POLL: ONE Forum for All or TWO Forums for Indy / Agency Reviews?

  • MrGiz
  • 01-25-2010, 09:51 PM
I am not sure if it applies in this instance (probably so).... but Annie has begun offering referral services to traveling girls who, for whatever reason wish to use her email and phone services. Riley is/was another eXXXcellent example.

Call it whatever you like.... but it provides a pretty good menu for us!

To answer the questions I can already feel coming.... yeah, I would say their reviews should be going into the agency forum.

annie@christophers's Avatar
Giz you are right on... I thought I have ALWAYS said that...and yes gentlemen..WE always change the name(i am not gonna advertise for free!!) I am pretty positive that would make sense... but who knows these days and would it even matter haha.... annie
bodilly's Avatar
Isthat 2 different girls or did she get a tattoo between photo shoots.
CC's also has a reputation for using old pictures of girls that don't even work there anymore.
annie@christophers's Avatar
that should be clear...I also asked about the tat..she went to a prof photog and he advised her to airbrush it off... same girl but (better) pics lol..anyway this is what they provide us with... I dont really see wheree the tummy tat hinders her...SHE is pretty cute.. kinda like when they have before and after man mades.. Agree??
Let's find out where we all stand on the Independent vs. Agency review question. . . .

I will keep this poll open for (3) days, at which time I may post a follow-up poll based on the voting. . . . Originally Posted by SeaDog
Thanks everyone, for participating in this poll. It's pretty clear that the vast majority prefer separate forums for Independents and Agencies.

In fact, only 21% preferred that all reviews be mixed into one forum.

I think there should be ONE listing of the reviews.. Then the top would be the agency/referrall/manager box. I also feel bad for the elves seeing that they will NOW get HALF the exposure/money.. But hell they boxed me in that catogory 7 or 8 years ago... fair to the girls or me NOT. And thats my 2 cents.... annie Originally Posted by annie@christophers
As far as the feeling that it's a disadvantage to be listed in the agency forum:

The last 17 agency reviews have had: 5,170 views.
The last 17 Indy reviews have had: 4,523 views.

The average views PER REVIEW:

Agency: 323

Indy: 266

These numbers are pretty clear that there is no inherent disadvantage to an agency provider as far as actual views of her review.
docdavid49's Avatar
Thanks for the poll SeaDog. Interesting results...