sooo Nobodys Worried about p411?

Arverni's Avatar
That is what they always said about the Banks of Switzerland...but they gave up their client list. Originally Posted by disilene

I STARTED a profile on p411 but got cold feet and abandoned it the other day. I'm thinking I'd rather give that information to a reliable, researched, independent provider who doesn't ask for nearly as much info and doesn't have a big huge server connected to Uncle Sam and the world to hack into - or subpoena.

Call it a conspiracy theory, but soon the Gov't won't even need a subpoena to view our digital records...they will simply have to retrieve them from their data center. However, making the data not cross reference-able is the only way in which to slow down the process at which your data is accessible in a form at which you can easily be targeted.

Maintaining a firewall between your online activities and your real life info is not possible. But it is possible to minimize the cross over.
Arverni's Avatar

We live in an age where the government is spending tremendous amounts of money to build shit to tap into any computer in the world. Hell the Taliban and AQ (God Damn their souls) can't catch a decent night's sleep because of Predator drones being flown by CIA video game jockeys who are in a dark room 6,000 miles away.

And I'm supposed to rely on "Gina The Good Witch" of p411 to protect me from this shit?

I think I'll pass!!
I have nothing against Gina. Just don't trust any personal info online, that is connected to the hobby.
Once verified, P411 deletes the personal information of clients. Also, your credit card information is not retained by the credit card processors. Even if P411 could be subpoenaed (which is doubtful), there is nothing to provide in response.

See the "Privacy" information here:
Moving the thread back to where it belongs.

Ladies/Gentlemen, the thread was started by a hoax email with someone with an ax to grind. I am reopening, but let's not let it stray into all kinds of different conspiracy theories.
... let's not let it stray into all kinds of different conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by Stick1969
Wait a second are yall not understanding what it means? Either gina gave out everybodies info to the feds or Somebody has every single members information. Either way, youre screwed!
@thegfegirls: Again, you speak without facts.

The recipients of the hoax email were ECCIE members, some of whom were P411 members. Reports abound of non-P411 clients here on ECCIE receiving the hoax email.

P411's client list (and associated emails) was never compromised. This is from some "leaker" of ECCIE members' email accounts, and a perfect example of why hobbyists should have a hobby email account that is not tied to their RL.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Wait a second are yall not understanding what it means? Either gina gave out everybodies info to the feds or Somebody has every single members information. Either way, youre screwed! Originally Posted by thegfegirls
No... Gina did not give out anything. The company is Canadian. A US Attorney's office in New York has no power or influence in Canada.

People who received this hoax email were members of ECCIE, some who had P411 accounts and many who did not. I got three hoax emails... one to my yahoo account, one to my eccie staff account and on to the general staff account. Two of those did not come from P411.

Someone out there has gathered ECCIE emails (Old and new... because there were some ladies who got the hoax email to an old account that has long been gone) and has been using them to cause trouble.

So, gfegirls, you need to do some research. Right now you are just one of the few who don't get it!


No... Gina did not give out anything. The company is Canadian. A US Attorney's office in New York has no power or influence in Canada.

So, gfegirls, you need to do some research. Right now you are just one of the few who don't get it!


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Thats all well and good, but you acting like theres nothing to worry about when a site such as p411 is breeched is nieve at best and honestly rediculous. So far EVERYONE who says they recieved the email, is, was, or tried to become a P411 customer at one time or another, now you can claim the emails came from elsewhere but nobodys buying that line. As was already said by someone who made up an email JUST for p411 and it was used, means in fact p411 info was stolen and used. Gina first says p411 doesnt collect and save data, and then said the database wasnt breeched, which is it?
Not long ago this same "spoofing" crap occured on another site, and 6 weeks later the feds took control of the site, and arrests were made and are still being made today. Hey if no danger is to folks then say that, but dont bs us and say things that are obviously bs. P411 was breeched and peoples info wether it be emails or whatnot has been compromised, we happen to also have an email only used for p411 and it was emailed the letter, there is no way anyone got it from another site, so stop trying to wag the dog here and draw attention away and just give us the facts.
Oh and BTW, the US attny DOES have jurisdiction over human trafficing in ANY country, so be careful where you learn your legal info. If a single american citizen is the trafficked of the trafficker or patron of, then the US Attny has blanket ability to step in and injunct the site, its owners and any and all patrons.
Thats all well and good, but you acting like theres nothing to worry about when a site such as p411 is breeched is nieve at best and honestly rediculous. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
This is total BS. P411 was not breached.

So far EVERYONE who says they recieved the email, is, was, or tried to become a P411 customer at one time or another, now you can claim the emails came from elsewhere but nobodys buying that line. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
This is a complete lie. There are many who never became P411 members nor ever tried to set up a P411 account who also received this hoax email.

As was already said by someone who made up an email JUST for p411 and it was used, means in fact p411 info was stolen and used. Gina first says p411 doesnt collect and save data, and then said the database wasnt breeched, which is it? Originally Posted by thegfegirls
Gina said that personal information is not kept after verification. You should read the P411 privacy policy which states that only the account ID number and contact email are kept in the P411 database, and that all personal data provided for verification is deleted. You have stated an "either/or" and asked "which is it?" which is not even valid. I could show you both an apple and an orange and then ask you which one is the banana and it would make as much sense as your question.

