When a provider gets popped.....

I've been quiet about this because I don't want anyone to think that I'm "hating" on another provider.

As I've stated before, I have an attorney on retainer and the only words that come out of my mouth if I were to be arrested would be, "I'd like to speak to my attorney, I need to call him."

With that said, myself I stay away from ladies who have been popped more than once especially if they have kids. LE will use children as leverage, I.E., social services. Plus, the lady is usually looking at jail time after the first offense.

Some ladies put too much info in their ads, are too high volume, don't screen properly, don't heed the warnings given to her and then they become low hanging fruit for LE.

I knew the risks getting into this business and I don't hate on LE for doing their job. When you're doing something illegal, one should expect the problems that could arise from it.

As most of you already know, I value discretion.