You can stay longer if you want

Naomi, I think he was hoping she would offer to let him stay because there was a snow storm outside, and it wasn't safe for him to go home. But she did not offer the bed so he figured she doesn't even care if he dies in a car accident. Hence, she only cared about the money not a human life........

Savior, it's always the same can stay, IF YOU WANT. I would have more respect if they would grow a couple and say: I really want you to stay. To me, saying "IF I WANT" makes me out to be the bad guy.

ACP: you are a true gentleman and more guys should be like you. But their not. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Thank you, Isis, I couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly what I meant.
One more thing for ACP: there are guys out there who feel bad about fooling around on their wives. One guy told me he felt awful about it, but his wife was so boring and dressed like an old lady (she was "only" 44). He just could not stand the boredom anymore. Sad but true.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
I used think saying you can stay a bit longer if you want, or you wanna grab something to eat, wasn't such a big deal. If they say yes, cool, if not, that's cool too. I never really thought of how I was putting them on the spot until i started reading about it in the forums. A while back I was spoiled by a couple of regulars who were very liberal with their time. Sometimes we would hang out for quite a while after, others they had to leave promptly, there never seemed to be much pressure. I also had the extreme opposite, where it was wham bam out the door within 10 minutes of pop regardless of time spent or almost to the minute of agreed time period. Now I know to be more considerate of their time and won't ask for OTC time so carelessly.
He's even more inconsiderate of his wife. I know many clients are married. I am sure providers overlook the fact that many clients are married. I know you have to view it as a buisness transaction. Iam single again after a long marriage. I seek the services of a provider from time to time. The dating scene is not always a target rich environment. I've never asked a provider for anything past our originally set appt. I don't know if I say it's rude, but more presumptuous. I guess it just pisses me off when I hear about married guys seeking escorts. I never played around on my wife. If I ever get married again, I would have no use for the services of an escort or a forum such as this. Originally Posted by acp5762
acp, I would tip my hat to you if I wore one. I agree with you 1000%. I am also divorced and it sickens me when I hear about married guys seeing providers just because their wife or gf won't do this or that and a provider would. If they aren't happy with their marriage, then do the right thing and get a divorce or at least get counseling. Isis is right, more guys should be like you. I consider myself in excellent company now. Thanks.
One more thing for ACP: there are guys out there who feel bad about fooling around on their wives. One guy told me he felt awful about it, but his wife was so boring and dressed like an old lady (she was "only" 44). He just could not stand the boredom anymore. Sad but true. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Obviously he didn't feel too awful about it or he wouldn't have seen you, now would he? He should've fixed what is wrong with his marriage and find out why she was so boring and dressed like an old lady instead of cheating on her and yes, seeing a provider is cheating no matter how you look at it. Maybe he was the reason she was so boring. Often in marriages the excitement goes away and you get in a rut and one or the other strays instead of getting the help they need. Sad but true. How does he know it's not something that can be fixed with hormones or other medications? All I am saying is it's not always the woman's fault she has no or little sex drive. And it's also possible he just wanted you to feel sorry for him so he wouldn't feel so awful.
I missed that part. Damn, I would have let him stay. Yes she didn't care. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks, Naomi, I wish more ladies were like you. And yes, I am a true gentleman and would've respected boundaries during the night. And if she had gotten a last minute call from a client, I would've understood and left the room and slept in my car if need be.
I don't understand all this BS.

This is a business transaction. When he asks you to extend your time, just say, "If you want me to spend more time with you, book more the next time."

That way you're letting him know that any extension costs money, and you need to know the amount of time on the front end, not as you're walking out the door to go home.

And, it is all about the money. Doesn't mean we can't treat each other like human beings. But let's don't kid ourselves. It is all about the money.

I have never asked for would I ever ask for OTC time. I would probably reject any that is offered for two reasons: (1) I only planned a session of x amount of time; and (2) I don't want to feel like I owe her anything, and I would if I got free time.
phatdaty's Avatar
Maybe he was just a nice guy offering some kindness.

Nah, all hobbyist are misogynist at heart.

Carry on.
Maybe he was just a nice guy offering some kindness.

Nah, all hobbyist are misogynist at heart.

