2024 presidential candidates

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The election is rigged. T R U M P can't win.
winn dixie's Avatar
The election is rigged. T R U M P can't win. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Voter confidence in election integrity has never been lower!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The whole thing is rigged. Why even bother participating in it? I'm being serious.
  • Tiny
  • 05-29-2021, 02:15 PM
The whole thing is rigged. Why even bother participating in it? I'm being serious. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
This is why the Democratic Party controls the Senate. Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and for a while Donald Trump were questioning why Georgia voters should go to the polls. The election was rigged, their votes wouldn't be counted. So many Republicans were discouraged from voting, and Democrats won both Georgia runoffs.
bambino's Avatar
This is why the Democratic Party controls the Senate. Originally Posted by Tiny
It’s why they control all 3 branches.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hell-- I'd vote for Tim Scott.. as long as he DIDN'T put Candace Owens on the ticket. If she's on the ticket... I'll likely abstain entirely.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Candace Owens would barely be old enough and lacks experience. Two people of color would be novel but not really workable when the sense you to have something for everyone. Owens also has an English husband. If you insist on a woman...Nikki Haley, Condi Rice, Governor Jenner of California, Tulsi Gabbard (after she switches parties), or Kristie Noem.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Candace Owens would barely be old enough and lacks experience. Two people of color would be novel but not really workable when the sense you to have something for everyone. Owens also has an English husband. If you insist on a woman...Nikki Haley, Condi Rice, Governor Jenner of California, Tulsi Gabbard (after she switches parties), or Kristie Noem. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

That's a lot of my issue with Candace.

1. No experience. Being a pundit (one who seem to change parties when it will garner her fame/views) is not political experience. Yes.. people change, but hers was conveniently tied to a few other things....

2. No real formal education to speak of. She never finished a degree. Now-- the flip side of that is that she did manage to achieve a great deal in marketing without that degree, which tells me she's a smart woman... but when you combine no experience with no education..... its a non-starter for me.

3. She's essentially made a career out of being antagonistic. She's going to have to tone it down and find a voice that doesn't involve constantly stirring the shit pot before I'll take her seriously.

If Owens is gunning for a career in office.. she needs to stick to her original plan and run for a lower office first.

She would literally turn 35 during the campaign if she were on the ticket... she's awfully young and so far has a history of making snap decisions without much thought (speaking of her British husband-- they knew each other for 3 weeks when they got engaged-- and her husbands father is in the House of Lords)

I think the only workable option if you wanted that woman of color would be Condi. I also wouldn't necessarily mind Haley-- though I don't think she'd help the ticket. Jenner is a non-starter... Republicans will never back her enough (hell, many refuse to refer to Jenner as a her). I could see Noem on the ticket, but I wouldn't vote for her. I don't see Tulsi jumping on the ticket... it'll be too soon after any potential party switch for many in the party to support it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is why the Democratic Party controls the Senate. Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and for a while Donald Trump were questioning why Georgia voters should go to the polls. The election was rigged, their votes wouldn't be counted. So many Republicans were discouraged from voting, and Democrats won both Georgia runoffs. Originally Posted by Tiny
But you're assuming that it's not rigged.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why does someone need an education? I seriously don't use my education at all. I spent 7 years cooped up in some garbage state university LOL, and I don't use anything that I studied, and the little bit I remember is slowly fading away in my memory.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why does someone need an education? I seriously don't use my education at all. I spent 7 years cooped up in some garbage state university LOL, and I don't use anything that I studied, and the little bit I remember is slowly fading away in my memory. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Grace Preston's Avatar
Why does someone need an education? I seriously don't use my education at all. I spent 7 years cooped up in some garbage state university LOL, and I don't use anything that I studied, and the little bit I remember is slowly fading away in my memory. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

One doesn't necessarily need an education.. but if they don't have an education, they need to have experience. She has neither.
adav8s28's Avatar
Id vote for that pair. Plus the dims would have their hypocrisy on full display. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I am surprised you don't call them Kenyan like you do Obama. They have just much African genes in their system as he does.
bambino's Avatar
This is why the Democratic Party controls the Senate. Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and for a while Donald Trump were questioning why Georgia voters should go to the polls. The election was rigged, their votes wouldn't be counted. So many Republicans were discouraged from voting, and Democrats won both Georgia runoffs. Originally Posted by Tiny
That’s false. Trump did a rally for the Republican candidates. He drew more people than they could. The same thing happened. They led on election night but lost in the days after. Same cheating formula in the general election.
bambino's Avatar
If it isn’t Trump, it will be Desantis by a mile. The others mentioned don’t Have a chance. The RINO wing of the party is dead. The new Republican Party will only back an America Fist agenda. Nikki Haley is a fraud. Christy Noem is far better as a VP choice.