Response to my NCNS

Leslie Ann! everyone makes mistakes! I have even made a few! As the years go by you will probably make fewer and fewer!

I see you are coming here to etex later this month! you will be very wecome here! Originally Posted by daddyo67

Until she pulls a NCNS on you out there in ETEX...
I just wanted to let everyone know that yes I did NCNS Wheretonow, but it was my birthday weekend and everyone knows that me and tiffany like to party!! I wanted to post the ENTIRE email that was sent to him and not just the part that makes me look like a horrible person!!

Is it really that important that I NCNS for you go write a review about it? I am sorry that but I do not take this as seriously as most do because it is not a "job" for me as some might think of it. Your NCNS review is not going to "hurt" my business as you might hope it will and I do have SEVERAL of my first reviews from Dallas. I just do not work in Dallas as much anymore because I usually take my break when I get to my, what did you call it, "home". I am really offended that you think I am not from Dallas. Actually that is what made me the most mad about the review. I am only a human and I need vacations too. Probably much more than people of other "professions". I was exhausted and I did not feel like doing any appointments the day after I got home to my family. So shoot me. Yes I should have told you but I didnt. thanks for the NCNS review. I will add it to my collection. BTW I AM FROM DALLAS. I never got a message from you after the set appointment date asking anything about missing the appointment. Also, as it was posted, this was my birthday weekend and I did not see anyone this weekend anyways. I was dancing at some of the clubs out here instead. I do not see people that write NCNS reviews about me. Just an FYI.

I just thought everyone should see the whole email that I wrote and be able to make their decisions based off of all of the information!! Thanks and have a great day!!
Originally Posted by Leslie Ann
This has been an OUTSTANDING response Leslie. This one single post has contributed more information about you than all of the reviews you've received thus far.

How's that old saying go? Better to let the world think you an inconsiderate person than to open your mouth and prove them right? Something like that.
No wonder i like Ze and JJ lol I am sure more providers will weigh in
I have had plenty of people NCNS me and I dont really say too much to them. If they call me to set up another time then they set it up and if not then they dont. I really do not make such a big deal about it when people NCNS me. Maybe that is why I am not understanding the big deal about this whole NCNS thing.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
kinda reminds me of talking to a wall!
sixxbach's Avatar
What is funny is seeing the provider response to this. Bash a girl when she is down. This is a provider/hobbyist issue IMHO not a thread to promote oneself by making themselves look good in front of hobbyists....

No wonder i like Ze and JJ lol I am sure more providers will weigh in Originally Posted by Thatdude
Not sure they need to. Ze and Jules pretty much explained it better than any of us guys could, and coming from them rather than us, I think the point should be well made.

Providing is a job. We can argue whether it rises to a professional career, etc., and obviously it has some legal drawbacks for the lady. Unfortunately, attitudes like Leslie Ann has showed here are why some hobbyist look down on some of the ladies. It is why you here comments from guys that the ladies are providing because they could never hold down a real job.

The reality is, I have met Ze, and I bet she would be a valued employee for anyone. I suspect the same of Jules. I know a lot of other ladies would make great employees, but they choose this profession because it gives them some freedom to have a schedule that meets their needs for what ever reasons.

Leslie, I have hired and fired a few people (ok, few hundred) - number one reason I fire people is because they fail to show up for work. Even employees I want/need to fire for performance issues, they usually make it much simpler by missing their scheduled work time. Hopefully, you will eventually realize the issue and make some corrections in your attitude, or you will never find a career that takes care of you at any level you might want.

This could almost be a stickied post, a poster child for how NCNS are viewed by most around here.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
What is funny is seeing the provider response to this. Bash a girl when she is down. This is a provider/hobbyist issue IMHO not a thread to promote oneself by making themselves look good in front of hobbyists....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
what the fuck ever dude, this is called "coed" that means we all are entitled to our opinions. I think she kicked herself more than anything "IMHO"

Have a nice day
I have had plenty of people NCNS me and I dont really say too much to them. If they call me to set up another time then they set it up and if not then they dont. I really do not make such a big deal about it when people NCNS me. Maybe that is why I am not understanding the big deal about this whole NCNS thing. Originally Posted by Leslie Ann

The big deal is, from a hobbyists perspective, it is a waste of time that he could have done something else productive with that time as well as the cost of gas, phone minutes to leave a message, ect. but the biggest factor is the time. From a provider's perspective, it is the same, but a little harsher on her as far as the money goes, and her "prep" time, ect.

Now to top it all off, NCNS follows you in the future, the more NCNS threads you have on you the less guys will want to see you because of your "history" and if you wish to make a living or this is your main source of income, then you "screwed yourself" on a good income from this "business".
I am not going to put the reason why I have this "job"out here but I have had many "regular" jobs and I could use all of them for references in case I wanted a "regular" job. I do not mind being bashed. If they feel the need to do it then by all means go right ahead. It does not matter to me. All of the people commenting on these threads have never met me or even made an attempt to see me before. Also someone had asked earlier how I would feel if someone NCNS me, so I replied. If you do not like my answer then I do not know what to tell you. I have made many friends on this board and every one that has had an appointment with me is a good friend of mine, but we can make an example out of Leslie!! I do not mind!
sixxbach's Avatar
Leslie, it is what it is. Come to Austin, I would see you. I have a thing for blondes. Just make sure you keep the appointment.

No need to put a reason why you do this. Hobbyists and providers ALL have a reason for doing this.

Criticisms with me are never personal with providers, just commentary on BUSINESS practices....

The problem is..the OP has made her mind up..there will be no changing it.. the one thing that is constant in this world.. a girl can be a complete fuck up..there will still be guys willing to see them!! they know they don't give a damn..

NCNS are a big deal to a customer to any business.. this is a business.. most guys here are professionals and although they are trying to "get some"..they expect the ladies to be professionals..

I was saddened I had to cancel my trip to dallas..I immediately that morning jumped on and gave every guy 5+hrs email responses back with understanding from them.. I was worried sick some guys might not get the email/pm and wonder what happened.. I guess girls these days don't care as much..they abuse the "system" which is.. you may ncns, sucker in, or completely shit on 5 guys.. but there will be 5 more somewhere else willing to pay..

go figure
sixxbach's Avatar
kinda reminds me of talking to a wall! Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

You had given your opinion, then you had to put this in there. No need to do that IMO. You were simply being rude when there was no reason to. You already made your point

what the fuck ever dude, this is called "coed" that means we all are entitled to our opinions. I think she kicked herself more than anything "IMHO"

Ok, sure you have an opinion but leave it at, not taking pot shots like the one above.

Have a nice day

Likewise.... Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Just like it was rude of her to ncns that guy not once but twice from what I understand and then give an "oh well" type of response.

If you want a pissing match please go elsewhere.
sixxbach's Avatar
Not looking for a pissing match Jules. I just thought the extra shot was not needed. Hobbyists have enough information now to make any decision on whether to see Leslie....
