Heartfelt musings from a robot.....

billw1032's Avatar
It should be obvious from my lack of reviews that I'm not active in the provider segment of this hobby (at least not yet, being currently mostly a SC guy). But, I have been around here a while and have read a lot, and I've formed some opinions about what I would like to think things would be like if I ever do get over that barrier and get started.

I think the problem for me is most likely the opposite of what Reese is lamenting about. There are a handful of ladies (or maybe more) on this board whose posts are so articulate, intelligent, and well thought out that I feel like I want to get to know them just because they seem like neat and interesting people. (And yes, Reese, you are high on that short list.) Quite a few times I've thought about offering to pay a lady's normal rate just to have conversation over lunch or dinner, even without BCD. (Sometimes I wonder why ladies don't offer a "get acquainted" lunch or dinner date without BCD at no charge, except that the guy pays of course -- it might help getting to know the other person, getting comfortable with each other, would probably promote BCD business, and after all a girl has to eat. But, that's probably another thread.) Many people have remarked on this board about the rewarding friendships they made with folks here, but I've found that that's really hard to do one hour at a time. It takes a lot more time than that to become more than a robotic encounter.

I know from recent experience, though, that there's a downside to this. Get to know someone well enough and you actually start to care. See her enough and you might start to care a lot. But, she has a life and there has to be boundaries. Perhaps some of the impersonal treatment is a defensive move to prevent that from happening.

All that said, there's still that list of really interesting ladies here that I would love to get to know. What to do next? I have no idea...
TheDuck's Avatar
Sometimes I wonder why ladies don't offer a "get acquainted" lunch or dinner date without BCD at no charge, except that the guy pays of course -- it might help getting to know the other person, getting comfortable with each other, would probably promote BCD business, and after all a girl has to eat. Originally Posted by billw1032
That's a great idea! The Duck approves! I would like to begin with Reese!
flexywun's Avatar
if i could make a Reese robot, i would be a rich mofo! of course thats why we all love you because we know you are human. guess i've been pretty good at selecting ladies because i haven't met a robot yet. keep the faith, plenty of us out there who know that.always.
Thanks everyone for your responses and for the PMs! I am so relieved that you all understood what I was saying...lol. I was preparing myself for all kinds of stuff to be said.

I must say that this thread was not started because I am jaded, burned out or because anything horrible has happened to me. It came after weeks of reading discussions and being frustrated with the tone of those discussions.

I have been very blessed in my time here with a regular clientele that put up with the fact that I am far from perfect and in fact a human. I love you guys for that.

We ladies, just as you guys, need to hear that we are worth something. I'd like to think of us as a big family around here and families look after one another....well at least in my little fantasy world.

I feel like I should insert a link to a cheesy ass song right now...lol.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-19-2011, 01:31 PM
Here, let me get that for you...

It is a blessing to be able to provide the things I can provide to make others happy, but in the long run, when Mr. Perfect comes along and says, "Let's go, baby.", I am out of here
...thaz what I'm sayin'

No regrets!

Great post Reese. You are one helluva woman! Maybe someday we can meet up and take over the world

cheatercheater's Avatar
I love you Mz Foster! Just by your posts, I can se you are a caring and giving person. Your reviews show you are a very caring and giving person.

Most of the ladies here do a wonderful thing for us guys and we really are blessed to be in your company. Keep up the good work!

On a side note, what would today be on a 28 day countdown?
good one, riday.

Lets get a little cheesier..
Some real Inspiration and Epic cheese... from the Karate Kid remake...

Never Say Never!

Thank you, IP and Cheater
mpython1's Avatar
You are the embodiment of classy. Also, the underlying seething sensuality isn't bad either.
You are the embodiment of classy. Also, the underlying seething sensuality isn't bad either.
Monte Originally Posted by mpython1

Thank you, Monte
For me, it is much more satisfying to treat a woman like a "normal woman" and not just a body to use. I treat providers like my girlfriend,and have rarely been treated badly in return.
And since i want her to treat me like a man she enjoys being around,and not an ATM, it makes sense to treat her good so she will treat you the same.
Knowing you are not a porno star, but a regular lady with feelings and a life outside that bedroom makes it more exciting to me.It shows me there are "normal women" out there who are interested in more than sex and money.it gives a divorced man hope...lol
pmdelites's Avatar
never wanted to meet a robot, tho there have been some that just laid there like no one was with them. or constantly talked. one even took a call for her next appt while she was cg'ing me [talk about a robot].

but there are times when an in-and-out or a b-n-g are all that some of us [me included] are interested in / desire. and even in those cases when i have those desires, i still know that i'm meeting w/ a real woman, not some electro-mechanical android/robot.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Yes! As the ATM agrees with the Sexbot.
The Fetishist's Avatar

We have known each other for a LONG time and I know I have never felt you be robotic or hopefully have treated you and all the ladies I visited with respect and caring. I have found friends here, and concern and caring and in all cases, bliss.

I have dome my best in my time here to help everyone, and buck the Establishment in some cases for people who deserve it (Reese, you know what I mean). I do not know what I would do without the kindness and passion I have experienced with the ladies I have met here.

On the lunch or dinner, M&G, That is up to the lady, but remember that istime that she is not doing and appt., screening and booking or ordering the Condoms you make into balloon animals. Expecting them to do that for free, while it sounds like a good idea, is taking money out of her pocket.

This is why there are the Super Secret meetings of the Horny Hawg Society. So they maximize their face time with the smallest monetary impact.

Now, I basically only visit ladies I meet first. So I agree with the idea, just not the implementation.

Rant and recollections and reverence,