Carry on. Originally Posted by phatdaty
I was thinking the same too. Often times people get so defensive and worried about being taken advantage of, they fail to see that somebody is just trying to be a nice person.
Obviously he didn't feel too awful about it or he wouldn't have seen you, now would he? He should've fixed what is wrong with his marriage and find out why she was so boring and dressed like an old lady instead of cheating on her and yes, seeing a provider is cheating no matter how you look at it. Maybe he was the reason she was so boring. Often in marriages the excitement goes away and you get in a rut and one or the other strays instead of getting the help they need. Sad but true. How does he know it's not something that can be fixed with hormones or other medications? All I am saying is it's not always the woman's fault she has no or little sex drive. And it's also possible he just wanted you to feel sorry for him so he wouldn't feel so awful. Originally Posted by hobbyist1

Actually, we discussed this topic. He was ballsy and asked me why I do escorting, I answered his question. But I also told him, I don't do this alone. Why are you seeking out an escort?

He told me that he had a brain tumor on a gland, and it made his sex drive go to nothing. For years the tumor remained, and the sex dried up. They just didn't have sex. Then he got the tumor removed and his sex drive came back full speed, but the wife was all dried up and not interested too much anymore. They were in a rut. So he called me. He admitted he felt bad about cheating on his wife, but he needed some sex. People are only human. He did stop seeing me because he felt bad about the cheating, and I was completely understanding. Then he emailed me back and wanted to see me. I said Oh I thought you were trying to be faithful to your wife and work out your marriage. He said what do you expect me to do I'm a man and my wife is too boring.

I've been told I am alot of fun. To his defense, when he talked about his wife i could see a dreadful look of boredom in his eyes. He was not lying I could see it.
phatdaty's Avatar
I was thinking the same too. Often times people get so defensive and worried about being taken advantage of, they fail to see that somebody is just trying to be a nice person. Originally Posted by Ansley

Wow, pretty and intelligent. I have to get down to Atlanta sometime soon!
Charles Studor, if were too bitchy you will give us bad reviews. You have to walk on egg shells when dealing with a sensitive client. Yes it is bullshit. If I say this is all about money you know he will just say nasty things in the review. Call me ugly and a clock watcher,they will!!
Charles Studor, if were too bitchy you will give us bad reviews. You have to walk on egg shells when dealing with a sensitive client. Yes it is bullshit. If I say this is all about money you know he will just say nasty things in the review. Call me ugly and a clock watcher,they will!! Originally Posted by incognito isis
Not me. I don't do reviews. Plus I almost never have a chance to call the same lady twice. So, if it's a great session, no one will know, not even the lady. The same for the horrible session. In either case, no one knows.
Thanks phatdaddy.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Everyone, what is the best way to respond when your time is up and your getting ready to leave, and the client sais to you: You can stay longer if you want.

I always lie and say I would love to but I take care of my sick mother and she needs her medication.

Recently, someone said to me: you can stay the NIGHT if you want. I don't have the money to pay you, but you can stay and hang out if you want.

Is it wrong of me to think that is soooo rude to put me on the spot like that? Because I think it is damn rude. Originally Posted by incognito isis
We all have different perspectives on life situations, so I see it as neither "wrong" nor "right" for you to consider such a request to be rude.

I have had my share of gents offer the same thing, but it has usually occurred with the patrons with whom I already have a good rapport. I.E. it is understood that I will simply be "crashing" so to speak...perhaps staying for breakfast in bed...but THAT IS IT.

What about clients who ask me what my plans are for the rest of the evening? The appointment is almost over, and the client sais: so what do you have planned for the rest of the night? Again, none of their buisiness.

I don't want to be rude and say, why do you need to know what my plans are? BUT I have said that. They just shrug it off.

How do I handle a client who asks about my personal life? I don't think my personal life is anyones buisiness. Plus, he could be getting clingy and planning on bugging me to date him. What is the best way to handle this? Originally Posted by incognito isis
Oftentimes the gent is just making small talk...I have asked similar questions when wrapping up a dinner engagement and saying goodbyes... He will be walking me to valet and I'll ask, "So, are you going to be playing any more Blackjack tonight or hitting any clubs?" or something like that. I am in no way implying that he should spend more time with me, I am just honestly curious what he'll be doing along with making polite and "safe" chit-chat while walking through the casino.

If you feel he is being nosy, just keep it polite and simple and say, "Oh, I'm going straight home as I have an early morning."

Very personal questions about your life are your choice on whether or not to answer. Nothing wrong with a coy smile and, "I prefer to keep that a secret" or even just gently letting him know you are uncomfortable answering such personal questions.

Orrrrr, just go in for a kiss to end the conversation all together!