What happened with the AD's ? Details are gone!

TonyStark's Avatar
Well, I think I'll be around just a few more days. I got sick for 3 days, broke my phone last night, and now this ad confusion...so I think I may work to the middle of the week to give everyone a fair chance at the JY experience before I have to go Originally Posted by JamieYoung

Sounds like you had a week with the Griswolds...
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
The reality is that they are going to keep moving the goalposts legally. The forces doing this want to get the hobby off the net in the US. There's almost no point trying to comply.
Blurr 7's Avatar
Where there is a will there is a way. There is a reason why this is the world's oldest profession.
berkleigh's Avatar
well i dont like it!

HMPF! *stomps off* lol
Sleepy363's Avatar
Are the ladies allowed to post the rates in private tags or just not at all?
Dittychaser's Avatar
Are the ladies allowed to post links to old ECCIE ads where the rates (including specials) are still the same?
But the reviews can list prices and services. Makes no sense. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Several years ago, ASPD reviews were not allowed to list services for a similar reason.
Providers do not have private tags.

I recommend the lades refer to the powder room as they have more information there and can better answer your questions.

The bottom line is, for legal reasons, provider ads may not refer to sexual services or list rates. Period.

Give it some time. The needed inforamtion is still out there just not where we are used to finding it. We will adapt as a community.

Are the ladies allowed to post the rates in private tags or just not at all? Originally Posted by still-asleep
TheHeretic's Avatar
I guess the disclaimer "This site is purely for entertainment purposes. All contents within, including discussions and reviews, are fictional and for your amusement only" was for entertainment purposes as well.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Providers do not have private tags.

I recommend the lades refer to the powder room as they have more information there and can better answer your questions.

The bottom line is, for legal reasons, provider ads may not refer to sexual services or list rates. Period.

Give it some time. The needed inforamtion is still out there just not where we are used to finding it. We will adapt as a community. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
What do you mean? Ladies can't see what is in private tags (supposedly), but they can still use the function/tags. I think they may even be able to see it if they are the thread starter.

But I think you answered my question either way. thx.
Providers do not have private tags. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
I'm sorry, but I'm calling BS.

You *know* this is not true, as I contacted you y't'day privately (and you responded) pointing out a specific ad to show that private tags are being used for just this purpose.

I just checked, and the ad in question is still there, and still has the info in "private".

I would expect more honesty from a mod.

If you need help setting up scripts to do the editing, please feel free to contact me in PM.

Or someone to help do the manual editing and contacting I find myself with a fair amount of free time lately

I also renew my suggestion that ownership consider moving hosting offshore to avoid this issue altogether. Again, if they need help finding a host, I can be contacted via PM.
Ask the providers if you wish. To the best of my knowledge, providers cannot use the private function.

Be very carefull you have all the facts (you don't) before calling any mod a lier.
OK, here is a link to the offical policy now in the Ad forums.

Ladies, please refer to the Powder Room if you have more questions. If you do not yet have PR access, please contact any staff members if you have questions.

Guys, it is what it is. Change can sometimes be uncomfortable. But this is not something that can be changed back.

As long as this remains civil, I will leave the tread open but there really is nothing more to talk about.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The reality is that they are going to keep moving the goalposts legally. The forces doing this want to get the hobby off the net in the US. There's almost no point trying to comply. Originally Posted by sharktrager
Except for the fact that the board itself could be forced offline and the owners charged, i'd say that's a good enough reason to comply.

the site as i understand is hosted within the US and must therefore comply. moving the site to Sweden for example may or may not help (think WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay) you might buy some time but that's about all it would accomplish.

in the long run this should not be as great a burden as it seems, most providers already do have other sites they can reference such as P411 or their own personal sites, of course there are some who can't or don't want web exposure to protect their identities. the owners certainly understand that however they can't avoid the need to comply here.

by keeping rates and services out of ad's removes any legal burden for ECCIE, since any other sites are not part of ECCIE. the reviews may or may not need to change as well, that's a bit different in that it's not an ad, it's a review but it wouldn't surprise me if that changes too.

sooner or later the prudish Gov will realize you can't stop the oldest profession and some sort of legalized setup will eventually happen .. hey if it helps pay down the national debt .. do it! of course we should fire those ahole politicians wasting our money (more money for the hobby!) but that's another topic.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Well guys i made my website as simple and easy for you as possible all of the info is a few clicks away.. i know you guys dont like jumping through a bunch of hoops, sorry =(