the eyes!

not saying he did, but why didn't YOU (the Republicans) hold them accountable? instead you complain that Democrats hold Trump accountable, and when asked why your "team" holds the line for Trump, you say "they did it first".. why not hold everyone accountable? start by saying on this Forum that Trump has done wrong, and you are disgusted by it.

and when you post that, I'll make a dinner date with the Tooth Fairy.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It was explained to you yesterday. It must be nice for you to wake up each day as oblivious to yesterday's happenings as a new born babe each day.
themystic's Avatar
It was explained to you yesterday. It must be nice for you to wake up each day as oblivious to yesterday's happenings as a new born babe each day. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Have you ever been wrong about anything IB? You are a good fit for the Nazi Party. You just do what you are told like a little bitch
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have you ever been wrong about anything IB? You are a good fit for the Nazi Party. You just do what you are told like a little bitch Originally Posted by themystic

You were the one instructed to regurgitate the "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!" mantra for three years, Moscow Mystic.

And you did!

You're one of Putin's most loyal puppets, Moscow Mystic.

Keep sucking, Moscow Mystic.