P411 was breeched and peoples info wether it be emails or whatnot has been compromised Originally Posted by thegfegirls
Repeating a lie does not make it true, yet it does indicate that you have far too much interest in attempting to damage the reputability of the P411 service.

RTM: Since this thread is about a hoax, and since the OP continues to completely misrepresent the circumstances with the obviously singular intent to harm a business entity, it would seem that this bullshit thread should be closed.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
As was already said by someone who made up an email JUST for p411 and it was used, means in fact p411 info was stolen and used. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
I do not see anywhere in this thread were someone said they made up an email JUST for P411 and it was used.

P411 was breeched and peoples info wether it be emails or whatnot has been compromised, we happen to also have an email only used for p411 and it was emailed the letter, there is no way anyone got it from another site, so stop trying to wag the dog here and draw attention away and just give us the facts. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
So you have an email address for P411 but you are not members.

Are the GFE Girls members of P411? Originally Posted by stavinChain
Stavin, no we are not. Originally Posted by thegfegirls

Oh and BTW, the US attny DOES have jurisdiction over human trafficing in ANY country, so be careful where you learn your legal info. If a single american citizen is the trafficked of the trafficker or patron of, then the US Attny has blanket ability to step in and injunct the site, its owners and any and all patrons. Originally Posted by thegfegirls
There are Federal laws dealing with trafficking involving foreign countries that mostly deal with our citizens or legal residents who travel to commit crimes against children. They are prosecuted on return. BUT, it takes the cooperation of the foreign country. I am not saying it is impossible, but I would think P411 would have been prohibited to discuss an ongoing investigation, mostly by Canadian authorities, through whom any US Attorney would need to have assisting them.

All indications are that it was not a breach of P411 but a combination of date gathering mostly involving ECCIE... it was more of an attack on ECCIE than P411.

That being said, you have every right to believe what you want to believe and say what you want to say. The readers will decide what they want to believe... and that is how it should be.

This is total BS. P411 was not breached.

This is a complete lie. There are many who never became P411 members nor ever tried to set up a P411 account who also received this hoax email. Originally Posted by ufriend2912
We said "that SAID they got the email" we havent noticed anyone saying they got it and never had any dealings with P411, calling someone a liar is obviously your goal and not the facts, there may very well be someone who in fact got the email with zero dealings of p411, we simply said we hadnt noticed that, not sure how that woulld be a lie.

Gina said that personal information is not kept after verification. You should read the P411 privacy policy which states that only the account ID number and contact email are kept in the P411 database, and that all personal data provided for verification is deleted. You have stated an "either/or" and asked "which is it?" which is not even valid. I could show you both an apple and an orange and then ask you which one is the banana and it would make as much sense as your question.
Is that not member data? I would call that member data, and from what everyone can see , member data has been released, either by theft or by issue.

Repeating a lie does not make it true, yet it does indicate that you have far too much interest in attempting to damage the reputability of the P411 service.
Damage p411? how can we damage it by having concern for members who are also our clients and whom see our girls? This puts EVERYONE in danger, if there is an issue, p411 should be forthcoming not trying to sweep it under the rug.

: Since this thread is about a hoax, and since the OP continues to completely misrepresent the circumstances with the obviously singular intent to harm a business entity, it would seem that this bullshit thread should be closed.

Are you someone who works for p411? you seem to be stating facts not yet in evidence, I have yet to see a single shred of evidence that this was in fact a hoax, the people mentioned in the email are in fact involved publicly in a nationwide operation of this type, while we havent contacted the prosecutor, we cannot ignore the accuracy of alot of things as of late, from numerous p411 "client busts" in places such as kc and nola, to the site going down for a supposed ddos attack, to the amazing manner in which nobodys actually saying anything, just telling everyone not to worry.
If this was in fact a hoax, who was the perp? What is their beef? has p411 filed charges against them for internet crimes? are the a member here? should other websites be on alert to their deeds? as i said, if all you can do is call us liars and say we are trying to hurt p411, and can offer zero evidence to back up your claims, then maybe you should take this time to go and find said info and inform all of us and then p411 will have no problems, which is obviously what you are hoping the outcome will be. Right?

There are Federal laws dealing with trafficking involving foreign countries that mostly deal with our citizens or legal residents who travel to commit crimes against children. They are prosecuted on return. BUT, it takes the cooperation of the foreign country. I am not saying it is impossible, but I would think P411 would have been prohibited to discuss an ongoing investigation, mostly by Canadian authorities, through whom any US Attorney would need to have assisting them.

All indications are that it was not a breach of P411 but a combination of date gathering mostly involving ECCIE... it was more of an attack on ECCIE than P411.

That being said, you have every right to believe what you want to believe and say what you want to say. The readers will decide what they want to believe... and that is how it should be.

Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
It is called the Mann act..

and 3 yrs ago we began the process of becoming p411 member, however found the amount of personal info asked for was simply too dangerous and did not become sanctioned members. If The Elves arent legit enough for p411 then so be it, but giving anyone in this industry that much information unchecked, is simply retarded , no offense. We were asked to give out the personal info of every Elf, thats simply not going to happen, ever.