Ever book a session and she turns out to be someone you know?

FuriousWeasel's Avatar
Not to me but a buddy. He went into one of the coin op booths, put in his money, the screen slid up, and there was a good friend of ours. Now, normal people, even though they're putting coins into a booth, would probably be slightly embarrassed.

My buddy wasnt, he just started hootin' and hollerin'... and pulled a whole roll of coins out of his pocket.
I don't play where I live
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't play where I live Originally Posted by Warptcuck

Always good advice. However, the scenario described in the OP could still happen I suppose. Anyway, for me it is still just a dream.

It might be interesting to find a co-worker dancing somewhere. I met an acquaintance at a lovcal strip club at his insistence for a reason I do not recall now but seemed reasonable at the time (did I mention that it was a strip club?) Got there and found that his wife was a waitress! She offered to get "someone good" to dance for me . . . The next day we were at a camera show and I felt awkward. . . .but it was also kinds cool.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've had it happen once, and almost happen a second time.

First time-- I used to be a bartender in a little dive strip club. Two years later, I'm providing and a client comes over. I recognize him and he recognizes me, but we cannot figure out from WHERE. Mid session, he says something and I answer him and he yells out the name of where I worked. He was a regular bar patron and we had always joked together. He's still a pretty regular friend/client today.

Second time. Gent that I've chatted with here numerous times decides to "pull the trigger". I get his P411 request where he used his real name and photo. I froze. Due to some of my volunteer activities, I knew the man very well and told him we needed to not meet as the potential for a very real problem was there. I also suggested he change the information that made him easily identifiable just in case someone else decided to do some research.
rcinokc's Avatar
Had a recurrent fantasy come back to me the other day.

Went to the eye doctor a few weeks ago. Turns out my long time eye doctor, an older man, old school Dr Wellby type . . .and now retired. Taking over his practice was this much younger (35ish) woman . . .and HOT! Petite little thing, slender and long legs in skinny jeans and knee boots with spike heels. Nowhen, she was professional, competent and got me checked out in every way an eye exam should go (no joke here).

So my fantasy is: I book a session with a Indy. Research shows me everything but her face . . .lots of showcases like that. I go to the in call, knock and the door opens. I walk in and turn to see her closing the door .. a vision in wisps of silky nothing . . .and its Dr Skinny-Jeans-In-High-heels!

OK, so this is all in my head . . .but its a great thought. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I have pretty much the same fantasy about the dermatologist i've seen a couple times so I know where you're coming from. Haven't scheduled a P4P session with someone I know, but have run into both a former co-worker and someone I went to high school with that became strippers. Something strangely fun about a former co-worker sticking your head under her top and slapping your head with her titties.
Brayzen's Avatar
This did happen to me. I screen and even knew his name, it just didn’t click, that it was a good friends fiancé. I never show photos of my face, and of course don’t use my real name, so there was no way that he would’ve known... but I should’ve caught it. Once I answered the door, it was uncomfortable at first. I opened a bottle of wine and we chatted for the hour. I often wonder, if he ever told anyone ? Discretion is paramount for me as well as who I see.
I have had numerous men that I know call, but I just tell them, I couldn’t verify them. No need to make them wonder who I am, or let them know, that I know them. Their name would never come across my lips, as it would cause me as much damage as it would them.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
yes, 2 times... but I knew who they were previously bc my screening. But it doesnt matter bc what happens in V's world... stays in V's world...
Now they are my regulars.

Veronica Turbay
Recognized an old GF on Backpage. She's still providing - advertising on SG now.

Years ago, I took a job in a new town. I put up in a company apt for a few months until I got a house sold and family moved, and spent a number of evenings in a local strip club. Hit it off with an older dancer there, and got take out once at a pretty reasonable price. Fast forward a year and she is the new plant nurse at the place I am working. Never managed a second shot at that, but we always got along well until she left the company.
Recognized an old GF on Backpage. She's still providing - advertising on SG now.

A65 Originally Posted by Astros1965
If I came across old girlfriend on the boards I would be super tempted and not sure if I could resist, probably would take the plunge and see her for kicks. If for no other reason, just to see her face.
Recognized an old GF on Backpage. She's still providing - advertising on SG now.

A65 Originally Posted by Astros1965

On SG? what's that site?
tinman483's Avatar
Just recently a provider (in our chat convo) told me she booked a play date with a guy and it turned out to be her boss! They still had the play date tho. HEHE
On SG? what's that site? Originally Posted by garhkal
If I came across old girlfriend on the boards I would be super tempted and not sure if I could resist, probably would take the plunge and see her for kicks. If for no other reason, just to see her face. Originally Posted by Fizley
I thought about it - for about 3 milliseconds.... We didn't exactly part on the best of terms - she turned out to be BSC, with a capital C. Gonna let that sleeping dog lie.
