TheDaliLama's Avatar
He should be torn apart by horses, to the plaudits of the troops and the amusement of the children.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Snowden deserves the death penalty. He's no whistle-blower he's just a disgruntled ex employee who put at risk the lives of thousands of soliders by working with the Chinese and Russians. he deserves to die like so many others who died because of him. It's no wonder republicans support him as they're used to being turncoats themselves. lol
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Who died because of him?
One example please.

There are plenty of examples for Hillary.

Snowden exposed the illegal activities of our government against US.
What they were doing was against the law. What part of that do you not understand.
Tell why nothing was done when he blew the whistle, a rhetorical question, because it is like telling the cartels they are breaking the law.

What worth is there for a single soldier to die in the false belief that he/she is protecting OUR freedom when the government is actively violating our freedom.

What is it that one of those old dudes from our past said. he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

Hell the parents of terrorists tell the government their son is a terrorists and nothing is done. I call it inept and bloated government that is more interested in spying on citize4ns than stopping a terrorist.

Free Snowden!

I find it disgusting that in the United States of America, that I have to produce my papers in order to travel freely from one place to another. I find it unreasonable that I must be searched in order to travel within my own country. The idea that some forms of travel is a privilege granted by the government is unconstitutional.
JCM800's Avatar
I find it disgusting that in the United States of America, that I have to produce my papers in order to travel freely from one place to another. I find it unreasonable that I must be searched in order to travel within my own country. The idea that some forms of travel is a privilege granted by the government is unconstitutional. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Well you could always just travel by 4-wheel then searches done at the Texaco.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
and that makes it ok with you?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The one thing know is I would bang the hell out of his girlfriend. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
But then again you'd fuck anything.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Looks like a I-45 Back Page whore to me.
JCM800's Avatar
and that makes it ok with you? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Fine by me long as it gets me to where I'm going.

I'm not sure that I would consider it unnecessary or unreasonable or a violation of my constitutional rights to have to walk through a scanner before boarding a plane.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-20-2016, 07:58 PM
Who died because of him?
One example please.
No. If you ask that question you have no clue about the business.

There are plenty of examples for Hillary.
Absolutely true, but not the point. Because Idi Amin was a scum does not excuse Pol Pot.

Snowden exposed the illegal activities of our government against US.
What they were doing was against the law. What part of that do you not understand.
I understand THAT quite well.

Tell why nothing was done when he blew the whistle, a rhetorical question, because it is like telling the cartels they are breaking the law.
Did he actually try? If he did--which is questionable, then it should have been listened to. But I have heard and seen a lot that says he didn't really try very hard. He WANTED to do what he ultimately did.

What worth is there for a single soldier to die in the false belief that he/she is protecting OUR freedom when the government is actively violating our freedom.
There is no perfectly innocent government, so by your logic you should be a total pacifist. Are you?

What is it that one of those old dudes from our past said. he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
As with so many maxims, it is an incredibly overly simplistic piece of drivel. Nothing is absolute and never will be. Complete Freedom is nothing more than the anarchy of the strongest--or the biggest mob. The only livable, sustainable reality is a mix of the two ideals.

Hell the parents of terrorists tell the government their son is a terrorists and nothing is done. I call it inept and bloated government that is more interested in spying on citize4ns than stopping a terrorist.
What does that have to do with Snowden? You are pissed at the government--obviously--so you excuse anything that strikes at the government.

Free Snowden!
Execute Snowden. Why doesn't he just become a Russian citizen and travel the world--minus the US--on a Russian passport?

I find it disgusting that in the United States of America, that I have to produce my papers in order to travel freely from one place to another. I find it unreasonable that I must be searched in order to travel within my own country. The idea that some forms of travel is a privilege granted by the government is unconstitutional. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So YOU want COMPLETE freedom to fly wherever you want, carrying whatever you want, but if I don't look like what YOU decide "A Good American" looks like, then do I get the same freedom from search and papers? Why should I believe YOU aren't carrying a bomb onto my flight? I bet you look just like McVea.

Your argument is far too simplistic to be of value. The wrongs of Clinton and the missuse of intel systems does not excuse Snowden's murders.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The one thing know is I would bang the hell out of his girlfriend. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
oh yeah, i would definetly bang her. I think she's available.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Who died because of him?
One example please.

There are plenty of examples for Hillary.

Snowden exposed the illegal activities of our government against US.
What they were doing was against the law. What part of that do you not understand.
Tell why nothing was done when he blew the whistle, a rhetorical question, because it is like telling the cartels they are breaking the law.

What worth is there for a single soldier to die in the false belief that he/she is protecting OUR freedom when the government is actively violating our freedom.

What is it that one of those old dudes from our past said. he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

Hell the parents of terrorists tell the government their son is a terrorists and nothing is done. I call it inept and bloated government that is more interested in spying on citize4ns than stopping a terrorist.

Free Snowden!

I find it disgusting that in the United States of America, that I have to produce my papers in order to travel freely from one place to another. I find it unreasonable that I must be searched in order to travel within my own country. The idea that some forms of travel is a privilege granted by the government is unconstitutional. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

If true he is free...... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
snowden is still alive
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one died because of Snowden. Instead we learned of many unconstitutional intrusions on US citizens by a massively corrupt US government. He released information that we have a right to know. He is a hero of the people.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You cannot site a single death as a result of what Snowden did and to state that I do not understand the business is making an assumption that I am less informed than you. You seem to believe that you have some all encompassing knowledge of all of life's consequ3ences yet you can offer no substantial proof.

Hillary is an example of how you show proof.

Well, at least you understand something.

So you confirm that he did try but you believe not very hard. A single time is enough to have made it stop if the government was inclined to do so. I suppose if you are forcing yourself on a woman and she tells you to stop once, that is not enough for you to stop and what happens next is not rape. Once is enough, but according to what I have seen, it was way more than once.

So you accept that the government can violate the law because there are no perfect governments. I do not accept that and you failed to understand the statement. If we ask our sons and daughters to fight for freedom, would we not strive to ensure that we are doing our part to follow the Constitution and our laws? This has nothing to do with pacifism but to the dishonesty of our government.

Some of the best guides for what is right come in very small statements. You fail to understand the founding of this nation, the reasons for its existence and what people have done to attempt to make this a free nation where the rights are held not by the government but by the people.

What does it have to do with Snowden? When a government has become so large and bloated that a single person cannot stop[ the illegal actions of the government something is wrong. Supposedly the reason for the intrusion into our privacy is to provide the sense of security that the government is there to week out the terrorists yet cannot do so when they arre served to them on a silver platter. Epic fail and more of why Snowden was right.

So you believe that when a person exposes their government for criminal activity they should have to renounce their citizenship and be forced into exile. So you think the best way to deal with people that expose illegal activities of our government should be executed. Wow, just wow. That will sure stop the government from violating the laws.

Now we come to the understanding that you believe that your personal safety is more important than my constitutional rights and the rights of every other
American citizen. You would be a terrible soldier. You probably believe like a lot of people do about the skittlez. We need to check every single American that wants to fly but we cannot check the backgrounds of refugees from terrorists infiltrated areas when they come to our shores. Which way do you want it?

Me, I like the Constitution and prefer it to be upheld rather than trampled down. you seem to like to discard it depending on what you THINK will make you feel more secure.
oh yeah, i would definetly bang her. I think she's available.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If that is her client list, you might want to reconsider.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If that is her client list, you might want to reconsider. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
the book she holds is titled "singularity"